It's Me Marley sissy Chocolate bunny wants to tells this story but mes push her outta the ways...shes bossy,so mes gots in first hehe..Chocolate bunny glares at me and hops away and mes hear her mumbles somethings...hmm mes only guess what she says bout me...oh well mes deal with her later :biggrin2:.
Anyways onto the story,
My mummy hads taken in two rat girls...ones name Macey and the other violet...their cage sits on a ones day mes curious and wants to haves a look, so mes jump up and i look and keep lookie and sees nothing,then all of a sudden ones of the rats comes up to the cage and wants to bite my nose..ohh i was mortified and calls out for helps..Chocolate bunny comes to my rescue and laughs at me and tells me to stop being noseys..and the funny looking creature cannot gets me anyways,cause it's in a cage....ugh Chocolate bunny is no helps sometimes...and my mummy just says Marley whats you doin..ugh thats is so helpful for mes..*shakes head*
Another day mes was curious again,and i looks at the cage and see it open,mummy had the rats out for their free me squeeze my butt into the cage...mes felt just like a giant in there,then mes hear mum come in and i look at her with my eyes wide open like SPRUNG,kinda like this guy :shock:just imagine him with bunnies ears hehe....mes funny....mes think mummy was shocked as well,cause alls she could say is Marley whats you doin in there and she giggles and says i'm a little bugga,and then she calls for Jeremy her son to comes and haves a lookie at me..and i thinks to myself..thats just great mummy mes embarrased yous caught me and now you wants to show everybody.