Does Your Hoomin Have Any Other Aminals?

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Mai stoopid hoomin haz dese tings with these big ugly tailz and boogli eyes. Dey is always eskapin dat cage abuv us an den dey run around de top or come in our home and eat our foodz and hayz. Den wen mama comes uphome she gets upset an den she smakz her forehed an grabs dem and puts dem in der huge cage. Dey is so ANNOYING and dey are fatz becuz dey eat mai fudz D:
Our hoomin haz waaaaay too many stinkin' aminals! Dere r 4 stinkin' dogz, 6 stinkin' catz, 2 stinkin' gini pigz, 2 stinkin' mousez, 1 stinkin' chinshilla thing, 2 stinkin' gotes, 3 stinkin' horzez, and a bowl of water with swimmin' tings in it. Hoo wud want ta live in yucky water ALL the timez!? They muz be crazeez! And, yez, they DO all stink! Esept for da swimmin' tings, but, still, dose r crazeez!
My hoomin haz (er.. had)many uffer aminals!

Firsts, there iz this weird wookin' butterscotch-colouredfing that alwayz jumps in mah pen (I think my hoominz sez he iz a kitty kat... named Luke). Then, az if that izn't enuff, he jumps in mah favourite cward boardbox and touches mah lil' bootay with his pawz! Iz like he iz playin' peek-a-booz with me!

Then, there iz this uffer thing my hoominz call a doggie. Hiz name iz Charlie and he iz a Chihuahua X Terrier. But, I do not mind him at all az he iz more scared of me then I am of him, hehe!

Last but not least, are 2 ginni pigs named Skittles and Hamm. I haz not been able to see these fings at all yet. I haz only heard my hoominz talk about them. Oh! Iz 4got to say that they sound awfully funny, tho! Always squeakin' away!

And that iz our little zoo. My hoominz say it's never been thissmall, EVA! Cuz they had 2 fings called Sugar Gliders - which appearently resemble bats (me thinkz they are secwetly alienz in disguise!), but they plopped and went to heavenz last Summer with the hoominz hamsta fing, Gertrude.
My hoomin has tis funny critter called a tortoise. Her name is Delilah. Delilah and I live with the hoomin in her bedroom. I never see Delilah though, she doesnt come out. soetimes I go and sit by her "heat lamps". They is cozy.

My hoomin isnt a very old hoomin. Sometimes, during "skool breaks" we drives to a biiiiggg house with the older hoomins. These are "parents". At the parents house there iz three big dawgs! My hoomin loves the dawgs, but the dawgs dontz love me. So Delilah and I get to be safe in the hoomins room. No dawgs allowed.
She has:

-Australian Cattle Dog - Rodeo
-Cat - Bucky
-Gold Fish - Mr. Bubbles
- Button Quail
-Cortinux Quail
-Lots of mice
-2 Ball pythons
- Pastel Hog Island Boa
-4 love birds
- Some chickens
-Pomeranian - lil bit

I think this is it?
Us hoomin has sooo many other petz. She done has one dog, Oz, for a looong time. He playz wiv us lots. Chases us around the roomz. We stayz in us cage most o the day and then we comes out to play when mum gets home. Theyz dis other cage too. It haves a Max and Mia in it. Maybe they is chinnie chillas? Also they iz nother dog outside. I don't know where dat is cuz I never been there. Dat one is a pitbull. She barks alot and mum yells "Stop Vega". Mum has dis huzban dat playz they gamez all ze time. He haves these thangs that he caws wizzards and tells mum to buy crikets for dem. Sumtimes he haves dese widdle hoomins. Dey is LOUD! Dey ain't here much. But dey gets on us nerves. Mum says she is gettin some more chinnie chillas Saturday.
Well. My family haves 2 dogs, and 3 bunnies.

I do not know why the pug haves to go in my cage and thinks her's. The big dog just lays there look at us all.
Wellz, momma also has Lavi, my houzemate...I down't get to pway wid him much...beswides, he tinks dat I'ma girlz.:X

Momma also has dis ting called a 'snake'. It'z a looong ting wid no armz or legzez! I dwon't understwand! How doez it moves!?:shock: My momma's boifwiend likes to call it a "long bunny"...but he'z not a bunny!! I'm so confoozed!:? He'z fun to look at, doh.:biggrin2:
Hey this is Casper, I am a flemish giant bun. My mommy has these things that can fly, well sometimes mommy twims their wings though. Pebbles is a blue headed Pionus and Basil is a green cheek conure, they make a lot of noise. Then there are the cats, Sunny, Tigger and Moo Moo., and then there are Daphne and Zoe, mommy just brought them home they are flemish giant mixes, I have not formally met them yet. Then there is Maggie Moo, she is the rescue bun of the house, I have played with her a few times, I guess she is all wight.
besides my brother and sister, my momma has a Silky Terrier dog. He used to chase me but ever since the day i kicked him in the face, he runs away from me!
Wendy: I don't know about upstairs, but downstairs with us there's two chickens, three HUGE fish, a frog, and a newt!

Brindam: Yeah, and I'm stuck next to one of the chickens - talk about stinky, bleh!
My mom keeps a tyger in her room to gard me. He does a really gud job, he sits and sleeps by my cage to make sure that no one bugs me. He says he would like to be friends but I think he is too scary.

She also has fowr big monsters that she sits on and rides around. They arent too bad because they like hay too, but I'm not sharing any of mine!
my hoomin haz doz dawgie thingz!!!
i dont like eet when she bringz them to my rewm ):!
they are tew big!

Me hoomin haz 2 small fingz...i fink theyre katz or sumfin..never seez them tho..wheww!! And, shez haz 1 small fing, too..shez callz it sumfin like...a chi..wellz its call a dawg. And, 2 other fingz that make a LOTZ of noize..sounds like theyre singing or screaming or sumfin. Shez callz them birdz, I fink!
My hoomin haz a two loud annoying tings, they are alwayz barkin and sniffin me. Once when I wuz playin outside in da yard one of da stinkin hoomans let it out! It chased me! I dun like dese 'dawgs' so much.
Mum haz sooo many aminals!
She has mousies. Dey squeek all night wen I twy N sleepz.
She haz other mous things too.. But they're bigger! They
make so much nois bouncing around ther cage at night.. Mum wishes they were quiter like me!
And mum has these cats.. One hits me sometimes and tries to play with the mousies too.. But he's very gentle. the other ones not allowed round me no more though cuz he hit me really hard one day when he snuck in da room.. He also broke the mouse cage opened! D:<!
Mum had another bunny a few months ago too.. But she was taken away because she kept attakin me when I was just in my cage sleeping and she was out hoppin in ma room. I'm glad she gone, my face duznt hurt anymore.

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