Does anyone else get scared when they mate their doe and buck?
Scared of the outcome? Scared of fights? Scared incase something happens to the doe? Just generally scared?
My buns are pets and I am sitting here watching Sandy and Sky mate, andI'm so scared I just want to cry. I have had so much go wrong in thepast with pregnancies, labour, after effects. I can't have it happenagain, yet there is something inside me (I know what it is, it's grief)that tells me I have to mate Sky with anyone and everyone because Ineed to carry on his gene pool.
Scared of the outcome? Scared of fights? Scared incase something happens to the doe? Just generally scared?
My buns are pets and I am sitting here watching Sandy and Sky mate, andI'm so scared I just want to cry. I have had so much go wrong in thepast with pregnancies, labour, after effects. I can't have it happenagain, yet there is something inside me (I know what it is, it's grief)that tells me I have to mate Sky with anyone and everyone because Ineed to carry on his gene pool.