Hi Peg,
Thanks for replying. You posted as I was replying to Polly
I wouldn't mind someone being critical about me and what I do because Iknow that I have not really done anything majorly wrong, and if I had,then someone being critical and questioning it, can make a lot of gooddifferences, so don't ever worry about that.
There is nothing super special about Sky other than he is a HUGEcharacter, a loving caring bunny and I would to put those super genesof his to good use. lol, if he ever won BOB or anything else it wouldhave been one shocker of a show, lol.
Yes, the breeder I got her from is excellent, and has helped me a lot.we have kept buns for 19 years, bred a bit, very successfully for thefirst few years and then did nothing for ages, just bought new buns. Soyes, we are not that experienced, hopefully that will change though.
lol, don't worry about rambling, I am an expert at that too, lol. I just appreciate the time you have taken to reply
I'm glad that the rabbits helped you out of your depression, they havea wonderful healing quality like that. I don't really want to say toomuch but depression is only one of a host of mental health problemsthat I have, and yes, rabbits are great at helping to fight against allthat stuff.
I'm glad that you questioned me, because that shows an intelligentperson who questions. lol, it was probably more of an 'interview' likeyou said. I suspect that had you not thought I was 'good enough' tobreed bunnies, or didn't treat them properly, or whatever, you wouldprobably have said and tried to discourage me, or else pumped me withinfo, lol.
Questioning helps both the poster and the thread starter, so I'm gladyou did, and if you, or anyone else, ever wants to question again, thenI will answer
Thanks for the time you took to reply, and I'm glad that you can understand what I am doing, and why
I will keep everyone uptodate, probably via my blog, and maybe a postif something amazing happens and the kits and Sandy live
I mated her the 4th, so 28 days from that will be 1st June. In myexperience with nethies it tends to happen the 31st? So maybe the 4thJune? But I am not sure if that is actually the correct gestation ofnethies. Lots of research has told me different things, so that date ismerely from experience.
Thanks again