:hug:Your family in England is good Carolyn thanks.
Daisy - Back to normal eating all her food, hay and drinkingplenty. I think I caught it just in time. She is enjoying her time outin the shade at the moment. Its very warm and stuffy today.
Snowy - This little man is being a pain just recently with hisspraying. He has never done it before up until recently. I wouldn'tmind but it goes really far. He has stopped using his corner and nowand thinks its great to spray it out of the cage. Alyssa was reallyupset recently, we have a soap in the UK called Coronation Street andsomeone on it had a white rabbit. Alyssa got really excited as it wasjust like her Snowy. The thing is the day after, the rabbit died andthe neighbour got it stuffed. This really upset her and she is nowconvinced her rabbit is going to die
Buster - He is getting a new cage and is looking forward tospending his summer outside. He has a thing at the moment for chasingfeet when he comes out. We are planning to get him fixed shortly in thehope that he can play outside with Daisy.
The Girls - Keira is such a delightful baby. She is sleeping allthe way through now. We are getting lots of smiles from her. She nowweighs 8lb so has put 1lb4oz on in 4 weeks. There is already a bondgrowing between the three of them, its lovely.
Caitlyn had a brilliant 1st birthday, all her family came round and wehad a party and a lovely meal the day after :balloons:. MyMum took some photos, we just need to get them onto CD so I can putthem on the computer. She got so many toys. You can't move in our housenow for all the toys they have

. She still hasn't got any teeth. Iwas quite concerned and mentioned it to the dentist, but he said thatit was fine. I'm scared she'll never get them. She still isn't walkingbut shes getting there.
Alyssa is going to be spending the day at school in a couple of weeks.Its an open day for her to meet her teacher and her class mates. Ican't believe my baby is starting school in September. I'll be holdingon to her and not letting go. This will be me walking home from takingher - :sad:.
I am actually having a night out tonight with Ryan, we are going to seethe new Star Wars film. Its not really my cup of tea, but RyansaidI need a break for a couple of hours. My Mum will behaving the girlsfor a bit, no doubt I will be worrying allthe way through about Keira. She hasn't left my sight since she hasbeen born. I suppose she has to eventually.
I told Lyssie that I was just talkingon the Rabbitforumon the computer and she said "Tell Carolyn that you aregoing now and I am going on Dora the Explorer." I am considering myselfsummoned. SoI better go:apollo:.