DaisyNBuster's Scrapbook

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You have such a beautiful family bothbunny and human.I can't ever how much the girls have grown.Carolyn's right, where does the time go. I would pick a favoritepicture but I can't, I love them all.

Hopefully your baby girl will hold off until after the move. Iknow it's easier said than done but try and take it easy.

Tina, unfortunately the move has been put back aswe have not managed to find anything. We figured that it may be best toleave it until the baby is a couple of months old as she will be inwith us at the beginning anyway, so the lack of bedroom space wont bean issue at first. I don't think I could actually org anise myself intomoving before anyway. I maybe being fussy but I want something that thefamily can call a home. After three years without a garden (just ayard)we are looking for a house with a front and back gardenso all three girls can play happily without me fearing that they willcome to any harm.

I think just before you left the board for that time Caitlyn was only a couple of weeks old wasn't she?

I've probably said so before but its great to have anvalued"old timer" (not meaning that as you being very oldlol) back with us. Imissed you and Apollo while you was gone.


You're not kidding, Vickie, when you talk aboutthe old timers. Always miss you when you're busy having babies andrecovering from the delivery. Your friendship, and those of a fewothers that know who they are mean the world to me.

Now, just look at those two beautiful girls, Caitlyn and Alyssa. Makesure Alyssa sees the post with all the kid's names on it that I did forthem. I added a couple of links that she'll get a kick out of.


Carolyn wrote:
Always miss you when you're busy having babies andrecovering from the delivery.
Now now Carolyn your making me feel like a rabbit LMAO :D:D.

I haven't looked on that thread recently, the last one that Alyssa sawwas the rocking easter rabbit that Buck found. If more has been added Iwill get her to look tomorrow when she gets up. Its funny whenever Ishow her those link that you post, she feels really pleased knowingthat she has got "mail" from you. It really makes her happy, as I betit does all the other children on the board. Thank you for thinkingabout them and making them feel part of the board. Alyssa maybe threebut she loves looking at all the pictures of everyones rabbits on here.She always laughs when I show her Sebastian's new poses. She loves thelatest one of him inthe high chair.




I've actually wondered if you and Ryan are rabbits that can type.:shock: You've been pregnant longer than you've been not-pregnant onthis board.

As Tina said, your family is absolutely beautiful.

Please make sure Ryan knows to tell us when you have your baby girl. Ithink about you every day and wonder how you're doing. I know thisfinal stretch is the worse. Hang in there, Chicky! It won't be long now.



Vickie, great memory. Caitlyn was so small.Seeing the girls' pictures makes me feel a bit old lol. They grow sofast. I can't believe Jeremy is going to be 11 years old soon. Now Ifeel old lol.

I'm glad you put off the move. I was worried about you. Having a childis hard enough but moving too, big time stress. I'm sure you will findjust what you are looking for. I will say little prayer.

Thank you for your kind words. You helped brighten a tough day. You and your family are like rays of Sunshine.

Does your baby girl have a name picked out?

Here are the two latest ones of Caitlyn. Sadly I still have no cooperative bunnies.

Every single one I have tried to get turns out blurred through the constant moving.

So heres Caitlyn:



Smother her with kisses and hugs from me, Vickie.

I adore this baby girl. She's such a little doll.

No apology necessary for not posting the bunny pictures, as long as we can see Caitlyn and Alyssa, we're good.


Oh my! This threadalways makes me so happy! I miss the "baby days" so much! When is thenew baby due?

I'm soexcited! More baby pictures tocome!


Oh Vickie, She is an absoluteDollBaby. Bothof the girls are Gorgeous. I was going to pick a favorite picture butjust couldn't do it,every one of them is my favorite. Sorrythe bunnies won't pose for you but with pictures like these...not aproblem.

Thanks for the compliments girls. LOL I always feels so proud when people say that they are cute.

Raspberry technically the baby is due in about 5-4 weeks now, but Ihave to have another scan in two weeks and really take it from there.She maybe making an early entrance into the world. The midwife said hersize was spot on if not a little big for my dates, its just her stomachthat is quite underdeveloped so we will have to see what they say nexttime.

Time is ticking away and I still haven't thought of any names. I'mlooking on the net, but all the ones that I like Ryan doesn't and viceversa. Just as long as she isn't like Caitlyn was, un-named for about aweek ;). I'm completely open to any names at the moment.

I felt so sorry for the little angel though. I have never had a scanbefore so late on and the poor girl was so squashed, you could bearlysee her. Her knees where right up to her chin. So when I am complainingabout being uncomfortable I can just imagine she is thinking the samething.

Oh I'm so excited now. I can't wait!!

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers,Vickie. Please keep me posted on how you're doing.I think about you and pray for you many times throughout the day.

Much Love,
Carolyn wrote:
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, Vickie.Please keep me posted on how you're doing. I think about youand pray for you many times throughout the day.

Much Love,
Your a true friend Carolyn. I knew I could count on you to be praying for me. I really appreciate your friendship!


Okay, SLG is veryworried about the baby not having a name! :shock:Here aresome names from girls at her school and somenames that we'veheard around here. A place to start anyway! :)








Sebastian's Little Girl and RaspberrySwirl
I'm just popping on to let you all know that Keira was born on 27th April. She is a beautiful baby girl and weighed in at 6lb12.

Everyone is doing fine. Alyssa loves beingMum to her andgives her lots of love and cuddles. Caitlyn gets very confused when shecries and is constantly trying to touch her.

The buns are great. After having the runs and an eye infection Snowy isdoing very well and is back to normal. I was quite worried about himfor a time buthe's better than ever now.

I don't think I will be around very muchfrom now on. I willbe just checking in when I can. I never realised 3 would be so muchwork. I am in such demand now, its a good job Ryan is off for anotherweek.I've missed you all loads, but I am sure that once Ihave some sort of routine set up I will be back.

Hope you are all well. I will leave you with this photo of Keira(notice how much like Caitlyn she is). I will post more when I get achance.




Vickie, she isbeautiful! I was wondering when we'd hear from youabout that little angel and when she would arrive! I'm so gladeverything is okay! Totally understand about you not beingable to be around much. You will have your hands full for a while! Whata lucky mom you are! Thanks so much for letting us know. Please keep usupdated on things every now and again!


She'sbeautiful. What a gorgeous girl she is. She looks like an Angel.Keirais a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

Congratualtions to you and Ryan. Alyssa is anAwesomeBig Sister. Poor Caitlyn gets confused Bless herheart. You have such an Amazing family Vicky.

I've missed you Hun. I am glad all is well with you. Try andget as much sleep as you can. You come back whenever you can.

foryou all.


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