cutting Nails

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Can you maybe just take off the tips? Or maybe take her to a vet and ask them to do it?

Sometimes having two people can make it easier too. Most important though, is to be relaxed yourself because if you are stressed yoiur buns will pick up on that.
Having a nail trim at the vet isn't expensive at all. The vet tech is usually really good about showing you how to do it yourself. It's really not too aweful. I clipped 4 bunnies today and only bled once.

Do you use human nail clippers or scissors?
Or are there special trimmers?

We use the same clippers. Take your baby to the vet and ask them to show you how. That's how we learned. Keep some styptic powder nearby just in case. Picked it up at petsmart. The biggest thing is if you can have someone hold the furbaby while you do the cutting--so much easier.
Thanks folks.
Both rabbits have dark nails and so cannot see the blood vessels.

They are a littls scratchy.
I am going to take them to the vet in the next week and get them vaccinated and discuss neutering.
I usually keep my rabbits' nails trimmed with just a nail file- no sharp edges that way.;) If they need to be actually clipped I usually just use cat nail clippers then file.
Also once you get some practice to start to get a feel for where the quick will be. It definitely helps to have someone either hold the bun while you clip, or clip while you hold the bun. If the bunny is very resistant to being held, you may try letting the bunny sit on the floor while you hold her against your leg while kneeling and try to pick up each foot one at a time and clip that way. You have to snuggle them pretty close though to keep them from running off.

I use cat nail clippers.
my rexes have dark nails and i use my husband's head torch - just strap it around your head and it has a white light that lets me see what im doing:rollseyes. would echo other posts about having someone at your vets show you how. you'll soon get the hang of it.
I definitely recommend purchasing a pair of those specialized nail trimmers by Super Pet. There will come a time when human nail clippers won't cut it anymore (pun intended). Especially the back nails, they become too thick for a human clipper to easily trim.
Baby nails are hard because they're so tiny, and the nails are so scratchy! I like to hold them like a football in the crook of my left arm with my left hand under the chest and trim with my right hand. Works better with bigger bunnies, but it will work with babies too. It will help to have someone hold a flashlight for you, and have styptic powder, flour, or cornstarch nearby as mentioned. Cat clippers are the best. I trim a lot of bunny nails (and guinea pig) at the shelter.
Videos about clipping rabbit nails


Happi Bun wrote:
I definitely recommend purchasing a pair of those specialized nail trimmers by Super Pet. There will come a time when human nail clippers won't cut it anymore (pun intended). Especially the back nails, they become too thick for a human clipper to easily trim.

Nail color does not determine thickness, but either way, the reason human clippers won't work is because of the shape of the nail. Humans have very thin, flat nails, so we use flat nail clippers. On the other hand, rabbits have cylindrical nails. So it would only make sense that flat clippers wouldn't cut them. If they are sharp, flat clippers may cut through the nail, but it squeezes the quick and causes the rabbit discomfort. Plus, it can cause cracking and splintering of the nail.

I definitely reccommend a round cutter. Cutters made for dogs and cats work perfectly, and some pet stores even sell rabbit-specific clippers. I'd suggest NOT using the guillotine (sp?) type clippers because I have found that I have a difficult time guesstimating where the blade will hit the nail. I prefer regular scissor-type clippers and have much more success with these. I think they are most common for cat nails and you can find them for under $5 at Walmart and most pet stores.
I never said nail color determines thickness, I think you misread where I said back nails for black. Rabbit's nails are too thick for ones designed for humans to work easily is what I stated. ;)

Also, I mentioned what I did because I know some people prefer human nail cutters when the rabbit is young and it's nails are still thin. However, for the reasons you stated, human cutters are just no good.