Craisins are Da Bomb!

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Gave Craisins to mygirls for the first time last night. OMG!

It's BUNNY CRACK!!! That's exactly what it is! Not Craisins - CRACK!

They lost their little bunny minds!

They may need rehab before this is over.


Bramble Briar86 wrote:
I'm thinkin' i have to get me some of those:D! where arethey found in stores? like what section?

I get mine at the Farmer's Market down the street from us, but youshould be able to find them in the food stores in the same section thatyou would find raisins.

:~) Jim
Ok, I have to admit something:

I am addicted to craisins! I might be worst than yourbunnies! haha...seriously though, I ran through a bag mightyquick!

My dog is addicted to craisins too. :?

Do you know what it's like to open a cupboard and get a bag of craisins out and a dog and bunny go bonkers? :shock:
Well I went out today and bought not one but tobag things of craisins. I bought he regular and the cherry. I am sodisappointed. Apollo could care less. I'm going to keep trying for awhile and see what happens.

Now I could sit and eat the whole bag. These things are awesome. My name is Tina and I am addicted to Cherry Craisons. lol

Here's Snuggy doing the Craisin dance:



Awww!! Snuggy is too cute! Ibought a bag of craisins for Wrigley and before he could even have onemy family ate them all! :shock:

I'll have to hide them next time!

I am so glad I am not the only one lol.In a little over three days both bags were gone. I was on here typingwith one hand and popping craisins with the other.

Apollo does not like them. But I do

My buns are addicted to Fruity Clouds, i'veactually tried them before, i figured, "What they hey? if they're forherbivours, what's in them that's so bad?"

I've got to tell ya, i know why my animals are addicted to them, **giggles** they're good!

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
My buns are addicted to Fruity Clouds, i've actually triedthem before, i figured, "What they hey? if they're for herbivours,what's in them that's so bad?"

I've got to tell ya, i know why my animals are addicted to them, **giggles** they're good!

That's cute. My son tastes everything before we can give it Apollo.

I'm going to have to look up Fruity Clouds I've never heard ofit.That good huh;)i just might have to try 'em. Ohh I uhhmeant for Apollo;)



i haven't ever tried crasins for myself or my bunnies--i mean mybunnies or myself---but i think i will have to the way some of you raveabout them! :)
dajeti2 wrote:
I am so glad I am not the only one lol. In a littleover three days both bags were gone. I was on here typing with one handand popping craisins with the other.

Apollo does not like them. But I do


I LOVE craisins! I don't know if poor Wrigley likes them He is usually kind of picky about food.

dajeti2 wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
My bunsare addicted to Fruity Clouds, i've actually tried them before, ifigured, "What they hey? if they're for herbivours, what's in themthat's so bad?"

I've got to tell ya, i know why my animals are addicted to them, **giggles** they're good!

That's cute. My son tastes everything before we can give it Apollo.

I'm going to have to look up Fruity Clouds I've never heard ofit.That good huh;)i just might have to try 'em. Ohh I uhh meantfor Apollo;)


Yeah, Fruity Clouds are ggggrreat! I got them at Wal Mart, they LOVEthem! This bag i got recently had another "different" type of "cloud"in them.....probably some sort of treat mix-up...but the normal kind isreally good...You're a nut:p(pssst, they REALLY are good)lol


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