Craisins are Da Bomb!

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how the heck do you buy craisins and they last 6months?? hehe i cant keep myself out of them lol!! my buns love themthough.. mr licks loves any treat food.. just looks like he'll die ifyou dont give him something! he puts his paws up on the separater gatein our office and 'dances' for us to come give him treats!
Don't you love that pitiful dance,spiced? Bober does that too only on his cage walls.....sticks his nose through and acts like he's starving to death (with afull hay rack and having just had pellets or romaine).......
Carolyn wrote:
You're damn right they do, Bo.

* * * * *

You People are Nuts!

I'm not getting them again.

Tummy hurts.....I can sooo see your face when you saythat! I can hear you

"I'm not getting them again."Soserious. Tummy is killing me!Tears... Raspberry
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Don't you love that pitiful dance, spiced? Boberdoes that too only on his cage walls..... sticks his nose through andacts like he's starving to death (with a full hay rack and having justhad pellets or romaine).......
Gladto hear it is not just my buns. I thought maybe I was underfeeding them. I give them a little bit of cheerios/ricekrispies in the morning with a few raisons and they act like they havenot eaten in a week.Then in the eveningwhen they get thier pellets they are tromping all over each other toget to the food first. They often spill thier pellets andhave them "floating" around the cage so they are available all the timebut they still act starved. It'spathetic!!
I've noticed thatsince I changed pellets over to the Purina brand a few weeks ago,Sebastian is sooooo much more interested in dinner time! I always shakethe cup of pellets when I come and say "Are you a hungrybunny?"He goes nuts! He whizzes all around his cage, when/ifhe stops he's pushing his nose through the cage and then when I get thedoor open he is all over me, pushing his nose in the cup while I try toget it poured into the bowl! Now, I will admit, in the morning everybit of oatmeal is gone and if any bird treat has been put in, it isgone too. The pellets are the last to go. But he was never like thiswith the brand I had before.

You would think Mochaand Spice (mainlyMocha) are starved the way they eat! I go out in the mornings and Mochastarts acting like a kid on caffeine. He bounces around that cage,moves so fast and much that you can't keep track of where he is!

Then when I go to pour food in his bowl, he puts his head in the dishbefore I can even pour it in and I dare not take the bowl out of hiscage. :shock:Well in the end I have to pour it on htop hishead so it slides down into the bowl, lol. He doesn't seem to mind!
Between the bunnies and the cats, with the noise they make in the mornings, you'd think I never fed them :shock:

Here's how it usually goes. . .

*alarm goes off*

Cats: Woo-hoo! Breakfast! [this is expressed through painfully loudmeows, and three sets of feet running over my prostrate body]

Me: *mumble incoherantly*

Cats: Breakfast! NOW!

I stumbled out of bed, grab a can of food, as they all swarm around myfeet, meowing, grabbing my leg, trying to jump up on the counter. ThenI put the plate down and they swarm it. 9 oz usually gone in . . .10minutes.

Meanwhile, in my room, the bunnies are *literally* bouncing off thewalls of their cage, throwing toys, jangling their bell, and grabbingthe cage door and shaking it for all it's worth. I shuffle back into myroom, open their door, they leap out and race me to the cabinet. I grabthe food, careful to avoid Rex making ever tightening circles around myfeet, and then they race me back to the cage. I grab the fooddish, give them their pellets and a little bit of oats, then hold themback with one arm while I set the dish in the cage with the other.

*whew* :shock: And that's only the first few minutes of a half-hour or so daily routine ;)
m.e. wrote:
Between the bunnies and the cats, with the noise they make inthe mornings, you'd think I never fed them :shock:

Here's how it usually goes. . .

*alarm goes off*

Cats: Woo-hoo! Breakfast! [this is expressed through painfully loudmeows, and three sets of feet running over my prostrate body]

Me: *mumble incoherantly*

Cats: Breakfast! NOW!

I stumbled out of bed, grab a can of food, as they all swarm around myfeet, meowing, grabbing my leg, trying to jump up on the counter. ThenI put the plate down and they swarm it. 9 oz usually gone in . . .10minutes.

Meanwhile, in my room, the bunnies are *literally* bouncing off thewalls of their cage, throwing toys, jangling their bell, and grabbingthe cage door and shaking it for all it's worth. I shuffle back into myroom, open their door, they leap out and race me to the cabinet. I grabthe food, careful to avoid Rex making ever tightening circles around myfeet, and then they race me back to the cage. I grab the fooddish, give them their pellets and a little bit of oats, then hold themback with one arm while I set the dish in the cage with the other.

*whew* :shock: And that's only the first few minutes of a half-hour or so daily routine ;)

LOL, so cute.
Yes, Cinnamon is like that notwith his food, but with his veggie dish. Every morning I givethe birds and Cinnamon a separate dish of fruits and veggies.Cinnamon's dish consists of spinach leaves, broccoli crowns, greenbeans and a small amount of carrots. Anyway, he will dart to his cagefrom wherever he may be when he sees me walk to his cage.He'll leap in and look for the bowl. If I haven't put it inthere, he'll hop out and go about his business, keeping one eye on meat all times until I come back with his veggie dish. Once Iput it in his cage, he devours it in a matter of minutes.He's so funny:p
hahaha I hear you Stephanie, anytimeIam near the cupboard of "stuffs" human or otherwise I have sharks,literally swimming round my feet! What a sight!

Fantastic thread, gave me a good chuckle for the day~thank you all

Just bought craisens for Cosmo...he took one inhis mouth and then spit them back out at me! So much forbunnies loving craisens, eh? haha...I've tried giving him ataste of some other kind of fruits before and he wouldn't even touchthem....picky bunny

I've found that not even half of the bunnies at the shelter actually like Craisins. It's kind of a toss up :?
I haven't opened our Craisins yet. Ihaveboth strawberry and cherry favors. My wife isalways giving Pebbles treats, soIdon'tgeta chance to. However everything we give her, shethinks it's a treat, crazy spoiledrabbit.

Meganc731 wrote:
Ijust saw this post, so I'm late as usual :?I wonder if thebun's would like Craisin's if they weren't sweetened? Anyway here's alink for dehydrated unsulphered unsweetend cranberriesCranberries- Dried - Unsulphured - Unsweetened

I get my craisins at the farmer's market down the street from us. There's no additives at all...not even sugar.

We have 6 bunnies and only Moo Shu actually refuses them all the time.MooShu gets two raisins, while the others get one of each. Our newbunnie, Binkie didn't like them at first, but now she inhales them.

:~) Jim
We give our buns 1 or 2 a day. Maybe 3 if they make reeealy cute bunnie faces.

They also get greens, a small slice of banana, 1or 2 raisins,and a 1/2 teaspoon of oats once a day.

Unlimited timothy hay and limited pellets are their regular diet.

Surprisingly they have all lost weight and look really good. Cleaner, less shedding, soft and shiny coats.
Craisins are a very popular treat here too...however I dont get them often because I am one to gobble them downmyself, and I have alergies to sulfites and sulfates. I dontremember if the craisins have them in there, but I dont like to takechances with dried fruit.

I think the buns prefer cheerios over here in camelot, but Guin will still dance for a craisin =)

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