Between the bunnies and the cats, with the noise they make inthe mornings, you'd think I
never fed them :shock:
Here's how it usually goes. . .
*alarm goes off*
Cats: Woo-hoo! Breakfast! [this is expressed through painfully loudmeows, and three sets of feet running over my prostrate body]
Me: *mumble incoherantly*
Cats: Breakfast! NOW!
I stumbled out of bed, grab a can of food, as they all swarm around myfeet, meowing, grabbing my leg, trying to jump up on the counter. ThenI put the plate down and they swarm it. 9 oz usually gone in . . .10minutes.
Meanwhile, in my room, the bunnies are *literally* bouncing off thewalls of their cage, throwing toys, jangling their bell, and grabbingthe cage door and shaking it for all it's worth. I shuffle back into myroom, open their door, they leap out and race me to the cabinet. I grabthe food, careful to avoid Rex making ever tightening circles around myfeet, and then they race me
back to the cage. I grab the fooddish, give them their pellets and a little bit of oats, then hold themback with one arm while I set the dish in the cage with the other.
*whew* :shock: And that's only the first few minutes of a half-hour or so daily routine