Craisins are Da Bomb!

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AnnaS wrote:
Iactually always thought craisins were raisins, you know made out ofgrapes. Is it ok to give a bunny raisins?
I give my buns raisins and they love them.
Raisins are fine (in moderation) for rabbits, but did you know they're toxic to dogs? :shock:
I didn't know that m.e.!

And yes, raisins and craisins - along with any treat - should only begiven in moderation. Otherwise we'd have a country of tubby bunnieslaying around. I say laying because by then they'd be too chubby tomove. :p
I didn't know raisins were toxic to dogs-thanksfor the info. I have 3 dogs who will eat anything if theythink the buns might get it.

Yes chocolate is toxic for dogs also and so is Onions (raw anyway don'tknow about cooked) and I think the vet said garlic is also.

A little off topic but if your dog injests something they shouldn't youcan make them vomit by giving them a very little bit ofperoxide.
Wow, I learned something new herealready. Craisins, huh? Will have to go buy somethis weekend for Cinnamon. Question for all of youexperts: What is a moderate amount? I have 3 birds(by the way, chocolate is toxic to birds as well) and give them a treatevery night when I come home. Would love to give Cinnamonsome craisins as a treat. Do you think 2-3 a night isok??

Thanks! --Robin--
If you have birds you might be interested tolearn that most of our buns love ZuPreem AvianBreeder FruitBlend FlavorDiet as a form of treat. I feed them the large size fruitshaped and tasting nuggets. So much fun to hear themcrunching away at it.

It is an occasional treat and much less expensive at $1.59 per poundthan many other rabbit specific treats. Figured if it ishealthy for a bird, can't be too dangerous to a bunny once in awhile. Ingredients seemed fairly good as far as I could tell. if your interested.

Bakers chocolate is toxic to dogs. Regularchocolate will give them an upset tummy and the runs but will not killthem unless they eat an extrodinary amount. This is from my vet who hadhis own medium sized dog ingest about 2lbs of chocolate and come out ofit just fine. Just wanted to make sure that the difference wasunderstood. Not saying you should feed your animal chocolate but it isnot a life threatening thing to ingest. Onions on the other hand arealthough I don't know about cooked.

Fergi's mom
Okay Stephanie andm.e., on to planB.... -I guess we will have TWO contests! A grey bunny and a black bunny! Ofcourse, if m.e. is planning on coming anyway, she can jump right inhere and help me out by providing some incentive for Stephanie!:X

Buck Jones wrote:
If you have birds you might be interested to learn that mostof our buns love ZuPreem AvianBreeder FruitBlend Flavor Diet as a formof treat. I feed them the large size fruit shaped and tastingnuggets. So much fun to hear them crunching away at it.

It is an occasional treat and much less expensive at $1.59 per poundthan many other rabbit specific treats. Figured if it ishealthy for a bird, can't be too dangerous to a bunny once in awhile. Ingredients seemed fairly good as far as I could tell. if your interested.

Funny you should say that, Buck, because when Ilet Cinnamon and the birds out of their cages when I get home, Cinnamonwill start eating bird tidbits from the floor, which is theirfood. I do feed my birds ZuPreem, so that is what he nibbleson. As far as the craisins, do you think 2 or 3 a night isexcessive??
I don't know whatsome folks call excessive...I know Sebastian was getting that many fora long time and didn't have any health problems or get fat, but he isstill young. He is just now 10 months old. I don't give him craisinsevery day anymore, but when I do, I give him several at a time. I guessyou just have to use your own judgment. Everyone knows their bunny bestI suppose, as far as their metabolism, weight, diet and such...I don'thave any better answer. Maybea Bunny Guru will!:p

Thanks, Raspberry. Ithink I'll give him 1 or 2 around dinnertime and see how thatgoes. It may not be an every night thing, but I think thathe'll enjoy them. He's pretty active, just a youngster himself (9months old). I'll let you know.
I have gotten both all natural dried cranberriesat Wild Oats, and the Craisens. There doesn't seem to be muchdifference in the two. Bo devours both kinds LOL!

My dad has a dehydrator, I've asked to borrow it from him and he's saidcome and get it anytime! I'd give him some of the fruit too,he can have that better with diabetes.... instead of the sugary stuff.

Raisins toxic to dogs! !?!?! :shock:My sister's dog eats them all the time!!!!!!!

My dog (sister's dog and her are sisters) loves craisins....

The Look in my rabbits' eyes when I open the Craisins f r e a k s me Out! :shock:

I'll never get another bag!

Carolyn wrote:
The Look in my rabbits' eyes when I open the Craisins f r e a k s me Out! :shock:

I'll never get another bag!

Like they are seeing you as a big craisin? I know that look LOL!

You're damn right they do, Bo.

* * * * *

You People are Nuts!

I'm not getting them again.


I don't know that I would get craisins for a bun as big asCali! Bo looks at me like a big craisin, but he's not bigenough to do anything about a craisin my size LOL!

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