Cooling A Rabbit

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my bunnies love to lay in the sun all strechedout but i always give them shade and water, i guess they are making themost of the English weather, although it has been boiling this week, ieven got a bit sunburnt, lol.:cool:
This topic couldn't have come up for a bettertime for me!! I just bought a new hutch from a neighbor and soon thebuns will be moving out of the house for the summer! Thanks everyonefor the AWESOME tips and ideas..they really are a ton of help! xxxx
When my bunny is hot, she also lays downon the tiles of the fireplace. It's her favorite spot, since it's sooocool there. We also bring her outside for a little bit and put the hosesprayer on mist to cool her off. She gets hot so quickly since she hasblack and white fur.
Our bun is out back and there are a few treesover her. She goes in her sleeping area or stretches out. I had mylittle one give her cold water before school and I am now at work. Iwill have to do something so she doesn't get heat stroke. I did put abowl of ice cubes in her cage. Will that help her? I did one thingwrong, I sprayed her with a water bowl. What the heck was I thinking?#)%*)#*% Then I could put a bowl of water with ice in it and icepacks?? Now I am a nervous wreck!!!!!!!!!!!:(
Have you been able to check on hertterster? If it's that hot there, she may have liked it anddried off quickly. It's actually best to cool them offslowly. Going from being too hot to ice cold can be a shockto their system.

Today I gave the suggestions a try!Though I don't have room in my small freezer section to put a literbottle, or such... I had a flat rectangle (gel filled) ice chest coolerthat was frozen so I put it inside her run outside. She saton perched onit the whole time! (maybe 3hours). I wondered ifit would freeze her littletootsies so I kept checking on her during that time, but it was just'cool' to the touch... not freezing... so that was reallyneat.

We keep our apartment around 70 degrees so I know he isn't too warm...

My bun Bookworm has his cage next to the AC radiator. It waswarm in the winter and cool in the summer since it has a fan that blowsup through the coils.

Since we turned on the AC, Bookworm has taken to lying on the radiatorand going completely flat. He is like a rug that almostcompletely blocks the air flow!!! I have my computer mouse ontop of the radiator and my chair next to it. (the computer ison top of the cage since the cage is set into a set ofshelves... I have trouble keeping my arm on the radiatorsince it is so cold, but Bookworm seems to love it.

Sheri & Bookworm

If I put a milk carton in there that has frozenwater will that help her along with her water bottles that she drinksfrom. I am at work all day so we will freeze water in plastic milkcartons. Is that a good idea
If I put a milk carton in there that has frozenwater will that help her along with her water bottles that she drinksfrom. I am at work all day so we will freeze water in plastic milkcartons. Is that a good idea
i tell ya one thing today it was 32'c and tdgoing up my bunnies cant handle it i swear i put in 2 cold waterbottles in at a time when they de freeze then teh next ones comes out!1but i just dont know what else to do!! has anyone esle got any ideasomn waht else to do!!

:)Hello there! Ilovethe article u printed on keeping a rabbit cool!I have aquestion though! I live in New yrok and have an airconditioner tha is on 69 degrees , but goes on and off duringthe day, is that too cold? I have a blanket on the cage allday! They seem to be ok, but im worried about it going eitherway! Sheis due any day now and that is why I ahve her in myroom, verses in her regular room that only has an ac on verylow! Please let meknow, its amatter of days before the kitsare bornand the kits have to be kept warm, so im confused???

[email protected]bugsyluv:username
:)Dear Mini lop luva,

Hello there! How is your lops doing? I wanted to know, if uknew at what temp do u have to keep the kits(babys) at?themother is in a room with ac at 73degrees and the kits need to bewarmer then that still, dont they?

what should i do with the kits?

im puzzled!@ home and its only tillsat! theni willbe a rabbits grandmother!
I would just like to say thanks to whom ever it was that said about frozen plastic bottles.

As you can see my 3 love it. There is an extra bottle in Big Mamas cage too.


Thanks Again !!!!

- Zee and the Girls
Zee your 3 bunnys look so cute in that pic!!! We have had several weeks of 90F weather out where I liveand I have had the AC running for my 4 bunnies.Theyallappear to be fine. I will keep the frozenbottle idea in mind as the temperatures start to climb in the comingmonths.