Constructing a ramp

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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I've noticed latelythat Rex seems to bemore...hesitant:?about hopping back into the cage(it's about 8 in.from thefloor). Jumping out isn'ta problem, they tumble out every morning with great enthusiasm. Butwhile Peanut leaps in and out of the cage with ease, Rex has a hardertime jumping back in. I could just be imagining things, but its beenpretty noticable this past week...

Anyway, I'm thinking of just constructing a ramp to go from the cagedoor to the floor. Any ideas on what to make it out of? Should it becarpeted? I could ask my dad for input, but Lord knows when he'd beable to get around to helping :p

*edit to add* - Otherwise, Rex is active and healthy. He evenbinkies and runs his little Bunny 500's, so I don't think it's aserious physical problem. He may not like jumping up onto the wire, Idon't know...rabbits are strange ;)


I have an idea that may help you, easy to get (well here it is anyway so hopefully is for you too)
I got a cat scrather thing , is made out of strong cardboard and I layit on its side and Bindy quite happily runs up and down it to jump intoher wicker basket to hide in. (cost me about $6.00 from Big W which issimilar to your Walmart in the pet section)

Maybe it might help you too.

Here is a pic for you to see.

It is meant to stand up for cats , as I said I lay it down and I cut the hole in the side bigger so Bindy can run through.
That's such a good idea! They actually have thosescratching posts as ramps at the local pet store. GuessI'll have to go pick one up and see if he likes it :) (if not, the catswill always put it to good use ;))
I'm not sure if this ramp is similar to the one Ariel uses, but this is what we have in pet stores here:


Like I said, I'll check one out sometime this week. I don't know aboutthe steepness of it, I don't think it should be too much of a problem.We'll see...:)
Oh that's neat, I've never seen that shape before, I've only seen the rectangular ones that are an inch or two thick.

Meganc731 wrote:
Hey Ariel,

Where do you cut a hole? I didn't see one.


The pic that m.e posted is just like Bindys ramp thingy, see where there is a hole down the side?

Bindys one had a fluffy mousey toy in there so I took the toy out andcut a square where the hole is and Bindy runs in there sometimes LOL

Bindy is only 2 pounds so she fits in small places LOL

But that's pretty much the same as her one :D
m.e. wrote:
I'mnot sure if this ramp is similar to the one Ariel uses, but this iswhat we have in pet stores here:


Like I said, I'll check one out sometime this week. I don't know aboutthe steepness of it, I don't think it should be too much of a problem.We'll see...:)
Ohhh...I think I need to get one of those. I saw them atPetsmart last time I was there, but didn't end up getting it yet.


Mine's a piece of wood that has carpet tacked town to it and two littlehooks that clip onto the cage so that it won't move around.It works like a charm.

Thanks, Carolyn! :)

I've been trying to think of an alternative if the cardboard onedoesn't work out. I'm willing to try it, but the cats may decide theywant it to themselves (well, at least it won't be wasted :p) If theydo, I think I'll work on constructing my own, andtack on someremnant carpeting. I'll let you all know what works out best for us,and thank you Carolyn and Ariel for the ideas!
It was Buck that constructed it for me, m.e., soif you have any questions, ask him about it. He did anexcellent job and made it fairly easily if I'm not mistaken.

Will do ;)

Carolyn wrote:
He did an excellent job and made it fairly easily if I'm not mistaken.
See, this is something my dad cannot grasp the concept of. I'll ask himto help me build a ramp, and the next thing you know he wants to miterjoints and and make it collapsable/portable/you name it...:p It'll beweeks before he even has the thing done. Don't get me wrong, hedoes astounding work with his hands, but never seems to graspthe concept of simplicity :D
I know the type, m.e. Grateful to havethem, but sometimes you just want a simple thing and for theperfectionist, it's hard for them to hear that.

Read that you've made accommodations to come to the BoathouseParty. So thrilled to meet you and Christine. We'regoing to have a great time.

m.e. wrote:
Will do ;)

Carolyn wrote:
He did an excellent job and made it fairly easily if I'm not mistaken.
See, this is something my dad cannot grasp the concept of. I'll ask himto help me build a ramp, and the next thing you know he wants to miterjoints and and make it collapsable/portable/you name it...:p It'll beweeks before he even has the thing done. Don't get me wrong, hedoes astounding work with his hands, but never seems to graspthe concept of simplicity :D
Are you sure you're not talking about my dad????? LOL He does the SAMETHING!!!!! You suggest something simple to him and he says well Ok letme think about it for awhile and he gets out his graph paper and startsdrawing.2 days later he has a plan, and then it takes foreverto get it done. He's an engineer so we always blame it on that!

Scrap wood? Us? You do remember you're referring to the pyro-family, right? ;)
m.e. wrote:
Will do ;)

Carolyn wrote:
He did an excellent job and made it fairly easily if I'm not mistaken.
See, this is something my dad cannot grasp the concept of. I'll ask himto help me build a ramp, and the next thing you know he wants to miterjoints and and make it collapsable/portable/you name it...:p It'll beweeks before he even has the thing done. Don't get me wrong, hedoes astounding work with his hands, but never seems to graspthe concept of simplicity :D

You could do it yourself, Dear. Go to Lowes or Home Depot andbuy one board the width you would like and the length you wouldlike. You could even use board made from wood particles thatis very inexpensive. If all the pieces are too long, asksomeone in the lumber department to cut you one to size. Theyshould only charge you for what you use.

The carpet I used on Carolyn's cage was new remnant carpetingI found standing at the curb at a new home construction site.I cut it to size with an utility knife. If your Dad doesn'town one, you can buy one for a dollar or two at the same store you buythe lumber.

Carpeting was stapled to the wooden ramp. It could be tacked or glued, whatever is easier for you to do.

Thehooks attaching the ramp to the cage that Carolynmentioned are nothing more than cup hooks that were screwed into thetop edge of the ramp by tool necessary. They willalso be available at the lumber store or any hardware store, for thatmatter, at probably less than a dollar.

Actual cost of Carolyn's ramp was virtually nil because I had most ofthe "stuff" languishing in my shed and/or basement and I"found" the carpeting.

Do it yourself and "blow" your Dad away! You can be a modern, independent woman on this one, believe me!

I do understand your Dad, though. Sometimes it takes a lot ofeffort on my part to walk away from a simple project completed because,"I know I can make it better." More's the power to him if heenjoys renovating projects. I loathe them, but love to"tinker" with projects like Carolyn's ramp.


Our ramp is made out of the side of the crib mydaughter used to use. The carpeting is stapled to it, and the carpetsinks in a little bit between the bars of the crib, making it easy forher to run up and down. It would probably be too long for what you'relooking for, though. :) Definitely get inventive and make one on yourown :)
Buck Jones wrote:
Do it yourself and "blow" your Dad away! You can be a modern, independent woman on this one, believe me!


I agree with this!! It's easy enough (sounds it anyway) and show your dad that you can do it too!

I'm sure he'd be impressed that you had a go!

Good luck and have fun!

And hey think of the funky carpet colours you have to choose from LOLand 'cause you only need a bit it won't cost you very much either :D:D

Let us know how you go

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