Constructing a ramp

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The ramp that Buck made started out for Tucker,but now I use it for Fauna.Because she's older andis a bit more careful about jumping down from her cage, she won't getout unless the ramp is up.

I don't know if it's because she has some pain or is just uncomfortablewhen she jumps down because her front legs are so short that they don'tprevent her from hitting her head.


Here's a picture of what m.e.'s ramp ended up looking like.


We ended up using a couple of pieces of my father's wood scrapes. Wenailed them to the connecting pieces then covered it all with a heavyduty type of felt.

u8myhouse wrote:
We ended up using a couple of pieces of my father's woodscrapes. We nailed them to the connecting pieces then covered it allwith a heavy duty type of felt.

She lies :p I kind of watched, held the wood still, and used the staplegun a few times. Christine definately took charge with this project :D
ExcellentWork!! Wayto Go Christine and m.e.You put that together in aflash.

Itoccurred to me last night that Fauna won't jump out of hercage because she can't see beyond her dewlap, hence the reason sheneeds a ramp.

Are they hesitant to use the ramp, m.e.? Tucker was at first,but after a while, he thought he was really cool going up anddown.


Carolyn wrote:
Are they hesitant to use the ramp, m.e.? Tucker was at first,but after a while, he thought he was really cool going up anddown.

Yeah, they're still just checking it out ;) Peanut actually thumped atit yesterday :p, but they're becoming a lot more curious about it :)

Oh that Peanut! Too cute.

I had to coax Tucker to go down the ramp the first time. Abox of Yogurt Drops at the bottom of the ramp made him fight his fearof it. ;)

Woo-hoo! Peanut used the ramp tonight! Climbed right on up and into the cage for dinner :D

Rex has yet to use it, the lil' bum, though he has put all four feet on it - and promptly jumped off :p

He used it!

(naturally, he had to flick his feet afterwards, to let me know that hereally didn't approve of the ramp but was just humoring me ;))

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