Conan the Bunbarian & Xena Bunnier Princess

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Hahahaha what a gal. I would punish the owner instead for leaving the waste basket within her reach! ;) ;) ;)

Uhh...kind of hard to do considering I was the one who left it there. I guess I'll have to punish myself. But in my defense it wasn't really in reach, I mean the angle she's have to stretch out over the lip...yeah...It was clean up day so I was tired and...nevermind. :)

Hmmm it's not a bad idea to leave the litter boxes soiled for a bit longer and frequently swap them so they have the chance to be in the other rabbits soiled box and get used to scents. I love the birds With the buns they're adorable. If the female has laid eggs and they will not be fertilized it's a really good idea to crush them up into her food because she needs to make up for the lost calcium.

Is the first to make sure she doesn't pee in the area her litter box has been removed for cleaning or for bonding? Usually the litter box stays unaltered for about 3 days and then I throw the whole thing out and clean. Seems they're all right with that and it coincides with trash day. If it's for bonding I intend to do that but waiting for her to be spayed and a bit healed up.
As for the eggs, yeah I read about that but I also thought we have to wait a bit for the bird to realize its not going to hatch lest you cause psychological damage to the poor bird?

I can't imagine friendly birds who would want head rubs! This little guy here was a rescue, and terribly abused before my roommate got him. He's still young, but he's ridiculously afraid of hands. I'm not sure I'd know what to do if a bird wanted to PLAY!!!

Believe it. I will get some video footage tomorrow or when possible (this unlike catching the rabbits doing cute things is too easy) and you will see I'm not dealing with birds, I'm dealing with a dog with feathers.

Thank you all for the fine compliments to Xena. My wife was really happy today because Xena sat around with her while she crocheted, and at one point my wife held her by the window and Xena looked on for quite a bit. She might be missing outside, and I should figure out how to get them some outside time. I'm just so paranoid about them catching something from the outside parks or untreated yards, let alone corralling them around.
"As for the eggs, yeah I read about that but I also thought we have to wait a bit for the bird to realize its not going to hatch lest you cause psychological damage to the poor bird?"

If you take out or destroy the eggs too soon the bird will continue to lay eggs thus depleting her body's much needed calcium levels. Most avian vets I've talked to advise allowing the eggs to stay in the cage until the female loses interest & realizes they are infertile & not going to hatch. For cockatiels I think the average time is around 21 days, going from depleted memory so.... lol

Originally Posted by qtipthebun:
I can't imagine friendly birds who would want head rubs! This little guy here was a rescue, and terribly abused before my roommate got him. He's still young, but he's ridiculously afraid of hands. I'm not sure I'd know what to do if a bird wanted to PLAY!!!

Reply: Poor little guy. Many birds if not too badly mentally/emotionally scarred from abuse can be helped to become a loving companion bird. It does take much time, patience & consistent working with him/her. Play time with birds can be fun. It is good for them to be able to amuse themselves while alone in their cage but also should have some interactive playtime with their person. I enjoy teaching so I teach my birds "tricks." They also will teach you some of the games they like to play if given the opportunity. Birds love to be with their people or flock!
Breaking News: While I'm at work my wife has an off day and I get the following pic texted to me with the message "Very Bad Bunny." Apparently Xena somehow managed to pull down the spot check waste basket on top of her pen and spill the contents on her freshly cleaned area. I tell you, how do you punish such a pretty face, or rather how do you do a time out when they're already in their cage.

I can just hear Xena now, "I was just trying to be helpful making sure you hadn't thrown out any good bunny toys accidentally!" lol
Uhh...kind of hard to do considering I was the one who left it there. I guess I'll have to punish myself. But in my defense it wasn't really in reach, I mean the angle she's have to stretch out over the lip...yeah...It was clean up day so I was tired and...nevermind. :)

Is the first to make sure she doesn't pee in the area her litter box has been removed for cleaning or for bonding? Usually the litter box stays unaltered for about 3 days and then I throw the whole thing out and clean. Seems they're all right with that and it coincides with trash day. If it's for bonding I intend to do that but waiting for her to be spayed and a bit healed up.
As for the eggs, yeah I read about that but I also thought we have to wait a bit for the bird to realize its not going to hatch lest you cause psychological damage to the poor bird?

Believe it. I will get some video footage tomorrow or when possible (this unlike catching the rabbits doing cute things is too easy) and you will see I'm not dealing with birds, I'm dealing with a dog with feathers.

Thank you all for the fine compliments to Xena. My wife was really happy today because Xena sat around with her while she crocheted, and at one point my wife held her by the window and Xena looked on for quite a bit. She might be missing outside, and I should figure out how to get them some outside time. I'm just so paranoid about them catching something from the outside parks or untreated yards, let alone corralling them around.

Oh sorry I meant for bonding yeah. As for peeing in her area my buns have done that too but I find its sporadic not really each time :/

And I didn't think that it could psychological damage to the bird. I was on a bird forum before and I never really had that come up. We used to have parakeets so I asked what to do if they happen to have eggs bc it turns out we had got a female for our male lol
Aww, silly Xena! (and silly Michael for leaving that there)/ I am always after my boyfriend to make sure not to leave stuff anywhere below OUR waist height, because Monty can reach it if she tries. Well, not quite that high, but you gotta give someone a good clear picture of what's not okay. He frequently stacks things on top of her crate while sweeping the floor around it, then walks off without putting them back down. Someday she'll end up destroying something by trying to pull it down into her crate, because she's big enough now to juuuust stick her nose out of the top.
I know this is a rabbit page and blog, but I wanted to show evidence of my bird-dog. This one is Titania, and we distracted her from trying to drink my wife's coffee by petting her instead. [ame][/ame].

And just to keep it rabbit, pics of Xena lounging in her stinky spot.

Photo Mar 02, 4 53 52 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 02, 4 54 01 PM.jpg
Oh, love the video of Titania! She is beautiful & one contented cockatiel with that Tiel massage! lol Xena is gorgous too! Lovely feathered & furred family! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!
Wow, what gorgeous rabbits! I'll be keeping an eye on your blog, we're going through the whole bonding thing now too. :)
...that bird is enjoying being snuggled. I can't even...I'm fighting to wrap my head around that concept. That is the cutest thing ever. This bird is so scared of hands, if he even sees your hands, he'll go scooting off away from you. I love the feathered and fluffed family member updates!
Oh, that is so sweet, that bird is amazing, can´t believe how much she loves being stroked and petted...Xena is lovely, yes that´s a trait most of them have, napping in their litter trays, mine do the same.
Today's Rabbit Lesson: It's very important to remember that each rabbit is different...Obvious right, well except I don't seem to get that :). There's a small shelf under the bird cage that we keep pet supplies in, all in either plastic containers or a back. Craisins shrink wrapped and in individual packages. Now Conan has no interest in the shelf, sure he'll snoop around every so often but it's uninteresting. This has been the status quo for months. Xena on however managed to pull out the Craisins, and just, them from a bag and chew through the box to eat them. Now I don't know how many she got, I think only a few since the box was still kind of full and I know they're not her favorite treats from past experience and seeing how there was a small cluster of them left.

My wife chalks it up as her being smarter then Conan. I don't think so, I just think Conan is stubborn and knows things will eventually come to him. Xena on the other hand is a wild child and far Noreen outgoing. Either way she keeps me on my toes after I got complacent after Conan the worlds generally most easy rabbit to care for.
She is a naughty bunny...some buns will just not let go and have to get to something they see...they will figure it out. Others are much more relaxed about things and aren´t bothered. Looks like you´ve landed with one of each.

And I bet she looked so pleased there munching away at her can you be mad with her when she´s been smart enough to figure out how to get in there lol.
Love seeing your cockatiels! :) I have 4 large parrots as well, but they didn't interact too much with my bunny. My bunny used to kick my (evil) cat out of his sleeping spots though. It was hilarious to watch! He is such a bratty kitty...especially when he was younger, so seeing an itty bitty loppy scare him was priceless. Man, did she have attitude!
Yeah it does seem birds have attitudes bigger then themselves. I also read that in rabbits when it comes to other animals. I decided to combine the two and reap the headaches :)

Either Xena is feeling a hell of a lot more comfortable or the hormones are kicking in. I though she'd been pretty well behaved, but I discovered what looks like dried pee stains on the cover of the pet room couch, and under the cover she pulled back the corner coverings to chew the sofa itself! Who knows how long that's been going on since the couch is still covered and the stuffing is his beneath it. Sigh...Bunny 500's are fine, but why 5am? Yeah damned crepuscular I know. On a night off I decided to let her out at night and she decided to repay the favor by rattling the birds cage and frightening them. However I think this was revenge for Titania (cockatiel) invading he pen space and chilling on her hay. I got Titania eating plants, drinking out our betta fish Haiku's tank and just being extra cloying cause her cage partner Oberon is being territorial and unfriendly guarding her six eggs.

And Conan...has been a good boy :). Oh sure he's molting and resists the grooming and handling; and as usual appears very cage centric, but otherwise him and the the male Betta fish have been a sanctuary of tranquility as compared to the wild ladies of the house.
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How old is she? Could just be the hormones rearing their head. Monty seemingly out of nowhere started peeing all over the kitchen right before I grounded her to await her spay. Mostly all better now. Ah, bunnies. they get away with murder because they're so damn sweet :)
Well I spoke to soon. An hour after I posted previously and I come home to find a pee stain and poop next to Xena's cage. Conan I guess left a message. I hope it was a one time thing. Figures, that boy never takes a compliment well...

Xena is a week shy of 6 months now, and her spay is scheduled for Thursday. Well, maybe spay depending if the Vet finds her weight adequate. Part of me is dreading this (way more worry then Conan's fix) and part of me wants to get this done so I can start bonding in a few weeks. I'm a terrible person sometimes forcing all this drama on these bunnies.
Yup it sounds like Xenas hormones are starting to appear. And who knows, maybe Conan can sense her hormones raging and therefore that's why he marked. Rabbits are so driven by hormones you never know. I know he's neutered but it could be a reactionary thing to her.

I'm sure the spay will go fine. Here are the tips that really helped me. Don't let them keep her overnight. Make sure they send you home with metacam. Bring something of hers with to the vet to help her comfort level. Make sure she has easy access to her litterbox females don't want to move much after.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes!
Today's the day. In about an hour I'm taking Xena to the Vet to get spayed. I'm not worried since I have a very good and respected Vet, and I have a stupid sense of naiveness when it comes to things working out when I put things in trusted hands. I am however anxious. Anxious about taking care of Xena well when she gets back and in several weeks about beginning bonding. Well wish us luck (mostly her) and a speedy recovery (all her).
THinking about Xena and sure everything will go well. I´m sure that there will lots of advice for you from those who have girls. My boys were neutered in October and I was so amazed how quickly they were back to normal. However, they do say that girls take a little longer but she´s a healthy bunny and you´ll be spoiling her rotten. Let us know when she´s home and settling back in. lots of nose rubs and kisses for her from my boys.

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