It's been a week plus and things appear to be going smoothly. Each rabbit gets at least four hours out time. Xena is quite the character. She's very vocal, grunting quietly when she's nearby me. Thumping at take off for a run, or when she stops a run, to say she doesn't like something or just at odd times. She also snorts on occasion, again usually to indicate some displeasure over something. She begs for food, once in a while follows me around, and eats drinks and poops like crazy. Over all a happy bun, but she doesn't look like she's putting on weight strangely. The only thing I don't like about her is when Im cleaning her litter box she soils the empty space. Can't she wait a bit, sheesh.
Conan is is usual stoic self. Quiet, some days out and about and others days cage bound. He did an odd thing the other day, peed outside his litter box and has been pooping pills outside it a little more which made my wife panic a little thinking that the territorial markings have begun. I explained how well we've had it and if she heard some of the stories other people suffer through she'd kiss the rabbits even more for their good behavior. Lately Conan has been shedding a great deal, I guess his seasonal moot maybe, so I've been grabbing him up for a proper brushing. It's hard to tell if he likes or dislikes it. I mean he struggles a bit, but then he seems to like it as well. I think a lot of what he does with us is like that. It's hard to give him treats but once he gets them he's into it, so it just seems like I'm dealing with a very stubborn bunny who just wants things done at his own time, I.E. treats to be fed in his cage and rubs to take place only there.
Together they seem real calm. During her out time she lies by the side of his cage and he obliges her in turn. Part of why I think he's pooping more often out of his litter box is because he doesn't like leaving her side. She also gravitates to him. Granted this can be wishful thinking on my part. Conan does rattle his cage at times and looks manic to get out so It might just be aggression. Xena however is completely calm and repaxed around him. Today I'm setting up the appointment to have her spayed in two weeks and hopefully by next month I can start bonding and finally get an indication if I'm making things up in my head or they really are getting along.
Other little tid bits. I cleaned their cages on Monday and when I saw Xena had peed in the spot her litter box is usually at I went into frantic clean up mode to give her back her litter box before more torrential urine flowed, forgetting to keep the gate in place. This lead to the rabbits almost having their first fateful meeting (Conan was in the living room and Xena made it out to the hallway). Luckily tragedy, or triumph depending on who you ask, was averted and I more quickly then I've have was able to pick her up. Conan never saw a thing! This week also saw my main bird man Oberon of our cockatiels Oberon and Titania turn out to be a female. We know this for a fact because she laid eggs and is being a proper mother to them. It's both cute and sad because they'll never get fertilized so it's a week long of stress for my former buddy now female bestie. Also it means that me, Conan and our Betta fish Haiku are outnumbered by the females now! Here are some pics just cause...