Cheryl's Bunnies

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LOL Dave!...but it is funny when he does it though...

Chocolate bunny,Marley and Cassidy say a big furry thankyou Rebecca!...they had a great day as usual :)

Today i was sitting in the loungeroom on my laptop and i could hear this noise and i looked over and the bunnies have this box in the corner and it was moving...i went over and had a look and there's Cassidy doing his little running act really fast in this small box! was just the cutest thing...

Cassidy is fullyblind and just seeing him do things like that and have the confidence just amazes was just the same with my Lulu (rip) who was also fully blind...she was so clever that you never wouldhave guessed she was blind..except if you looked at her eyes of course...she did most things just like a seeing bunny.

It's like when i take him outside,he will wonder around for a bit,he always starts of very slowly until he feels familiar with his surroundings...but then every now and again he gets a burst of courage and will dart he will quickly take off stop..then back the other way..not in a long distance like a seeing bunny...Just in Cassidy distance......when i catch him doing always makes me go aww.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY My little bundles of joy..they're a big five years old today!

I had taken this picture this afternoon...I had to put them on the table Cassidy kept trying to wander off while i tried to get the picture on the floorlol...Marley tried as well..but Chockie just sat there and just waited for her brother and sister to sit quietly :)


A few Baby pictures!

Baby Chocolate Bunny


Chockie and Marley...





Marshmallow(rip) and babies


Umm i have no idea why the pictures are differen't sizes

bengal77 wrote:
Squee! The pic of the baby in the food bowl is just way too cute! Such lovely bunnies!

Haha yeah i know...they used to sit in the food bowls quite a bit when they were was funny actually cause the other bunnies had to try and eat around them while they were in the bowl lol...i do have a picture of that as well.

And thankyou :)
cheryl wrote:

Haha yeah i know...they used to sit in the food bowls quite a bit when they were was funny actually cause the other bunnies had to try and eat around them while they were in the bowl lol...i do have a picture of that as well.

And thankyou :)
And your going to dig up that photo and share with us right?
Thanks Dave and Myia..the bunnies appreciate the lovely comments :)

And Rebecca...of course i'm going to post the picture when i can find it...i think it's on my other disk that i haven't re uploaded yet....but...i just wanted to post a few more old pictures from 2005...just cause they are so adorable...

Look at my Chockie baby...look at her expression LOL!


Baby Marley and Cassidy..aww





Haha just look at Chockie..


Well my that was a trip down memory lane...

What i call...a bunch o bunnies lol..or should i say bunny bunch lol


So many memories in those pictures

Well it's 11:30pm and i must get to sleep now..have to get up and go to work tomorrow...Thursday tomorrow..but looking forward to Friday yay!
OMG! Those are some of the most adorable photos I have ever seen! I have a cat that went blind (very old) I wasn't even aware that she had gone blind until she went for her annual checkup last year. Animals are so self-sufficient and think if they have an enviroment that they trust they can do anything. Love your lops - their adorable.
Thanks everyone :D

There are so many memories in those baby pictures,they were just the cutest and unexpected little treasures..and they were very spoiled little buggas ;)

Cassidy does so well,considering he's fully blind..he knows when it's tea time and the bunnies are running around all excited..he's right there with them and he knows his way to the plate...ocassionally he will lose direction but as long as i keep calling him he will follow my voice...and what really makes me go aww is when he stands on his hind legs..he doesn't do it very often but i have seen him...but i don't know why he does that as he cannot see anything...but it isspecial to see him do that.

And boy does he have a very tight bond with Ebony...they just love each other to bits.

And no,i don't really have any baby pictures of Jack as he was six weeks old when he came home with me and i didn't have a camera for quite a while,so i really only have pictures of him when he was a bit older,same as Sunshine...i regret that so much now,but i do have another disk somewhere with more pictures on there of Jack i'm sure,but i have just misplaced it...i'm going to search for it over the weekend.

But Jack was a super adorable little boy....he was just the most gorgeous bunny when he was little..he just grew into a very handsome boy :D

Well thanks again everyone

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