Cheryl's Bunnies

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It's funny cause sometimes when i take a picture of Ebby she looks like a big black blob,sometimesi can just see alittle shiny eye looking at meLOL

Just wanted to post these couple of pictures

Just look at miss Chocolate bunny,she is definitely no princess when she eats....and we also have Zak and Chockies sis Marley..


Move over ladies..ima squeezin in..


More to come
Well first off,it was Australia Day today..whoo hoo!...i had no work today as it was a public i just advantage of the beautiful weather and cleaned and dusted the whole house..rearranged some was a good day..i got a lot of things done.

It was Maggies fourth Gotcha Day yesterday...I cannot believe she has been with me for four years...gosh i remember the day i picked her up from my sons friend house...Maggie had taken refuge in their front garden in the bushes....Helens husband was not happy and wanted her he was trying to squirt her with the hose...i thought that was very cruel when Helen was telling me...Anyway i think i have told Maggies story before in this blog so i won't go into more detail

Maggie was such a pretty bunny,she had beautiful eyes as well....she also has this one ear up and one ear down thing going gives her this quirky kind of look...very cute!

I don't know how old she is though...i would really love to have some kind os an idea,when i first picked her up that day i was first going to call her Honey...i called itto her for one day and it always never seemed to suit her...i was thinking about another name when Jeremy the simpson fanatic mentioned Maggie the that is where her name came from lol

Ok onto some pictures that i took today...

I'm so cute..






cheryl wrote:
Just wanted to post these couple of pictures

Just look at miss Chocolate bunny,she is definitely no princess when she eats....and we also have Zak and Chockies sis Marley..


Move over ladies..ima squeezin in..


More to come
Too cute Cheryl! Ughhhh, I want to squeeze them all. Hee.:biggrin2:
Thanks everyone :)

Yeah i just love feeding time in my home,especially since i have a bunch of piggies,all you hearat tea timeis munch,munch,crunch,crunch lol...and just watching all those little mouths chewing is just a laugh....i love it!

Maggie waves her little paw and says thankyou and that she had a bunderful day.
Well i just had to post this picture!

Marley going through the shopping bag was funny cause Marley is usually hanging out in the loungeroom with a few of the others,i didn't see her in the kitchen,she just popped out of nowhere lol...i had put the bag down and went to shut the front door..came back and i caught Marley like this lol

Most times when my bunnies do something funny or mischievious i miss getting a picture cause my camera is never around handy when i need it..but this time it happened to be sitting on the cupboard...i only got the one picture though,as i'm sure she thought mum's back!..and had popped her head out of the bag lol



Oh my gosh Rebecca,that's so funny!,i giggled out loud...Zak has pulled things out of the shopping bag before lol....bunnies can be so mischievious sometimes.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
cheryl wrote:
Oh my gosh Rebecca,that's so funny!,i giggled out loud...Zak has pulled things out of the shopping bag before lol....bunnies can be so mischievious sometimes.
Oh yeah! Especially e-lops. that would be funny to see lol

Well since i was in my room and Wally was in there as well,i thought i would just take a few pictures of my little guy...Riley didn't jump up like he usually does,he stayed under my bed,will get some of him and Wally together later.


Mmm..i wonder what this is


What did you say mum...i'm cute...yeah i know i am


Just hanging out on my bed



Bye mum...i have better things to do



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