Cherry and Roxxi

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pamnock wrote:
Daughter Stephanie has signed on as username "Pam's Spawn" (Ithought Stephnock) would have been fine, but then she said "How about"Pam's daughter?" -- then "Pam's Spawn" popped into her head :)

You mean I'm not the only one who does that?
'Ceptit's usually when referring to my siblings, and I just ever-so-gentlyremind my dad: "They're your freakish spawn!" ("freak" is a termof endearment in our house, really it is...)
Buck Jones wrote:
Quack! Quack! It's not me,No,no, it's not me, never! You all got me wrong. Ya don'tunderstand. It's that other guy!

Duck, no Buck, Duck/Buck(who am I supposed to be today?)Cherry? Roxxy? Sillybunny? Calibunny? Funnybunny, Souperbunny?

Whose computer am I on today? Where's my Daddy'sInternet? Whose my brudder? What e-mail?

Sorry, I lied and don't have a bunny, but I do have a buffalo! Forgive me, but forget me, not!

Yadda, yadda, yadda!

*falls over laughing @ Buck and Jim* This thread is hilarious, it's just a pity the subject matter is so serious!

It'd be great if Lexi joined, Bo. As long as she and SLG don't gang up on us oldies! ;)

These silly children will be bored after a week, they'll come and goand the rest of us stay strong. Those who are genuine newbiesconduct themselves properly and these kinds of situations do notarise. No-one said I was a troll when I joined and one of myfirst posts was asking if people agreed with de-clawing bunnies afterhaving read about it in a book about rabbits. It was agenuine question and was replied to as such.

No site is every troll proof really. :?

Ang xx
pamnock wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Try refreshingthe cookies, Pam, and email me with further troubles for her fromthere. We'll get to the bottom of it.

Glad Steph has joined the group.



Thanks Carolyn,

I'll have her work on it again later (I don't know her password).


Darn :(She still isn't able to log on or post.

pamnock wrote:
pamnock wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Try refreshingthe cookies, Pam, and email me with further troubles for her fromthere.? We'll get to the bottom of it.

Glad Steph has joined the group.



Thanks Carolyn,

I'll have her work on it again later (I don't know her password).


Darn :(?She still isn't able to log on or post.


She needs to take out the aphostrophe in her username, Pam.

* * * * * *

The post where Buck poses as The Duck is ISP Address by rabbitgirl.

Since the games seemed to continue and these clowns were posting to our young members, it was time to ban them.

We shall track their logging in and out of this forum and will alert you to any other strange happenings.

We apologize for this inconvenience.


Carolyn wrote:
Did I just see a duck walkby??


Duh!! I didn't get it either I thought Carolyn meant that if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck.......

Forgotabout Bucks evil twin brother!
Jems wrote:
I thought Carolyn meant that if it walks like aduck and it quacks like a duck.......

That would've worked too, Jems. :)

Thanks for being agressive in protecting our members. It is a bit unnerving to have these things go on.
Buck Jones wrote:
Quack! Quack! It's not me,No,no, it's not me, never! You all got me wrong. Ya don'tunderstand. It's that other guy!

Duck, no Buck, Duck/Buck(who am I supposed to be today?)Cherry? Roxxy? Sillybunny? Calibunny? Funnybunny, Souperbunny?

Whose computer am I on today? Where's my Daddy'sInternet? Whose my brudder? What e-mail?

Sorry, I lied and don't have a bunny, but I do have a buffalo! Forgive me, but forget me, not!

Yadda, yadda, yadda!


Buck Jones wrote:
Quack! Quack! It's not me,No,no, it's not me, never! You all got me wrong. Ya don'tunderstand. It's that other guy!

Duck, no Buck, Duck/Buck(who am I supposed to be today?)Cherry? Roxxy? Sillybunny? Calibunny? Funnybunny, Souperbunny?

Whose computer am I on today? Where's my Daddy'sInternet? Whose my brudder? What e-mail?

Sorry, I lied and don't have a bunny, but I do have a buffalo! Forgive me, but forget me, not!

Yadda, yadda, yadda!



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