Cherry and Roxxi

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I think there aresome circumstances where you would be completely correct MyBunnyBoys.But in this situation I feel that these particular individuals haveopened themselves up for scrutiny. It just doesn't ring true that theywould greet each other in a thread as strangers when they claim to beneighbors sharing a computer. And it doesn't make sense that Cherrywould be spotted signed on and not give the same explanation. Anyway, Ifeel like it is a members choice to respond publicly in an outcry ofrejection or support.... As long as it is done tactfully, and with theunderstanding that it is done as an individual and not as a group smearcampaign.I wouldn't worry too much about our forum getting abad rap. We have so warmly welcomed and supported many new members whowere genuinely interested in becoming involved in our group, we have anawesome track record! :cool:

Carolyn wrote:
No, but that doesn't mean much at this point because once Cali and Silly were called on it, they moved around their ISPs.

Pretty computer savvy 10 year olds (was that how "old" they were?) Itwould take me some time to figure out how to change my ISP, and whymess with it if you have nothing to hide??? Hmmm. Besides, who getstheir jollies bypicking on bunny people??? We're a laid backbreed of people (whats more soothing than a bunny cuddle), if they wantto work people up about soemthing why not go to an animal rights board,ora rescue board??? They get riled up easily.

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
It just doesn't ring true thatthey would greet each other in a thread as strangers when they claim tobe neighbors sharing a computer. And it doesn't make sense that Cherrywould be spotted signed on and not give the sameexplanation.

I didn't realize they did that. I probably read that post and possiblyeven replied but I don't think I've read it since it was discoveredthat they had the same IP address so I never thought anything funny ofthem greeting each other originally.

Sorry about that.

EDIT: Sorry, I should have read the all of the posts above. I have abad habit of skimming or skipping over parts of posts so I miss things.I didn't realize people pointed out that they greeted each other asstranger. Sorry again.

Roxxi wrote:
ok,i have something to tell you all. The reason that me and Cherhave the same email is that we are neighbors, and I don't have an emailaddress and Cher was nice enough to let me use hers, on the behalf ofwe at like we don't know each other so people won't mix us up andstuff. I know it doesn't sound right, but Cherry's kinda wierd. (teehee hee)

Anywayz, I kinda have the feeling I'm beingconfused for someone else. I think maybe everyone will be safer ifmaybe I just left.


That makesno sense at allisis hardly an explanation as to why you'd act as ifyou don't know each other.

We don't take well to being toyed with. I fullysupport and stand behind the anger and emotions our members haveexpressed, and am warning you "both" that if this game continues - onemore time, you shall be banned.

Our members haveneither the time nor the energy toengage in such childish games such as this.

* * * * * * * *

For the record, the reason why I expose these types is so thateveryone is on the same page. I have no problems whatsoeverwith people voicing their opinions publicly about such things to peoplethat wish to try to fool us. I think that trolls should knowwhere they stand with our members.

Did I just see a duck walkby??

Carolyn wrote:
For the record, the reason why I expose these typesis so that everyone is on the same page. I have no problemswhatsoever with people voicing their opinions publicly about suchthings to people that wish to try to fool us. I think thattrolls should know where they stand with our members.

*Insert embarrassed smiley here and walks away slowly so no one sees her.* ;)
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
For therecord, the reason why I expose these types is so that everyone is onthe same page. I have no problems whatsoever with peoplevoicing their opinions publicly about such things to people that wishto try to fool us. I think that trolls should know where theystand with our members.

*Insert embarrassed smiley here and walks away slowly so no one sees her.* ;)

Don't be embarrassed, Laura. You made a very good point, andsome do follow up with me with PM, but I don't mind it when others comedown on people that play games with us. I think it'simportant to put such issues on the table.:)When I bring it to everyone's attention publicly,I'm making it all of our business.

I appreciate and respect your opinion, and I think it should definitelybe considered as each situation should be handled separately, but whenit's this obvious the person's playing us and I've gone public with itmyself, then I don't mind when people speak out. This personshould know where we stand.


* * * *


It's referring to a post that Buck Jones wrote pretending his otheridentity was a duck. Forget it; I was just kidding with Buckand the members that know of the post.

Daughter Stephanie has signed on as username"Pam's Spawn" (I thought Stephnock) would have been fine, butthen she said "How about "Pam's daughter?" -- then "Pam's Spawn" poppedinto her head :)

Anyhow -- it really is my daughter Steph trying to log on (she hasn'tbeen able to post for some reason though) -- not sure if it's a cookiesissue or what.

Try refreshing the cookies, Pam, and email me with further troubles for her from there. We'll get to the bottom of it.

Glad Steph has joined the group.


Carolyn wrote:
...It's referring to a post that Buck Jones wrote pretendinghis other identity was a duck. Forget it; I was just kiddingwith Buck and the members that know of the post.


Quack! Quack! It's not me, No,no, it'snot me, never! You all got me wrong. Ya don'tunderstand. It's that other guy!

Duck, no Buck, Duck/Buck(who am I supposed to be today?)Cherry? Roxxy? Sillybunny? Calibunny? Funnybunny, Souperbunny?

Whose computer am I on today? Where's my Daddy'sInternet? Whose my brudder? What e-mail?

Sorry, I lied and don't have a bunny, but I do have a buffalo! Forgive me, but forget me, not!

Yadda, yadda, yadda!


Carolyn wrote:
Tryrefreshing the cookies, Pam, and email me with further troubles for herfrom there. We'll get to the bottom of it.

Glad Steph has joined the group.



Thanks Carolyn,

I'll have her work on it again later (I don't know her password).

This is quickly becoming a parent/childboard. Lexi has already asked if I can make up a name for herhere! LOL!
Buck Jones wrote:
Quack! Quack! It's not me,No,no, it's not me, never! You all got me wrong. Ya don'tunderstand. It's that other guy!

Duck, no Buck, Duck/Buck(who am I supposed to be today?)Cherry? Roxxy? Sillybunny? Calibunny? Funnybunny, Souperbunny?

Whose computer am I on today? Where's my Daddy'sInternet? Whose my brudder? What e-mail?

Sorry, I lied and don't have a bunny, but I do have a buffalo! Forgive me, but forget me, not!

Yadda, yadda, yadda!

Let's go duck hunting!
Buck Jones wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
...It's referring toa post that Buck Jones wrote pretending his other identity was a duck.Forget it; I was just kidding with Buck and the members that know ofthe post.


Quack! Quack! It's not me, No,no, it's not me, never! You all got me wrong. Ya don't understand. It's that other guy!

Duck, no Buck, Duck/Buck(who am I supposed to be today?)Cherry? Roxxy? Sillybunny? Calibunny? Funnybunny, Souperbunny?

Whose computer am I on today? Where's my Daddy's Internet? Whose my brudder? What e-mail?

Sorry, I lied and don't have a bunny, but I do have a buffalo! Forgive me, but forget me, not!

Yadda, yadda, yadda!


MyBunnyBoys wrote:
I didn't realize they did that. I probably read that postand possibly even replied but I don't think I've read it since it wasdiscovered that they had the same IP address so I never thoughtanything funny of them greeting each other originally.

Sorry about that.

EDIT: Sorry, I should have read the all of the posts above. I have abad habit of skimming or skipping over parts of posts so I miss things.I didn't realize people pointed out that they greeted each other asstranger. Sorry again.
Laura, I think all of us who are on a lothave to skim quickly through the posts. Don't worry a bit about it! Youhave just as much a right to say how you feel, and to change your mindlater if you wish to do so!

Buck Jones wrote:
Quack! Quack! It's not me,No,no, it's not me, never! You all got me wrong. Ya don'tunderstand. It's that other guy!

Duck, no Buck, Duck/Buck(who am I supposed to be today?)Cherry? Roxxy? Sillybunny? Calibunny? Funnybunny, Souperbunny?

Whose computer am I on today? Where's my Daddy'sInternet? Whose my brudder? What e-mail?

Sorry, I lied and don't have a bunny, but I do have a buffalo! Forgive me, but forget me, not!

Yadda, yadda, yadda!


I may have to get my brothers on to this Duckie guy, ya know. Ya know my brothers JimC.

username"HREF="/view_user.php?id=10" onclick="show_menu(event, this,'menu10')">pamnock wrote:
Daughter Stephanie hassigned on as username "Pam's Spawn" (I thought Stephnock)would have been fine, but then she said "How about "Pam's daughter?" --then "Pam's Spawn" popped into her head :)


Isn't their sense of humor overwhelmingsometimes? What have we created? :shock:

It will be great to have her on!



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