Cherry and Roxxi

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gjsara wrote:
for the computer illiterates like me what is an isp adress.??
There is a post called isp adresses, it is closed now, but you canstill read it. I think this topic is now closed and we should ignorethese people. By keep bringing it up we are giving them thesatisfaction. Maybe we should just wait and see if they reply - if notthen just get on with the forum and not let them stop the genuine onesfrom enjoying the board!

gjsara wrote:
i amsorry vickii did not mean to offend i dont get on very often and i wasjust posting an oppinion sorry wont hapen agian

Did I come across as harsh? Maybe my words came out wrong.Ididn't mean to sound rude if I did and wasn't having a go at you. Ijust think that this is being dragged on a bit much now and it istaking the fun out of the board and as you can see it is causingtension between members like it is right now.

No hard feelings?



Interesting observation, gjsara. That's the beauty of a group likethis, someone like you and the others are always catching the trolls'mistakes. Thank you.

Buck, glad you saw 'Cherry'. Wonder why no reply...anywhere. (Hmmmm)

Also understand where Vickie's coming from, and really believe she didn't mean to offend.

Everyone here is on your toes - and I'm very grateful for that.



Well...look who just came's Cherry!


If I put it below, after 2 hours, it'll be on the next page. I will doso eventually, but keep in mind, for regulars such as yourself, youreye would drop. Others that come in see it right away.


Well, Cherry has left the building, and now I shall drop it down. It's obvious that this 'person' doesn't have an answer.

I'm very confident that Cherry saw this post because it was on thefront page (sign in page) from the minute they got here until theyleft.

Pretty hard to miss it when it's the first post you see when you enter in your registration along with Users Online.

waves to all the other night owls online :D


Waves back to you too, ElfMommy!...

I was surprised to find so many others up this time of the morning! :)
I was sick and up alllllllll last night, so Islept most of today...ok...the entire day until around 6 pm. So, nowI'm not sleepy. I borrowed hubby's laptop (wireless internet) and amsurfing around lying in bed. :p

edit: of course, I've now caught up COMPLETELY on all my message boards hehe
ok, i have something to tell you all.The reason that me and Cher have the same email is that we areneighbors, and I don't have an email address and Cher was nice enoughto let me use hers, on the behalf of we at like we don't know eachother so people won't mix us up and stuff. I know it doesn't soundright, but Cherry's kinda wierd. (tee hee hee)

Anywayz, I kinda have the feeling I'm beingconfused for someone else. I think maybe everyone will be safer ifmaybe I just left.
Roxxi wrote:
ok,i have something to tell you all. The reason that me and Cherhave the same email is that we are neighbors, and I don't have an emailaddress and Cher was nice enough to let me use hers, on the behalf ofwe at like we don't know each other so people won't mix us up andstuff. I know it doesn't sound right, but Cherry's kinda wierd. (teehee hee)

Anywayz, I kinda have the feeling I'm beingconfused for someone else. I think maybe everyone will be safer ifmaybe I just left.

Why do i have a feeling that this is a load of doggie doo doo??
I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
Roxxi wrote:
ok, i havesomething to tell you all. The reason that me and Cher havethe same email is that we are neighbors, and I don't have an emailaddress and Cher was nice enough to let me use hers, on the behalf ofwe at like we don't know each other so people won't mix us up andstuff. I know it doesn't sound right, but Cherry's kinda wierd. (teehee hee)

Anywayz, I kinda have the feeling I'm beingconfused for someone else. I think maybe everyone will be safer ifmaybe I just left.

Why do i have a feeling that this is a load of doggie doo doo??
Because you're very perceptive?
Roxxi wrote:
on the behalf of we at like we don't know eachother so people won't mix us up and stuff.
Just to clarify thatsome of theboard members hereare family and use the same computer (myself and the hubby included) Wehave never had problems before with people mixing us up. You have justmade it even more confusing for yourselves if you act like you don'tknow each other. We are more than happy to have you here if you you aregenuine. You have caused quite a lot of tension around here. How comeCherry signed in but never gave an answer?

UM yeah I dont believe you..... You took way toolong to think up that response. Sorry if you are telling the truth butI will never believe you. You spent too much time here... We havefigured you out and if you(im making this as a warning to other trollstoo)come back again we will spot you because you are soo easyto figure out! now that is the scary part...........
I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think it'sright to purposefully post things that are detramental to a particularperson (or persons)reputationon the forum whenthere is no substantialevidence that their story is not true.I think a better way would be to simply contact Carolyn with yourconcerns so our forum does not get a bad name when new people come here.

I'm not saying I believe them, I do find it susicious but I will nto post more than that publicly.

P.S.- I do not mean the intentions of this post, I mean some of the replies may scare a few people off.

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