Cheering Them On

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Elf Mommy wrote:
Can you keep a secret? ;)

I learned it on Radio Disney this morning while driving the kids to school.

He He :D

You Are Wonderful, Elf Mommy. :dude:

It's a great piece of trivia. I hope JimD tunes into this post because I recall he loves that sort of thing.

I wonder what else I don't know...???


Dear MyBunnyBoys and Elf Mommy,

While I have you both here...

The other night, when I was talking to Sebastian's Little Girl on thephone, she asked me if we could make Sebastian a groom and Cali hisbride.

The other thing she asked to see is if we could cut out the Beauty and the Beast logo and put Sebastian and Cali in there?

No way can I do that, but if you have some time to play around, can you remember those suggestions?

Thanks. :dude: :dude:


I would love to but I'm exhausted lately. :(

I get up at 6:45 am and then rush to get ready and off to school. Ionly go to school until 2:00 pm but when I come home I do chores,homework (math, physics, and german),play with the boys, andwatch some quality Animal Planet programming with Mocha (normally).

I'm already exhausted by the time I get home (being around peopledrains me so much) that anything that needs to be done requires me tomake myself get up and do it and I'm running on empty right now.

Even typing is becoming a chore and requires too much energy that I just don't seem to have.

Perhaps it's just that I'm a teenager and need lots of sleep but I'm just not getting it, lol.

Sorry, maybe this weekend when I have some 'get-up-and-go'.
No Worries at ALL, MyBunnyBoys.

It doesn't have to happen at all. Sebastian's Little Girl andI completely understand. We were just bouncing ideas around.

Hope you get your rest. You've earned it!


Just in case you didint know Raspberry was wrong. Beavers have long brownish tails.

Stephanie thank you about my avatar!

If you didint know Sebastian got grounded to his cage.:(Thats right the one you thot was always good was relleybad! :XWe had to chase him all around the livingroom to catchhim too and we were getting relley mad! :XDaddy dosint knowhe chewed up the pillows yet! :shock:

Sebastian's Little Girl

P. S. - Daddys going to have a fit!
What?! Our little saint was a bad bunny?!

You're welcome, it's such a nice avatar. :)

Did you see this funny picture of Chompers yet? He's climbing on my lap to get at some raisins.
Steph, Sebastian'scoat looks just like Chompers where it's coming in new after hishaircut. It doesn't get fuzzy until after the guard hairs grow out alittle bit. I'll have to get a picture of it later and show you. Ialways think they look so much alike anyway!

Me too, Raspberry. As you can see in that photo,Chomps is looking a bit on the scruffy side. When we did his nails theother night, I actually had to cut off clumps of fur that were allmatted on his paws. :?

I'm thinking come spring we may need to do a shavedown, if only to getrid of the clumpy stuff he refuses to let me brush. Probably hurts thelittle guy....
Carolyn wrote:
Elf Mommy wrote:
Can you keep a secret? ;)

I learned it on Radio Disney this morning while driving the kids to school.

He He :D

You Are Wonderful, Elf Mommy. :dude:

It's a great piece of trivia. I hope JimD tunes into this post because I recall he loves that sort of thing.

I wonder what else I don't know...???

I knew I forgot to reply to this. I must have been sulking over theLucky issue...the one where ALL of our members signed thepetition.

Anyway...yeppers, them "hogs" and "chucks" be the same.

My uncle had one tearing up his garden that he was going to shoot ortrap in a leg-trap. I asked him if we could use a live trap and that Iwould construct it for him. He though I was crazy, but if I wanted to"waste my time" he would let me give it a try.

I built the trap out of scraps of wood and set it out that night.Imagine my uncle's surprise when we checked the trap the next mornigand had caught the woodchuck. That woodchuck was so big and heavy thatit took two uf us to lift the trap into the bed ofthe pickuptruck. He was then relocated.

I think I was about 10 years old when this happened.


I'm calling her up right now, ElfMommy!

That's TEN TIMES better than I imagined!!

GOOD LORD! You've really done it this time!

I gotta go. I've got a Little Girl that Must be In The Know.

Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
YES Thank you SEBASTIAN SAYS oh my GOODNESS! I love it! Love it! Love it! :)


Me Too!!!! :dude:

Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
Just in case you didint know Raspberry was wrong. Beavers have long brownish tails.

Sebastian's Little Girl

Thanks, Babe! ;)
