Once upon a time there wasthis nice lady who loved all her bunny friends. She was called at thelast moment on a Wednesday night and ask to drive a van full ofcheerleaders 3 hours away for to a basketball tournament that wouldlast for three days. To top it off, she hadn't seen her husband formore than 30 minutes all week and had nowhere to leave her small child,but she gamely packed her things, packed her small child's things, saida quick prayer that the snow storm would slow down, and off she went.BUT, being the kind woman she is, she did PM the moderator of her bunnyforum to let her know she was okay.....This nice lady spent three daysin a hotel, a gymnasium, restaurants, movie theaters and avan that was full of karaoke singing cheerleaders, slip-sliding away inrush hour traffic on the snow in Kansas City.....whew.....only toohappy to return home for a good night rest. She wakes up and poursherself a big cup of coffee. Does she go kiss her other4children spend quality time with them? NO.....Does she sit down to abig breakfast and share her stories with her husband? NO.....Does she call her father? NO.....she runs to the computer tosay hello to her bunny friends whom she is sure has missed her! Andwhat does she find????? :XThat once again, Sebastian's LittleGirl is going to say "What have they done to my bunny?"