Cheering Them On

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Why all the fuss...boys can be cheerleaders too.Now granted they don't wear skirts but I think Sebastian pulls it offbeautifully. Although I'll admit the shorts are much more manly!

I think Sebastian makes a very *good*cheerleader. just tell his little girl that he wanted to help her rootroot root for the home team :) and he had to look his best to dothat...but then he got jealous of the players, and decided to join theteam :)
Geez...I was in and outta trouble before I even got a chance to catch this thread.

Hey...cute bun!

errr..ummm...nice cheerleaders suit.

JimD wrote:
Geez...I was in and outta trouble before I even got a chance to catch this thread.

Hey...cute bun!

errr..ummm...nice cheerleaders suit.


Ya saw that, huh, Jim??

Ty-bee wrote:
Now granted they don't wear skirts but I think Sebastian pulls it off beautifully.


Sebastian is NOT a Girly Man!

Carolyn wrote:
Sebastian is NOT a Girly Man!


Oh no I didn't mean he was a Girly Man! I just meant he looksabsolutely adorable as a cheerleader!!!! Wish I'd have had acheerleader like him on our squad back in highschool!
MyBunnyBoys thank you for putting Sebastian in a basketball sute. I like it. Now he looks like a boy.


Sebastian's Little Girl


LOOK at that GREAT Avatar, Sebastian's Little Girl!

I love it! :dude:


By the way, tell your Mom that I really love her new avatar too. :dude:
He saw his shadow today in my state.The guy on the news was saying that that meant early spring.I guess they got it wrong.


It's A GROUNDHOG,Raspberry!???

* * * * *

Thanks, Peter.?

Carolyn wrote:
It'sA GROUNDHOG,Raspberry!

Okay, okay....I stand corrected! It'sjust that is was on a stump and it looked like a beaver! Ithought groundhogs would be in the ground. But now I know! It'sa GROUNDHOG!


How much wood

would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck

all he could chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

:Ddid you know that groundhogs and woodchucks are the samecritters? ...just a different name for the same lil rodent :)

A ground hog's a woodchuck??

No, I didn't know that.


Thanks Elf Mommy!
