Lasix was one of the meds Murray was on toward the end of his battle with cardiomyopathy. I don't recall how long he was on it nor the dose... but it was not one of the meds he had a bad reaction to (and there were some).I would not be afraid to give it again if a trusted veterinarian recommended it.
I have just recently started hearing aboutLasix being usedfor treatment of sludge... it is not something I would personally jump into imediately for sludge or use in minor cases ... but you are certainly notjumping in immediately, nor is your case minor.If I were in your position, I would definitely give it a try.
I so totally understand what you are saying about Chase being poked and prodded. Trust that you know her best and know whether she wants to continue treatment. In 1997, when Smokey was diagnosed with cancer, we took heroic measures and spent tons of money because it was clear that fighting was what he wanted to do. Thisincludedtreatments that I would probably decline for myself.When we were trying to decide whether to try a second ($250/treatment) chemo drug, I asked my vet "What would you do if he were your bunny?" I will never forget her answer: "If he were my bunny, I would have to stop because I would be out of money." At that point, we were able to keep trying, but with that statement Dr. Bradley taught me that it was OK to say "that is something I cannot afford." My life has changed since then, and I know that next time Imay have to say that... and it will be OK.
Almost exactly ten years later, Dante made it equally clear that he would rather die than continue aggressive treatment for an ear abscess. Again, I had to let go of what I thought "should" be done and listen to what he wanted.
Sit with Chase, ask her what she wants, and trust what you hear. Feel free to PM me any time.
Hugs to you and Chase.
Kathy Smith