Raw Vegetable Oxalate content milligrams per 100 gram serving
Spinach 750
Beet greens 610
Okra 146
Parsley 100
Leeks 89
Collard greens 74
These are somethings that contain the calcium oxalate. None of them are things I feed except carrots occasinally. So I am figuring the veggies I feed, cilantro, dandelion, red leaf, and endive contain calcium which would all be absorbed. May be I am over feeding calcium. I am going to stop feeding the dandelion. All the other greens I feed are low in calcium and plus they get these pellets. I am going to have some unhappy buns!
ETA: Just found an article that said dandedlions do contain oxalate calcium. Now I am really confused.
Oxalate-rich foods include rhubarb, spinach, strawberries, chocolate, nuts, beets, wheat bran, blackberries, blueberries, wheat germ, whole wheat products, tangerines, beet greens, dandelion greens, olives, leeks, kale, concord grapes, figs, carrots, celery, soy sauce, marmalade, grits and pretzels.
ETA-Again-You guys are going to kill me.
Okay so the percentages above are daily value percentages right? What if you don't feed it daily lol. I don't get this. Anyway 55g of dandelion contains 10% DV. 1 ounce contains 5% DV and 52.4 mg. 100 grams which equals 0.435 cups is 19% and 187mg. OMG I was feeding like several cups a day. That is a lot on top of the other veggies and pellets.
While I am at it I will do some other veggies.
Cilantro 1/4 cup 4g has 2.7 mg 0% DV.
Read leaf 1 outer leaf 17g 5.6 mg 1% DV
Endive 1/2 cup chopped 25g 13 mg 1% DV
Parsley 1 cup 60g 82.8 mg 8%Dv
Those are all for raw veggies and the figures are just for calcium.