Sorry to keep you all waiting, we just walked inthe door and it's like 4:30 now. Didn't get out the vets till 3:30 andhad an hour drive home.
He took a CBC, blood panel, x-rays, ect. The results of the CBC andblood panel will be in first thing in the morning. The x-ray showedabsolutely nothing with his kidneys, meaning the only thing the x-rayruled out was a tumor. So now we're waiting on the blood work in themorning to see what's up with that and the possiblity of leukemia oranything else.
He did fine through the anesthesia, thank God. He's a bit groggy, butmuch more awake than earlier. He's already back to eating and drinkingnow.
He's scheduled for his ultra-sound on Thursday at 2pm, so hopefullythat'll show something. My concern, and my vet's concern now, is thatif the blood work doesn't show anything and the ultra-sound doesn'tshow anything, and the x-ray didn't show anything... then what? Well,what's next is exploratory surgery, and ooooo boy, I don't even want tothink about that yet, mainly because of the risk involved, and theamount of cash that would freakin cost. Holy cow.
So here's to hoping the blood work or ultrasound finds something. Iknow that sounds badWANTING to find something, but obviouslySOMETHINGis wrong with as sick as he's been. So I definitelywant to find out what, without having to resort to exploratory surgery,so that we can began treating it.
Well, that's pretty much all the news on the home front for now, thankyou everyone for all the well wishes and prayers. Jade, I LOVED thatcollage you made, give everybunny a big nose rub from me and Chance.