Chance Update

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Well, it's 2:45 and he hadn't called. So Icalled there. Some new chick at the desk (I'll have to find out whothis newbie is... :whatevah) said he was in emergency surgery with ananimal. I told her to tell him to give me a call when he gets thechance. I have a feeling I'll be getting that phone call whenhecloses after 6pm tonight. I say this because when he waitsthis long to call and doesn't do it on his lunch break, he usuallyfinishes off making his phone calls after he closes. UGH! And ARGH!
While I'm waiting to figure out whymy old name is messing up, I thought I'd post an update with this temporary name.

I called my vet just now, as it's 5:40pm and they close at 6pm and Ihadn't heard anything yet. Finally someone I know, Kaisha,one of thedesk girls that works there, picked up and I told her that obviouslythey close in 20 min. and Dr. M never called me back yet. I explainedhow I had called this morning and got someone else, who turns out wasjust a kennel temp hand answering the phone. He probably never got themessage.

Anyways, Kaisha said that he DOES have the results, and they did comein earlier today. But that my vet came in to work really late todaycause he wasn't feeling well. Then he had a bunch of emergencysurgeries lined up, so he never even got the chance to look at theresults. She said she wrote a big note and will make sure he gets themessage to call me after 6pm when he closes -- most likely he'll callonce he gets home. Usually how he does with me, cause he knows I'llhave a ton of questions.

Anyways, I told her about me booking the ultra-sound for Thursday and Ineed those results ASAP so I can get a copy tomorrow to bring over tothe exotics vet when they take the ultrasound.

So yeah, we need to get a move on here people! :angryrant
I have a headache.

So the vet called with the results, and what we have are... confusingresults, one very clueless vet and one very POed client (that would beme).

First, here's the results starting with the good stuff:

- His kidney enzymes and protein count came back good.

- His electrolytes are okay

- His body is generating new red blood cells

- One of the anemia tests came back normal. Was 5.12, normal is between 5 and 8.

On to the bad stuff:

- His potassium level is extremely low and registered at 2.9. Thisindicates a kidney problem, but with his protein and red blood cellsbeing fine, he has no idea what type of kidney problem.

- His globulin (sp?) protein was much too low. Came back 1.9 and issupposed to be between 2.9 and 4.9. This also indicates a kidneyproblem, but once again, no idea what type.

- His liver enzymes are too high, no idea why.

- His hormadicrit (sp?) is too low at 32.9, it's supposed to be between 35 and 50. This indicates anemia to a certain extent.

So where does this leave us? With a lot of confusion. What's causingthe kidney problems, WHAT is the kidney problem. I'm going tomorrow topick upa copy of the blood test results and taking them withme to the ultra-sound vet on Thursday. I'm going to be like "here!we're clueless, now give me your opinion!"

After the ultra-sound is over and done with Thursday, THEN we arefinally scheduling LSU for them to look at all the test results,ultrasound and x-rays. We needed to get all that done and now it'sgoing to be LSU to most likely figure out what the [bleep] is going on.

I see exploratory surgery in the future. How loverly.
The hematocrit is a measure of boththenumber of red blood cells and the size of red bloodcells.

That's interesting blood work. When cats are in kidneyfailure, many become anemic but there is usually some change in the redblood cell count. We've given Procrit injections to some ofour senior cats with CRF. I wonder if it's the same forrabbits? If Chance is still making red blood cells, that'sgood news. So often with various cancers/leukemia/ autoimmunediseases, the production of red blood cells stops.

I have a feeling an internal vet med specialist will be able to provide more insight on the meaning of the blood work
I am so stressed about this, I just need avacation. No, what I really need is a clear cut freakin' answer fromSOMETHING. I hope the exotics vet can figure something out Thursday.I'm just bringing the blood results along, he's really only booked fora kidney ultrasound. I'm just hoping the vet can scan the results andfigure something freaking out. I'm going to mention the kidney flush tothe exotics vet. I mentioned it to my vet AGAIN a while ago, andnooooooo.

This is me right now. Litterally. :banghead
I just called my vet and Candice is faxing overthe blood test results to me. I want to look at alllll the numbers. Ialso needed to bring them with me to the ultra-sound vet tomorrow.

I wanted to compare the numbers to a vet website I found, which lists normal blood test numbers for rabbits.
Okay, got the blood test results, so now I can post the rest of everything.

His calcium is too high at 13, should be around 6-8.

His Phosphorus is too high at 5.3

His alkaleinity is off the chart at 44... should be about 9.

His cholesterol is much too low, at 25. Should be closer to 50-80.

Something that's worrisome: His ALT was off the chart at 74.ALT is an enzyme found only in the liver, which increases in the bloodduring liver damage.

Also his aluminum count was too high (or too low...) at 2.1. Not sure what it's supposed to be though.

How frustrating getting results like that back! Poor Chance!

It sounds like he needs a really cluey vet to figure out what is wrongwith him, and even the right tests he needs to figure out what's up.

I'm thinking of you and Chance :magicwand:
ahri22 wrote:
Itsounds like he needs a really cluey vet to figure out what is wrongwith him, and even the right tests he needs to figure out what's up.
Yep, I agree!

We're off to the exotics specialist for the exam and kidney ultrasound.We're leaving in just a few, and I'll update everyone as soon as wereturn (which will probably be very late. This place is extremely far,well over an hour and a half there, and a hour and a half back. A 3hour round trip! :shock:)


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