I have a headache.
So the vet called with the results, and what we have are... confusingresults, one very clueless vet and one very POed client (that would beme).
First, here's the results starting with the good stuff:
- His kidney enzymes and protein count came back good.
- His electrolytes are okay
- His body is generating new red blood cells
- One of the anemia tests came back normal. Was 5.12, normal is between 5 and 8.
On to the bad stuff:
- His potassium level is extremely low and registered at 2.9. Thisindicates a kidney problem, but with his protein and red blood cellsbeing fine, he has no idea what type of kidney problem.
- His globulin (sp?) protein was much too low. Came back 1.9 and issupposed to be between 2.9 and 4.9. This also indicates a kidneyproblem, but once again, no idea what type.
- His liver enzymes are too high, no idea why.
- His hormadicrit (sp?) is too low at 32.9, it's supposed to be between 35 and 50. This indicates anemia to a certain extent.
So where does this leave us? With a lot of confusion. What's causingthe kidney problems, WHAT is the kidney problem. I'm going tomorrow topick upa copy of the blood test results and taking them withme to the ultra-sound vet on Thursday. I'm going to be like "here!we're clueless, now give me your opinion!"
After the ultra-sound is over and done with Thursday, THEN we arefinally scheduling LSU for them to look at all the test results,ultrasound and x-rays. We needed to get all that done and now it'sgoing to be LSU to most likely figure out what the [bleep] is going on.
I see exploratory surgery in the future. How loverly.