Cats and rabbits...

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Mar 31, 2005
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Wondering who has experience in rabbit/cat situations!

We are looking at adopting a very small himilayan cat. Thecat is spayed, about 4 pounds (wont get any bigger) and is very playfuland easygoing. The cat loves all animals and wants to playwith all animals. Toffee is about 7 pounds...doesn't mind ourbirds swooping down on her and sitting on her back, and is oftencurious about them. She was around a lab puppy 3x her sizeonce who chased her around, and she was not at all curious, but quitefrightented. We adopted her from a home where she wasconstantly chase by a dog, which is supposedly why she was given up.

I'm wondering if anyone has any guesses for me as to how they would mixbased on personalities and most of all what your experience is in thisarena. Any help is appreciated. I want to make surewe have a good mix here.


Im not sure how to match animals depending on their personality, Ithink when they are introduced they either like each other or theydont. I have a cat and 2 bunnys and I have never had any fightingbetween them.

My cat Smirnoffwas 3 when I brought Buu home. She was a babymedium lop and mySmirnoff used to cuddle up and lick herhead!

They play together in the garden and when Smirnoff isnt in themoodto playor Buu is jumping about too much shejust goes and sits on the garden table. She has tapped her with her pawa few times when Buu runs up behind her and she isnt expecting it butother than that they get on fine.

Also if other cats come into the garden when Buu is out she will followBuu real close and attack the other cats if they get near her, but whencats come in and Buu is in her hutch she doesnt pay them any attention.

Its cute, whenI open her cat flap every morning the firstthing she does is run up to Buu's hutch and go meow meow meow!

But she doesnt do anything like that with my boy bunny Trip who Ibrought home about 6 months ago. She will go and sniff him but doesntplay or follow him like she does with Buu. And Trip isnt reallyinterested in her either, like Buu will run up to her as soon as she islet out but Trip hardly looks at her.

They have never shown any aggression to each other though, they pretty much just ignore each other.


Hi KiwiK,

I have had cats and rabbits together in the past, and for the most parthave had no problems. I do have a rabbit right now (Anna) who wasabsolutely terrified of cats when I first brought her home...she wouldpanic at the sight of either of my two kitties and would thump wildlyand flee in terror. She had come from the Humane Society, where someonehad found her as a stray in the streets, so I'm assuming she wasprobably terrorized by a cat (or cats) at some point. She had noproblems with my dog whatsoever, just the cats.

It didn't take her long though, to discover that the cats weren't goingto hurt her. I allowed them to walk by Anna's crate when I first gother, all the while talking to her in a soothing voice and stroking her.From there she was eventually able to stay in the same room with themalone, and now they don't bother her in the least. In fact, when she isfree in the yard she will often approach Fritz and nudge him.

The only other problem I've ever had with cats and rabbits is with myother current rabbit, Raph. When I first got him he adored the cats,especially Fritz, and would follow him everywhere. However, Raph is anunneutered male, and ever since introducing Anna to the gang he'sbecome very possessive of her, and will attack the cats if he isroaming the yard and they are out there too. (The cats soon learned tostay out of his reach after he'd done that a couple of times!)Unfortunately I cannot counteract his actions, although it's funny...ifhe's in the house and the cats are there he doesn't bother with them atall...only in the backyard. I guess he's claimed that as his and Anna'sturf.

For the most part I do believe that cats and rabbits can get alongfamously, given the opportunity. And if a bond doesn't form, thenmonitoring them when both are in the same area is a good idea. Soundslike your new kitty will be a great addition to thefamily...congratulations!
Thanks guys for the quick replies. Everyone is always so friendly and helpful here! :D

I did forget to mention that the person adopting this kitty out isworried about the cat/bunny relationship because this cat isn't afraidof anything. It thinks everything is it's friend and wants toplay! So I'm imagining the situation of Toffee walking up tosniff the kitty (she is fairly bold) and the kitty tries to playwrestle her...what in the world would any normal bun do? Ofcourse I'd be worried about the claws thing, but I did see that linkfor those caps.
You could start the introductions by having thecat on a harness. That's what I'm doing with mykittens. At first Eve wanted to run after the buns andwrestle, but she soon learned that I wasn't going to allow it.

My other kitten Lily loves the bunnies and at least two of the fourlove her back. They hop up to sniff her and she flops downand purrs, then rolls on her back to see if they'll give her a bellyrub!
We have 5 cats all with claws and 5bunns. We haven't had a problem with any of ourbunnsbeing hurt or attacked. I am beginning tothink that our cats are oddly tolerant though! We recentlybrought a new bunn into the house (Socks of course!;)) and he hasdeveloped an absolute fascination for our cats! If you puthim with our bunns he growls hisses thumps and makes a niusence ofhimself! But he will groom the cats...sleeps with our biggestone(22 pounds) and plays chase with them. If they try towrestle and he doesn't like it he just pops up and jumpsaway!

I also have a rabbit that HATEScats!!Peppers loves to bite and chasethem! They all run and hide when they see hercoming! She has taken chunks of fur out of them!:shock: I am of the opinion that a cat is in more danger ofinjury usually than a rabbit! Woe to the cat that thinks fullgrown bunns are play things!! :shock:

Of course there are exceptions...but it doesn't sound like your cat hasa high prey drive by the way you described her. If she is OKwith birds and doesn't harm them she might enjoy having a kittyfriend!:)
Runestonez wrote:
I am of the opinion that a cat is in more dangerof injury usually than a rabbit!
Me too. The cat next door comes in and plays chase with my bunnys and Iam well scared that one of them is just going to kick the cat in theface or something!

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