Calisto and Demon

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What a convient space for the babies. ;)

I'm glad they are all doing well. Make sure you keep taking pictures for us to see!!

Goodluck on poor little healing Calisto!
Hey phone will be back on in about a couple hours...the number might be different, though...I'll let ya know what the number is just as soon as I know!!

I can't wait to chat with ya's been too long since you told me Jesse stories!!

I miss ya...and I still wuff you!! Do you still wuff the Rosie????

Calisto's babies turn 3 weeks old!

I'm amazd they all made it. I expected the worst but I think we're out of the woods now. and... into my bedroom.

bunnies have been upgraded from sock drawer to modified carrier. They're so happy and I put a little space heater in the bedroom for them. They all sit in the corner closest to the heater. They love attention. I took the little chin in petsmart last night and I can hold him in one hand. and he just chilled while I did my shopping. Infact he passed out. And the person at the register was like ''oh a baby chinchilla'' and I was like
''uh uh....bunny."
"yes, bunny."

I also got a phone call today. Someone has put a down payment on this little chin baby. And he'll be traveling all the way from New Jersey to Pittsburgh to get him. It's a pet for his two daughters and he's really done his research and stuff. He's a very nice man. He asked me so many questions! He said he hates to get any animal as a holiday gift but his kids have been asking for one for a long time and his wife and he finally said they'd at least do some research and see if a rabbit was the kind of pet for them. and I think that's very admirable. They describe themselves as animal lovers and hwo they spoilt heir other pets so I really really think he'll have a great home. But he's not even weaned yet so he won't be picking him up for a while.

So anyways...

3 week old bunny pics.




Awwwwwwwwwwww what a cute story! Sounds like your lil chinchilla will go to a nice place :biggrin2:The fact that they held off, did the research, and then will travel that distance is really encouraging!

Baby butt :biggrin2:I will miss seeing the sock bunnies when they go :(Lol. Why do they grow? *Sighs* Hehe.
Yeah, i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be so good to not feed them either......guess the will just have to grow up.
JAK Rabbitry wrote:
Yar I was so hoping for some opals. I'm keeping a buck out of there to breed to Demon and DArko later. I'm hoping to get blues out of that.


PS - Is your phone still down or do you hate me?

I could NEVER hate the JesseButt!! :D:D:D