Calisto and Demon

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My friend offered tot ake me NOW so i'm leaving ina few. The downside is that I won't be able to see teh DR I wanted to see though they said they'd call her and see if she can come and see me. The other woman I really don't like. She's like a ditz.

Callie and I are off. I'm not too worried about Demon as she hasn't done like....anything. She may just have gotten pregnant later than I thought.

Okies, we'll be here waiting. :pray:Well you might miss taping this delivery but you still have Demon and you have to have babies from Teddy in the future :pI just hope your girl is ok. :)
So I had my friend Melissa rush me and Cal tot he vet. We immediately took an xray, it was kind of hard to see but we found out what we needed to know. Calisto had a breached baby trying to come out that wouldn't. Inducing labor wouldn't work because he was clearly stuck. So I opted for a C Section. I even got to see bits of the surgery. It was neat. And s=the vet had Cal open on the table and I was in the next room with the door between us open and the doc calls out '' I have 7 babies in here..." So all the techs and assistants and other doctors all came running with a towel ready to grab a baby to revive. And they needed extra hands so Melissa and I took a babe.

So we're all standing in the room having a bunny-rubbing party and the assistent coems out of surgery to tell me that one of Cal's uterine horns was full of puss and had an infection. All the babies that came out of that side were small, underdeveloped, and had absolutely no fur. When rubbed, their skin came off. And we were unablet o revive them. We lost those 4 babies. But the 3 ont he clean side of the uterus were fine and fat and very normal looking. We were able to revive them after many many long miutes of rubbing and peopel crying ''wake up babies! Wake up babies!'' 3 came to life right before our eyes, wrapped int heir little blue towels. And they clicked and peeped and squirmed around and once they were clearly breathing normally we put the 3 kits in an incubator.

After they finished stitching up Callie I was allowed to walk in and see her and I held her little paw while she started to ocme out of her nap. Then once she was breathing ok they wrapped her in a towel and handed her to me and I brought her inthe waiting room and kept her on my lap until she fully woke up. They said it would take around 10 minutes but it was more like 20. She was soooo sleepy. And I would shift her around and rub her chest to get her to wakey but she was just all Z's. After about 15 minutes I would shift her bulk around on my lap and her head would snap up like she suddenly woke up...but within seconds she was asleep again. Finally she just all of a sudden BOOM! Woke up and rolled over within a split second and she was just awake. Though still woozy but a major improvement.

We took the babies out of the incubator and I brought Calisto over to the table. She was still kind of sleepy and too weak to stand so she laid on her side and the babies went right to it! They all had a big big meal and got fat fat little bellays! And Cal kind of dozed 80% of the time. I didn't get the ''birth'' on video like I'd hoped, but I did make a video of the new family at this tiem for everyoen to see.

Me holding Calisto in the waiting room waiting for her to wake up.


And babies getting their first meal

And the video


Awww Jesse :(I'm sorry about the babies that didn't make it. I'm so glad you caught it quickly and rushed her in. They are too cute! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Its alright. These things happen. I'm just glad Cal is alright. I don't know what I'd do without her.

I just gave her her meds for the infection. I have to crush pills and syringe them to her because the vet didn't have liquid baytril. grr. She was.....displeased....

I tried feeding the babies on her and they were like '' nope! Still full!''

I'm worried that because Calisto didn't exactly give birth to these babies, that she might not take care of them or realize they are her babies. Though one oft hem squealed inthe enst box and she immediately jumped in there. She kind of landed on them but they didn't seem to care and I moved her foot.

We'll see
I'm so glad you decided to take her in to the vet. I was so worried this morning. I don't know but do they have blood with false pregnancies?

I'm sorry you lost some but those are just special babies there! Thank you for thinking to take photos for us too!
Poor Calisto!! Will she be okay now? I hope so! I'm sad for the four lost babies, but yay for the three healthy ones! I hope everything goes well!
I'm glad Calisto is ok for now ;)and I hope her infection goes away without any trouble! And what cute little babe-ahs! I'm so sorry you lost those four, but at least you got to keep the other three :biggrin2:and what an amazing joy to be able to bring them back to life! I remember my grandma doing that with a puppy in my house on christmas's a miracle right before your eyes!
JAK Rabbitry wrote:
I'm worried that because Calisto didn't exactly give birth to these babies, that she might not take care of them or realize they are her babies. Though one oft hem squealed inthe enst box and she immediately jumped in there. She kind of landed on them but they didn't seem to care and I moved her foot.

We'll see

They smell like her and she was in pain as if to give birth so I think she'll naturally bond to them. Plus she's groggy and probably won't remember what happened LOL!

Don't be sorry for the four babies. I won't say I don't care but it doesn't bother me. Its just something that happened. Most of all I wanted my Callie to be ok, even if it meant no babies. So having 3 little fat ones is more than enough for me. I think you're right about them smelling like her and the bonding thing. When one of the light colored ones was squealing earlier she hopped right in, like she knew she had to be there. I have no idea why he was screaming. I barely touched him and he was all like ''E! ....EEEEEEE!"

9:28AM - Calisto's Stitches broke open, I'm rushing her back to the vet. I called and they didn't answer the phone so I left a message on their emergency hotline andthey called back within minutes.

"Sorry we didn't get tot he phone intime its just crazy it just a stitch or two or is it completely open?"

"I can stick a few fingers in there.

"Bring her in."
Oh no...:shock:poor Calisto. You've all had an exhausting couple of days. I hope all is well. Please let us know how it goes.

I am happy that you got her to the vet when you did. Yay for the 3 little ones & Calisto!!:biggrin2:
I took Cal to the vet. The doc had 3 emergency surgeries to perform when I got there so she couldn't tend to Cal right away. So they made her a bed and I had to drop her off. I brought her papaya/Pineapple treats. I handed it tot he tech and Iw as like '' here's her lovin'....for when she wakes up" And she was all excited to give her some treats later.

I hadn't thought to bring the babies, I figured they'd just put her under, stitch her up, and I'd take her home. But now she's goign to be there a while and I have to bring the kids later this evening when Erron gets home. They'll be alright. They looked like they'd been fed this morning as far as I can tell. They weren't like scrawny and underfed looking, which seems to happen if they're hungry or skip a meal. I was goign to try to help them nurse when I discovered I could see inside my rabbit. Not.....good.... to see. So I wrapped Cal in a towel and called my dad and he came and took me tot he vet.

So that's the scoop for the moment. Demon STILL hasn't shown any signs of pregnancy other than a freakin' huge belly and she's drinking about 30 OZ or more a day. And eating about 2-3 cups of foodz. But no nest. No building or gathering of any kind. But her belly is HUGE like Calisto's was. So I think when I go later i'm goign to ask if they'll xray Demon and see wtf is going on. I'll hold her food so we can get a decent picture. She won't die for a few hours without eating I don't think.

The vet called me and asked if I can pick up Cal earlier, and my sister said she would take me. So off I go again. I'm taking Demon for xrays,a nd while that's goin' down i'll be bringing the babies along for a snack. I figure if Cal isn't feedign them and I havet o help, it's easiest to do so while she's sedated and not really caring. Like int he video she had just woken up from the anesthesia and was so ''whatever'' about everything. She was so pleasant. A nice change fromt he ''feed me now or I bite you'' persona.

So out of here.

Yay!!! I'm happy to hear that things are going better. Yup, sedation is a good thing sometimes! :biggrin2:

Hope all goes well with Demon. :shock:
I just got back fromthe vet. Demon had an xray. Turns out she's just full of.....well....crap. All we could see onteh picture was poop. They said she may have reabsorbed her litter in which case she would eventually pass that. So no prego. Even though she's huge and eats more than I do.

Cal got purple stitches. And I brought the babies and they had lunch and the vet gave Cal a green lampshade to wear. She hates it. She keeps running into things in there but she's settled down a lot. She still loves food and can get to her waterbottle, I may need to find her a n odd shaped food dish. I gave her hay to munch on for the moment. Mmm food. She needs her meds for today too. And Spanky still needs meds. and I just got home. And I've like been gone all day. I'm pulling my hair out.


Who wants to come shovel horse poo or something?

Oh my goodness! I'm just catching up on this. I'm so glad Calisto made it through. I hope the babies continue to do well. It sucks that some of them died but I understand how you feel- Cal is the important one.

*files this thread in back of mind for when clueless newbies want to breed their rabbits* They're all like, rabbits have easy pregnancies and will always be fine.:rollseyes

Edit: EEE! I just watch the video! Those babies were really going to town!
Holy crap! Totally missed this thread!'ve had SO MUCH going on...

I'm glad to hear Mr. Spanky is doing better...I worried for him while I read the thread...

And poor Cali...:(

Are you okay? I'm still trying to get my AIM to work so we can chat, but it isn't working worth crap. I even had Danny look at it, and he's clueless why it won't sign in. :(

I'm tellin' should sign up for MSN Messenger so we can talk! :D


Oh, by the way, the home phone will be back up within days now, so I can finally just CALL you. :D

Lots of love to you and everyone,

naturestee wrote:
Edit: EEE! I just watch the video! Those babies were really going to town!

Yeah they really like ****ie. They love food and they have quite an appetite. My mum just always called it a ''****ie'' and I always thought it was just so funny. And seeing these babies....they get their nose in Cals fur and then they just...SPAZZ! Like they smell it and they know ts there and they HAVE to find it within a couple seconds or they will betotally unhappy. But they always find it and then they're like '' omg yay milk!" And they peep and coo and make sucky noises. I think they're doing really well. For the moment. I usually give babies a week for me to tell wether they're goign to make it or not. But once they're furry and hoppin' aroudn and have their eyes open its usually a go fromthere. I'll post more pictures of the babies in a day or two when they're stronger.


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