So I had my friend Melissa rush me and Cal tot he vet. We immediately took an xray, it was kind of hard to see but we found out what we needed to know. Calisto had a breached baby trying to come out that wouldn't. Inducing labor wouldn't work because he was clearly stuck. So I opted for a C Section. I even got to see bits of the surgery. It was neat. And s=the vet had Cal open on the table and I was in the next room with the door between us open and the doc calls out '' I have 7 babies in here..." So all the techs and assistants and other doctors all came running with a towel ready to grab a baby to revive. And they needed extra hands so Melissa and I took a babe.
So we're all standing in the room having a bunny-rubbing party and the assistent coems out of surgery to tell me that one of Cal's uterine horns was full of puss and had an infection. All the babies that came out of that side were small, underdeveloped, and had absolutely no fur. When rubbed, their skin came off. And we were unablet o revive them. We lost those 4 babies. But the 3 ont he clean side of the uterus were fine and fat and very normal looking. We were able to revive them after many many long miutes of rubbing and peopel crying ''wake up babies! Wake up babies!'' 3 came to life right before our eyes, wrapped int heir little blue towels. And they clicked and peeped and squirmed around and once they were clearly breathing normally we put the 3 kits in an incubator.
After they finished stitching up Callie I was allowed to walk in and see her and I held her little paw while she started to ocme out of her nap. Then once she was breathing ok they wrapped her in a towel and handed her to me and I brought her inthe waiting room and kept her on my lap until she fully woke up. They said it would take around 10 minutes but it was more like 20. She was soooo sleepy. And I would shift her around and rub her chest to get her to wakey but she was just all Z's. After about 15 minutes I would shift her bulk around on my lap and her head would snap up like she suddenly woke up...but within seconds she was asleep again. Finally she just all of a sudden BOOM! Woke up and rolled over within a split second and she was just awake. Though still woozy but a major improvement.
We took the babies out of the incubator and I brought Calisto over to the table. She was still kind of sleepy and too weak to stand so she laid on her side and the babies went right to it! They all had a big big meal and got fat fat little bellays! And Cal kind of dozed 80% of the time. I didn't get the ''birth'' on video like I'd hoped, but I did make a video of the new family at this tiem for everyoen to see.
Me holding Calisto in the waiting room waiting for her to wake up.
And babies getting their first meal
And the video