Calisto and Demon

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Purple stitches! A fashion statement? LOL!

Glad she's ok, and the babies are happily getting much ****ie.

I'm a horse poo pro. Wish I could help ya.

I jsut nursed Cal's babies on her again. She kind of propped herself upa nd just chilled. She's so cool. I thinks he knows they're her babies,s he's just needs a little help. But all the babies look fat even before I nurse them, I just let them have at it some more just in case. I figure an extra fat tummy wouldn't hurt. They're almost 3 days old now and are active and crazy and happy. Fingers crossed. Cal is still lactating. Her belly hole hasn't popped open int he last 24 hours. I think we're doing good.

i've been nursing the babies twice a day for 5-7 minutes. Once they kind of slow down and just lay there I figure they're startign to get full. But they're like goldfish, they'll eat to they explode i'm sure.

And I just noticed there's 22 turkeys in my yard.

But we're doin' good. The whoel family is good. Cal's al ittle ticked about her lampshade. I think she was trying to groom her babie as they were nursing....she'd touch the lampshade tot he baby and start licking the plastic. Close enough.

What a happy family.
Glad you got 3 out ok. glad Cali is ok too, nightmare when something like that happens!! what a shame though having a bucket on her head !!
Turkeys!! Ya'll have TURKEYS?!

And lol about the lampshade and trying to groom her babies...that's too cute...

Yep...close enough...:biggrin2:

JAK Rabbitry wrote:
And I just noticed there's 22 turkeys in my yard.

Cal's a little ticked about her lampshade. I think she was trying to groom her babie as they were nursing....she'd touch the lampshade tot he baby and start licking the plastic. Close enough.
maherwoman wrote:
Turkeys!! Ya'll have TURKEYS?!

Yeah there's this flock of 18-22 Turkeys that lives in our field and they mosey on through every evening abouht e same time. I took pictures the one day I'll haveto find them.

These are wild the event that you didn't know....
Photo update as of this morning's breakfast and this evening din din:

Calisto loves to clean the babies. Then clean herself. Then clean babies. Take turns! Sharing is Caring!





I put a towel down on our big comfy chair and then let them have at it for 5-10 minutes. Fat babies! I'm just thrilled that they're pooping. And eating. And eating and pooping.
I was just going to ask about her and the little babies! OMG she's so adorable with them! What a good mama. Are they staying with her or are you keeping them separate?

She's so pretty and so are they! are they all dark then?

I'm so glad she's doing well :)
Yeah that babies love Cal's big squishy head. Only one of them is dark, I believe this to eb the chin. The other two i'm thinkin' are opals....Cal's father and granfather are opals.

The baby box sits in Cal's cage and she dotes over them a bit. I see a little opening in the fur mass I think she's been cleaning them. She loves to give them baths.

WEll i'm off to a bunny show. I made a video last night too, i'llw ork on getting that up later today if it's not too dark and fuzzy.

I should have said "not white" lol! I love the little opal colored ones!

I'm so thrilledshe bonded with them so well. Maybe because she really didn't get to clean them and all like normal she's obcessed?? :p

What a mama...... she's just as sweet as I've ever seen.
Calisto has turned into a freakin' psycho. She rakes me up and down, it's a pain just to catch her. And then when I try to nurse her babies on her....she smooshes her belly against the floor. And the babies are like '' we have no room to find ****ie!'' If I try to nurse them onthe other side, she'll lean to that side and not let the babies in. I have to hold her front and back feet together and lift her chest up in the air so her babies can get ****ie. She's such a turd! And she throws her nest box around all night so I can't sleep. And then I worry all night about hte babies and I have to keep getting up to check on them. So I figure since she's not nursing them on her own she doesn't need a huge box. Because she keeps goign CRAZY and jumps int he box and stomps all over her babie and they start screamign and I try to grab her and move her and she just flips out. And when she's nursing them she keeps stepping all over them and they get knocked over.

DO A BARREL ROLL! PRESS Z OR R TWICE! And off they go...weeeeee

So I gave her a smaller box so she can't get in it since she's not nursing them on her own anyways. And now she discovered that it's easier to flip over. So I come hoem from a nice night out to find the box flipped overwith the babies pinned underneath.

So I jsut took the box out of her cage completely. And then I was like ''crud where am I goign to put these buggers?'' because I have a husky who would eat or kill anything, and a cat that I don't trust 100%. She's fine around critters but if I were asleep and she had access tot hem it'd make me nervous. So the n I discovered the nest box fits perfectly in my sock drawer. So the socks were evacuated and I put he box in there and just left the drawer cracked.


Babies are 8 days old as of today. No one's eyes are open yet but the Opals have beautiful blue color right now and the silver ticking is just starting to come in on the chin. Everyone is so fat and beautiful and healthy. We're doin' good minus the retarded mother thing.

I was carrying Calisto back to her cage today and I was almost there and she just randomly spazzed and racked the living daylights out of my arm. It felt like rugburn....just an inescapeable burning pain all over my arm from wrist to elbow. Not like I dont' have enough scars there. Over dinner one eveing my friend noticed them and asked '' Jesse you been cuttin' again?''
"Oh yeah, my tractor got stolen, my wife left me, and my dog died."

The End.

They can't pop over the back of the drawer when they start moving around can they?

Guess Calisto go over her surgery huh? :shock:
Geeze, Calisto is something else huh?:shock:

Awesome they fit into the sock drawer! :DHow long does it usually take for them to open their eyes?
7-10 days for eyes. I can see that little line where the eyelids are starting to seperate. So like....soon now.

No, they can't get out the back of the drawer. It's as high as the front of the drawer and they're have to climb over the nest box and then over the back of the drawer too. As of now they haven't moved since last night.

At least they were clean socks.
Calisto is a turd. I can't wait til she heals up and gets her helmet off and starts acting...normal! She smells kind of funny from not being able to clean herself. I tried taking her lampshade off so she can stretch and eat her poop stuff but she goes right to those staples. Knocked one loose the other day. The vet said 10-14 days until her hole closes up.

I bred 2 more French Lops and a Dutch today. I re-bred Demon and anotehr doe, Paris. Who is usually good mom, save the last time I don't know what came over her. But she can help Demon out if need be. And then after these babies are born I'd liketo breed Darko for hte second time and Sen for the first. Then Dar can help Sen out.

I fed Cal's babies earlier today. i've been feeding them twice a day. I'm kind of tired of being mom. But they need me...and she's obviously not helping. But they'll probably end up getting weaned as soon as they hit the 6 week mark. Only 5 more to go....
