I'm using Carefresh bedding....
I thought aspen bedding was bad for the respiratory system? :? (Or maybe it was just pine and cedar. I've steered clear of any wood shaving bedding, though, to be safe)
Yes, I'm taking into consideration that they might not bond and I'd just have two rabbits that were rabbits separately.
The two dutch girls we had before Butter hated each other, and we had to keep them apart, too. I do have a LOT of NIC grids left over from Butter's pen, though, so I could easily make a different pen out of those on the other side of the room. (And will, if I decide to get another. To keep the bunny in while bonding is still going on. ) I think, even if they didn't like each other though....that maybe they would take comfort in just knowing there was another rabbit in the room? (Or maybe that would just be more stressful, I'm not sure
Keep in mind that I'm still considering all of this and haven't made a proper decision yet.
How would a stitching screen stay on? :? Can you bend the edges down, like with wire, or would it break?
Yeah, I know bonding opposite genders tends to be lot easier...
But I always end up being interested most in bunnies that are male... and most personalities of the females, when described, I tend to not like so much either :? (Like they are pushy and nip/box, and like to have things their way, "look, don't touch" etc... is what the profiles usually say/imply about them, and I don't really like that kind of personality in rabbits that much... :? Though I'm sure there's a lot of people that do, and a lot of girl rabbits that aren't like that, but I haven't found 'the right one' y'know?
(Butter--->) I know! She always buys me girly things and makes me look like a girl :X She says purple goes best with my fur. Hmph.
~Diana and Butter