Dear Diary,
The kitten isn't so bad atfer all. He's kind of a scaredy-face, actually. Sometimes when I watch him following me, I'll turn around and hop towards him just to see him run away
....Mommy says she wants to put a wire grate over my litterbox...she says that me having my butt and feet soaked in pee was not a good thing, and she didn't want me to sit in it anymore. But....
She shaved my butt! :X I was just minding my own business, and she comes in like all 'What's that smell?' and then picks me up, says something about me being covered in pee and having way too many mats to brush out, too close to the skin, so she shaved my butt. MY butt. Mine. How could she? :X
I'm done with this entry :disgust:
I'll make a note in his little blog, here....
I really do want to give him a wire covering for his potty.... He smells really bad, and I know it must be hard on him, too, to have to smell that on himself. Not to mention that he soaks his feet and butt in urine.... It can't be good for him :yuck And the mats were getting so bad, that whenever I saw him, even though I'd wash his rear every time he sat in pee,....I'd want to cry, because it looked exactly like an animal abuse photo. :cry2
Here's a diferent shot of his butt to illustrate my point.
Notice how the skin is irritated, and parts that are supposed to be white, are now stained light or dark yellow? This is terrible. If the wire covering on the litterbox idea doesn't work, I'll have to just keep him in a wire hutch again....the poor boy. It always seems like whenever someone takes an outside rabbit (Oh no, terrible life quality) inside, everyone rejoices like 'Yay, he'll be so much happier now!'.....when all its done so far has made him (And me) unhappy. :lipsrsealed:
I know this is probably just me over-reacting at things that happen normally, and everything will be good and well in a while, and I'll be like 'What was I worrying for?' but right now it's just so.... :craziness But I'll get the wire covering. And I'll wait.
And see if everything doesn't come out alright in the end.
That being said, the pee isn't actually the drama crisis I make it out to be. I'm just a little stressed, and I don't mind cleaning him up every once in a while if I know he'll be fine later, and I think that's what the wire will do for him. So I'm not too incredibly panicked about it, and I'm not just gonna rush out and buy a metal cage to stick him in because of one problem that might be easily solved. Even if the wire doesn't work, I'm sure I can think creatively and find another solution. :tongue
Okay, enough about the pee.
I've been thinking...
Butter can't get outside anymore, like he used to, and run in the grass....and on Monday and Wednesday I have to stay at school from 11am to 9:15pm (And from 11am to 6pm on Fridays) ...I don't know if he'd be lonely just because of three days of the week, but I still feel bad about it, and I think Butter might be happier overal with a companion. I'm still thinking about it, and I want to give it a lot of consideration before I make a decision (Would he be happier? Would it just create more problems? If I have two rabbits, will they just need twice as much attention and I'd be doing them both a disservice by having to leave long hours for college? Etc. ) But I have been looking at my local shelter's website, and decided if I -were- to possibly get another rabbit, this would be one of the candidates:
This is a male, though, and it would be more difficult to bond them, but I think it could be done, given Butter's disposition.
I've watched Butter interact with Kadaj, and noticed that he seems VERY relaxed around him, even when they first met. He doesn't care if Kadaj sticks his head in his food dish, if he rolls around in his hay box, if he noses around in his litter box.....
This will probably be different with another rabbit, but I think it shows, at least to some degree, that Butter is not very possessive, and is generally accepting of other animals. We'll see, though. I'm not expecting miracles if I decide to do this.
WOW. Long post! I'm so sorry, you guys :tongue Have some pictures.
Sorry I can't take more like I used to. My camera sucks under low light (I want a new one so bad) and I have to hold things right next to the window to get any clear-ish picture at all.
~Diana and Butter