Buttercup, Wilbur & Jackie's Home Thread

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it's driving me nuts. i want yourbunnies! they're so plump and cuddly! and oh my goodness, theirfaces... i want to kiss them.

mine are seriously incapable of fattening up, they just get large bellies. huhuhu. :bawl:
I've met them all and they all are so darncute. But they really aren't plump at all, picturesare horrible to bunnies sometimes, theyr'e actually just reallyfluffy! My Bandit is the same way, he looks quite chubby inhis pictures, but he's not just very fluffy.

Thanks Crystal & tailof2rabbits, they really aren't plump just very furry.

They are so darn cute together, so in Love. They cuddle and kiss each other all the time.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
haha. my bad. it's a good thing they're nothumans or they'd have been offended by now.:rofl: my bunniesthink fat = good.

that's a lot of fur though. they must be incredibly soft. :hug1 oh,bless them. i just saw that close up of Jackie's face a few pages back.makes one melt.
You wouldn't believe how much fur theyhave. I could brush them everyday and get tons of fur fromboth of them, except i have allergies so I depend on the Hubby to brushthem which doesn't happen enough if you ask me. LOL

They weren't offended they actually like the compliments.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
Well since I lost all my pictures on here, I figured I might as well start topost some pictures of my babies. Here's one of Wilbur eating from his hay bowl. Notice that I put a bowl for them to sit in so if they go to the bathroom it's nice and easy to clean up.



Here's a few pictures of Wilbur & Jackie and Buttercup.
The Babies eating hay

Buttercup in Daddy's arms

Jackie on top of her cage, Wilbur will not jump up there so I give her treats up there

Cute Wilbur

Jackie eating a treat on her cage

Aww I love all the new pics of your babies!

Buttercup is such a daddy's boy, isnt he?

Also, I love the color paint on your wall (green) its so pretty!
Thanks Haley, yes Buttercup is definitely Daddy's little boy. Spoilt Rotten LOL.

Yeah I always say the babies have the nicest room in the house, why we gave that room to the bunniesI don't know but they deserve it.

binkies wrote:
They are all so precious! You are such a lucky person to have all that cuteness!
Look who's talking Miss Gorgeous Bonded Trio! ;):pI guess I cant talk either, I am the proud owner of Mr. Tumnus.
I made Buttercup a new pillow today, it's kinda U shaped so he can lay inside of it. Here are a few pictures I took of him.





Susan :bunnydance:
Here's a few pictures I took of Wilbur & Jackie last night (Gosh I LOVE these two so much) just look at how adorable they are.





Susan :bunnydance:


Thanks to everyone who gave my Babies compliments, we all enjoy reading/hearing them.

Look at how beautiful your boy Buttercup is! He's such a little Prince. He looks like he loves his new pillow!


And Wilbur and Jackie are beautiful as always. They always make me think about laying down and snuggling with them. They always look so relaxed. Oh what a difficult life our bunnies lead ;)
Here's a little video of Buttercup. Enjoy.



Please excuse the two humans talking we sound like two DORKS. LOL
Yay Buttercup video! Hes such a little lover boy! And your hubby sounds awesome- I wish all men were as enthusiastic about bunnies :)

Now you need a video of Jackie and Wilbur (that is, if you can get them to do anything other than sleep :D)

Give Buttercup kisses from me :inlove:
Awww, Susan, tell your hubby he's adorable. How cute. I loved, loved the video, we need many more of those;). Buttercup is precious and gorgeous:inlove:. What breed is he? All your babies are gorgeous.

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