Buttercup, Wilbur & Jackie's Home Thread

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Here's a video of Wilbur & Jackie eating their pellets. Note the play by play of Hubby explaining exactly what they are doing.:baghead

Susan:running bunny
Love the Video Susan! Wilbur and Jackie are gorgeous! :bunnyheartDoes your hubby love the bunnies as much as you? You should get him to join up here too. :D
Thanks everyone for the compliments all the bunnies are blushing.

Here are a couple of pictures I just took of Buttercup, my goodness he getsmore handsomeeveryday.




Susan & Buttercup:apollo::bunnydance:
haha, I just saw the video of Jackie and Wilbur, adorable! Chris is such a great bunny dad.

And Buttercup looks so snuggly with his blankie and pillow. Tell him he can snuggle with me if I stay overnight:biggrin2:

Ooooh Susan? I think an update of the babies is in order:p. When you get a chance, I'd love to see some new pics! They're just so precious.

Have you thought of combining all your blogs? Or do you want to keep them separated? Just a thought, separate is just fine too;)!
I made Buttercup a little Blankie to go under his food tray. I couldn't fit his whole name on it so I put "BABY", that's what Chris & I usually call him anyway. Here are a few pictures of Buttercup & his Blankie.







Susan and Buttercup:apollo:
Cute blanket! I love the way all your rabbits know how to use pillows... mine just sleep beside them and dig at them...

I need to get a video camera - I love all the videos!! It's so much better to see personality on video.

Ok so lets see if this works, i was palying around on Photbucket and did a slide show of the Babies


I think you have to click on it.


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