Oh yay! U would really? How can I send it?
He can be smart, I hope to eventually get him to do a couple of cute tricks like jump through a hoop, and go to his house on cue teehee.
Heres what i emailed to her: you may add to it if you'd like because I am much less experienced. Thank you!!!!!
Hey I made y'all a rabbit care sheet for your rabbit! If you need ANYTHING else let me know.
-Unlimited Alfalfa hay (bc he looks to be younger than 7 months old)
-about 1/2 cup or more of Timothy hay based pellets (I buy mine from a feed store, do not buy any pellets that are mixed they are very unhealthy)
-introduce vegetables one at a time
Food after baby gets older than 7 months old:
-unlimited Timothy hay (some walmarts a carry a brand called KAY-TEE, it's a decent hay)
-cut back to 1/4 of a cup of Timothy hay based pellets
-increase daily vegetables slowly
-Introduce a couple fruits as treats, a slice of apple (no seeds), a baby carrot, a cherry, 2-3 banana slices, a slice if pear. For example today I gave my rabbit one sliver of apple and tomorrow he will get one baby carrot the size of my pinky finger.
-WATER: use a heavy ceramic dish that can't be tipped over!
Great Vegetables to eat!
He should get a small amount, for example if today I were feeding my rabbit turnip greens and cilantro I would get two sprigs of cilantro, one big leaf of turnip greens and cut it in half and feed it to him. Your bunny is small so a smaller amount would be fine. When introducing new vegetables only feed that specific one in a small amount in case he gets sick which is rare but happens.
Carrot tops
Cucumber leaves
Frisee Lettuce
Kale (high in calcium so don't feed too much)
Red or green lettuce
Romaine lettuce
Spring greens
Turnip greens
Dandelion greens
Mint (any variety)
Basil (any variety)
Raspberry leaves
Bok Choy
Fennel (the leafy tops as well as the base)
Borage leaves
Dill leaves
Litter box-
By nature, rabbits choose one or a few places (usually corners) to deposit their urine and most of their poop. Urine-training involves little more than putting a litterbox where the rabbit chooses to go. Poop training requires only that you give them a place they know will not be invaded by others. Here are some suggestions to help you to train your rabbit to use the litterbox. Choose a quiet and remote location for the litter box, put some of his poop in the box and he will understand over time that is where he needs to do his business. Don't use cat litter though! There's care fresh brand u can get from petco or petsmart you could even use shredded paper if you're on a budget but it's still stinky

I use horse stall pellets from tractor supply, 5 dollars for a BIG bag! A great deal and very absorbent and non smelly!

you may place a tad bit of hay in the litter box because rabbits like to eat while pooping. By age 4-6 months the hormones will start kicking in and he or she will begin spraying and marking territory.
-Rule 1: pet gently
-Rule 2: leave the rabbit alone when he hops away, that means he is tired of being petted, going after him will frighten him
-Rule 3: don't touch poop or litter
-rule 4: We pet, but don't pick up the rabbit. Explain that it scares the rabbit to be picked up and both of you could get hurt. Rabbits are prey animals so when rabbits get picked up they think "AH IM GOING TO GET EATEN!" they love the ground. Also, if the rabbit is able to kick when being picked up he can break his back and will need to be put down. Explain that Mom or Dad may pick up the rabbit if he needs care.
-Rule 5: be calm and quiet while petting or being around your rabbit, they will appreciate it greatly!
As you know rabbits love to chew especially on things they aren't supposed to chew on, chewing through electic cords can electrocute the bunny and cause a fire!
-Spiral cable wrap Radio Shack sells something called "spiral cable wrap". It costs about $3 for 10 feet and works like a charm for most, but not every bunny. (Some still manage to chew through it.)
-Plastic tubing (similar to that used in fish tanks, or with "swamp coolers") from a hardware or aquarium store can be slit lengthwise with a blade and the wire can be tucked safely inside. A harder, black, pre-slit type of tubing is also available.
-or you could cover the wires with a wire box or plastic box
CHEWING: rabbits teeth never stop growing so and grow one centimeter each month, you need to keep them filed down. They love to chew on cardboard, you can make him a "house" with two entrances and a few windows and he will have tons of fun chewing on it! Apple tree twigs and branches are good they sell small sticks at pet stores, they love to shred old phone books, pine firewood, cotton towels, alfalfa cubes, and of course hay.
Here is a great and helpful link: