Don't know what to do tonight. My fiancé and his uncle and my uncle are going to a gentlemens club ("gentlemen" my a$$) lol, so we are bored sitting around here don't know what to do with ourselves. I'm just so glad that my fiancé got his uncle of of the house. He's visiting from Mexico, he will be in the states for a month, ugh, and I don't think his family misses him I know I wouldn't. He is worse than a child. I dont know the etiquette or freaking common a$$ sense rules in Mexico but they must be different than USA. He puts empty milk cartons in the trash, leaves the toilet seat up which is a big no no at my house bc I've had to deal with a lot of drunks and the rule of the house is...you're a man, you pee outside or you squat on the toilet ORRR you aim clean it if u screw up and close the gosh darned seat for Pete's sake!!!! Most men just pee outside...but he is a turd and refuses to do as I say. Then he eats doesn't rinse his plate and leaves it in the sink, even of he just saw me rinse my plate and then put my plate in the dishwasher! And then he drinks his milk and doesn't rinse it and it leaves a nasty ring in the cup. And of he uses a red solo cup he leaves it out like he is going to use it again *rolls eyes* and there's more, I was in the kitchen and he came in got a cup of milk and went outside, on the way out he spilt his milk in several drops all over and seriously...didnt even clean it up just kept going! :0 I was so mad especially bc I just mopped earlier so I was so mad I just let Rosco lick it up. Then he tracks in mud and wouldn't make me so mad if he would track in downstairs but upstairs we have carpet and gets mud all up the stairs grrr. There's so many more things too. Thank you for letting me rant. I tell Leo and he gets an attitude. I tell my mom and she says to tell him but I don't want him to go back to Mexico and tell Leo's relatives that I am a biiiit..err..(female dog) I just want Leo to tell him since Leo can translate in Spanish if needed. Argh. Gives me a headache. Ohhh and the worst of all. He doesn't like dogs...and Rosco for that matter...(wth?!?! Who wouldn't love Rosco?!) and Rosco is such a sweetie he follows him around and stares at him and even waved hello at him when I told him to wave at The dog, and he laughed but wasn't impressed and didn't let him. I asked well are you Scared of dogs? He says no. He doesn't act scared, he just acts like dogs are below him. *crazy eyes* and poor Rosco just wants to play with him, he puts his ball on his lap and states at him and uncle just ignores him never even looks. So rude!