Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Wow!!! He's so smart! I love his scratching trick, realy cute :)
SMART BUNNY!!! He looks so sweet in the closing picture! You should use that as an avatar! Very Framable.
YAY IT WORKED! Thank you guys! It is cute, and I was like, "Hey I dont have to bring him to the workshop, so the school will never know I changed up the homework lol!"

Binkybunny, ok I shall. Lol, you changed yours and I was like whoa who is this new person? lol, then I was like OHHH THATS BING! lol, BIng reminds me of Friends' Chandler Bing teehee!
What a cute video, he´s such a clever little chap and his colours are lovely on his back, you can see them much better in the video. By the way, I could see the first one lol.

I always seeing them in movement rather than in stills, you can see so much more.

Keep them coming :D
I love the video! He is SO smart. It sort of makes me want to teach Ellie tricks, but i have no patience for it!

MORE VIDEOS! He's such a smart baby! I love to see them scratch on anything, its so cute.
Chris, thank you, that is true about the coloring, I never remembered what his stomach really looked like until I videod him and I was like wow that gray is a ring all around him!
It's definitely enjoyable to watch them do different things and see how all different bunnies move.
Oh and we practiced Up so many times last night last when I woke up he's still throwing Ups at me like LOOK IM DOING IT! (He has no stimulus control yet lol)

Morgan, thank you!!! if you know clicker training, it is so simple, especially since rabbits do so many funny things you could capture any little behavior. And rabbits are supposed to have a small attention span, so sessions only last 3 minutes, maybe twice a day for me since he is a part of my homework.
I had never seen him scratch anything before haha! It was too cute and funny!
Wendy, is sit pretty like up? i need to teach him come. I think he's starting to learn his name, but he dawdles, guess he needs a course on recall cues ha. He comes any time I open the refrigerator though lol!
Houdini scratches like that all the time, the floor, bits of cardboard, my pants . I might try teaching him some things as he´s too smart for his own good sometimes that I think he could probably teach me a thing or two lol.
^^^ Right?! Hehehe. Wow, that is a lot of scratching, one time after I first got Buster he started scratching on the baseboards and I didnt see him but I sure heard him. I gave him a diggy box afterwards so he could dig in there...well...he ate all the goodies and peed and pooped in it, no digging at all :(
Buster here! I am so glad you guys enjoyed my video! Guess what?! I have the whole house to myself this weekend! My Mammy (grandma) is coming to tend to my little bunny needs and shes a sucker for my begging! I am going to see if I can get her to give me a treat hehe! My mom is going to Louisiana to go gambling? Whatever that is! She says shes going to win big though, so....good for her I reckon. :p I doubt I will go explore the house but you never know I might not be able to resist the peace and quiet. Talk to yall when mom gets back!

Ok, now I am going to talk. The weather has been very nice the past few days, sunshining like crazy and a cool temperature, not hot, not cold, however I saw a mosquito!!!

If you were ever wondering about my job, I will tell you about it. My dad runs two businesses, one is a landscaping company and the other is a casing supply company. I do alll the bookwork, invoicing, all that junk that my dad has no time for lol! Funny story: (Leo is my fiance and Richard is our crewleader and also a part of the family and Leo's friend they go mudding together and go to strip clubs together, etc, they do manly things together! haha!) The other night the funniest thing happened, Leo fell asleep first and I was still awake trying to think about my day and what I would do the next day, and then Leo said in a sweet little voice, "hm Richard" I could NOT contain my laughter!!! I laughed and started hitting him and said, "Holy crap you just said Richard's name in your sleep!!!!" He says "What what? No i didnt...........OH SH** I DID! haha!" AHahaha it was the funniest! He usually says like: whore, other bad words, and mumbly words in his sleep haha. I totally told Richard about it too haha. He thought that was hilarious.

I have two weeks until my workshop and I have to have completed all of Unit 2!!! I am so behind! I really should not leave this weekend but I certainly don't want to get left behind and if I do win big then maybe I can bribe someone into doing my homework ;) hehe jk.Nobody knows how to do what I do anyway lol. Wish I could stay and try to catch up but he already booked the room anyway :(

Anyway gotta go! Bye yall! Wish me luck!​
Today...I was not asked for my ID for the first time when I ordered a alcoholic beverage. Take note that I am almos 22 but look 15 lmao. It was great. Ps, hehehehe I'm drinkin in the middle of the day and I am wasted in New Orleans :)
I'm being safe. He'll, we been riding aroun the French quarter since 2 pm...so...3 hours!!!! Wow! Damn you mardi gras!!!! And he is so eager to learn, I love it.

Lol, well usually I get ID'd everywhere bc I look 15 hahaha but she didnt ask yay! At the casino, they're like, are you sure you 21? UH DUHHHH OR ELSE I WOULD NOT BE HERE U RETARS!!! Lol. Yep, we had some rooms comped for this weekend so we went gambling and I won $1100 and my fiancé and down $800 :( poor baby. But oh well. We had a lot of fun and that's al that matters :)
Lol Lisa, good I'm glad we feel young while it lasts bc one day we will be 80 and they will never ask us for ID and we will cry so we have to enjoy it while it lasts!!!!!!!!

Did I mention....damn u mardi grad!!!! :p'''
Well we are back, we had fun, maybe a little too much? Bc today I have a killer headache and stomachache :( I think Mardi gras just started. They had they Barkus Parade, you dress your dog up and parade around hehe, we should have brought Rosco!!!
