Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Those are great plctures, the evil bun is scary and love the one where Buster can´t reach. You are very talented, wish I could draw.

Lisa, we used to do that with buttercups, same thing if you put it under someone´s chin and it was yellow, they liked butter....amazing what we used to do when we were kids.
LOL! The evil bun is scary. I am thinking about it now and I should have googled a picture of the bad bunny "Iron Tail" from that Here Comes Peter Cottontail movie... He is a SCARY rabbit! When I watched that movie when I was a kid and I saw him I got a little scared :(

Thank yall, I am glad yall like em. I drew them on my ipad. I wish I could have gone to more art classes in school but NOOOO I had to be into stupid a$$ boysss!!!! UGH! Dumba$$ hormones!
Hahahaha Katie funny picture and yes you are very talented....love the drawings.

Chris maybe that's what I'm thinking of is buttercups we did the chin thing with.......? I feel like we did it with dandelions too........
Thank you <3

Buttercups. Are those the ones that are pink and you poke them on people's faces and it leaves all the pollen? Lol.

OMG big news! My dad went to a FFA auction and bought rabbits and kept one to give to me....wth Poppy?! Tha k you but I have no idea how to bond rabbits!!!! I need help and fast! It is supposedly a boy, guess I will find out!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! So adorable!!! hahaha like a little fluffball! :D :bunny18 :hearts :hearts
She´s adorable and yes, male female bonds are the easiest. Lisa is the expert and I´m sure will give you loads of advice.

Katie, Buttercupsa are yellow flowers, quite smallish, I haven´t seen any in spain but there used to be everywhere when I lived in England.
I am thinking she is a himi because she seems more long and feels like she will be light like 5-6lbs rather than 8-12lbs.

Okay, well nevermind I thought buttercups were something else. lol. I never see any here but then again I don't look.
I thought she looked like a himi but then I´m not expert but she reminded me of Hippogryff, Michelle´s bunny. She´s lovely anyway.

Hope she´s settling in with you, maybe she should get used to her surroundings and you before you introduce her to Buster but I think they´ll look pretty handsome together. I just love seeing bunny pairs.
She does look like Hippogryff, you're right. Maybe Michelle can tell if she is a Himalayan. So I assume she is under 6 months. She hasn't ate any on the pellets I gave her, which was just a pinch. But she has been eating hay nonstop and drinking water nonstop. Buster, is VERY MAD! He is pooping everywhere!!!! He peed three times on this towel here and he is moving constantly, chewing on cardboard house, running around looking for way out, drinking water, falling in water bowl, jumping in and out of cage, eating pellets, not going in litter box...bc he's being a jerk. Looking at new friend with crazy eyes. Running around again. Eating again. Looking again, and so on and so forth.

Now for the best part, pictures :)