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Living with this new reality with Popeye is going to be difficult. This going to take lots of adjustments. He is going to need meds and the morning and at night. I'm really no good with meds. I'm also no good with mornings either.

I've had him about a month and I got this bomb shell dropped on me. I'm still pretty angry about things. I'm angry at the rescue that I got him from that said he had 2 checkups before I got him, and that he was OK. I'm mad that two previous exams didn't pick this up. I'm mad that this wonderful little bunny has to deal with this. I'm mad that I have to deal with this. I don't want to deal with this.

The reason I got Popeye was that if anything happened to my Bert or Petunia there would be another bun there to help them through the loss. I guess that is not to be the case.

I'm also sad, so very very sad.

But now is time to focus on the next step. I have to figure out what I can do for Popeye.
Honey, I'm so very sorry. I would be mad/sad too. I was. But, this is too soon. Man, Jesus must have a plan for you. Don't worry, I'll help you. I was no good with meds either, had never had to do it before, but I did okay.;) Oh! The most important part is that like I said in the other thread, I didn't have this forum then...:shock:

You have us!
This whole Popeye thing gets...well worse. I've been in contact with the rescue that I got Popeye from. I'm not really mad at them. These rescues do the best that they can with almost no support. They have been very nice about things. They had no faith and have had bad experiences with the vet I went too. Although they have no idea about any of Popeye's medical history, they are very concerned about what the doc had to say. They say that they had Popeye fixed recently and they don't understand how he could have survived the operation if his heart was in such bad shape. They also just don't see the behavoral changes that they expect to see in Popeye that should be there with severe case of heart failure.

They are going to take Popeye to a vet that they trust (although I am going to pay cause I know that they have no money for this kind of stuff). The vet they want to go to is kind of far away from me and very difficult to get to for me - so I am going to pay for the visit and they are going to do the transport. The meds won't be in until next Wednesday anyway.

I'm really torn here. On the one hand I want my Popeye to be OK. On the other hand I don't want to think that they could have screwed up so big. I just don't know what to think- things are kind of up in the air and all over. Ugh.

If the vet is wrong and Popeye is OK, then I've spent like $1500 on bills and meds - but Popeye is OK. I guess that is the most important thing and that I was I really want, but I find it hard to believe that they could be that wrong.
Well, the rescue came by to pick up Popeye. They are taking him in for a second opinion tomorrow...I hope that he is OK. Bert in particular seems to miss Popeye. Petunia not so much, I don't think that she is a big fan. But they seem to get along ok. I'll something tomorrow afternoon.
Cross post from the infirmy thread...this is about all I can write at the moment.

The second vet that the rescue took him to confirmed all of the findings. His temp was only 95, so he has probably taken a turn for the worse. They said that he might not survive the trip home, so he is staying at the vets overnight.

My worst nightmare has come true.
Well - Popeye should be home tonight. The vet said that he is doing much better after some sub-q and some warming. We will have to live with heart condition. It will never get any better, the best that we can hope for is to slow the progression of the disease. The meds come in a couple of days.

Now the hard part begins.
I finally got Popeye home tonight. He appears to be OK. Now I have to make several adjustments. He is going to need meds morning and night.

But, I have new issue. The bond between Popeye and Petunia seems to have broken down. I'd notice some minor issues between them last week, but I didn't think it was a big deal. Bert and Popeye were like, hey dude, sup? Oh nothing and you? But Petunia was doing a lot of chasing and with Popeye's heart issue, I thought that I needed to put a stop to it.

I gave them 15 minutes of the spin cycle on top of the dryer and put them in the most neutral place I have that bunny safe. I fenced off part of the hallway and tried putting them in there after the spin cycle. But she was still chasing him around. I finally decided that they had to be separated. They can all see each other, but there is a x-pen keeping them separated. I have Bert and Popeye together in the hallway...and Petunia in their old cage.

With Popeyes heart, I don't want Petunia chasing him around. I don't think that they were playing tag, I think that Petunia was going after him and he was trying to find place to hide. I've never seen her this aggressive. She has been coming out of her shell as of late, but I can't have this.

Now I have to figure out what to do.
I must urge you to post all of this in Infirmary, it's important behavior to need to learn about.

Hence, what I was going to say:

Often, ifa bonded bun is ill and is rushed off to er or hospital, they eval, they may stay 24 hours, but yes, come home smelling very different, so the bonded bun may freak out for that reason, or I have heard also of buns abandoning their mate if they sense they're ill...
Well, Popeye seems to be doing ok. He is taking his medications very well. Thanks for all the videos. Popeye is much better at takeing meds then Bert.

But any bond between Popeye and Petunia is gone. It makes me very sad. I can put them all in the carrier and give them 15 minutes on top of the dryer on the spin cycle-and pretty much the second that I let them out Petunia is running after Popeye. And its always Petunia chasing after Popeye and never the other way around. Even when they are in the cage together, there is just too much chasing to leave them together.

I'm gonna have to start over at the beginning with them. But as aggressive as Petunia is, I'm not holding out much hope for them re-bonding. I'm even seeing some aggressiveness from Petunia towards Bert, some chasing. But it isn't as bad as with Bert. With Popeye's heart, I just don't want her chasing him around.

It makes me kind of sad to see Petunia locked in her cage by herself and Popeye and Bert getting along so well together. She seems so unhappy. Granted I try and split time, with Bert spending half his time with Petunia and half his time with Popeye - and to be honest, Bert seems happier with Popeye. They lay down together next to each other and some times on top of each other.

I'm gonna have to figure out a way to repair things...I never thought for a second that Petunia would be the one I would have issues with.