I hope you figure out what is wrong with Petunia and why she has become so aggressive.
I don't think its fair to judge all breeders by the comments of a few or on stories of irresponsible breeders. Those breeders make me mad also.
Breeders that I know are very responsible with their rabbits. Believe me there is no money in breeding rabbits to sell them at a rabbit show.Responsible breeders spend far more ontheir rabbits thenthey can on any sale. They love a particular breed or breeds and breed with the intent to keep the breed healthy and going.
Responsible breeders spend a lot of time and effort on keeping their rabbits healthy, which includes keeping the environment in which they live in sanitary, the purchase of quality food and hay. There are many breeds of rabbits that we enjoy today, that if it were not for responsible breeders. Some of these rabbit breedsbeen around for centuries, due to breeders.
There also has been a lot of knowledge gained by the experience of breeders passed on to others that has extended the quality of lifeand saved the lives of many rabbits. The American Rabbit Breeders Association has done a lot to improve the health and welfare of rabbits and encourages its member to act in a professional manner.
Many veterinarians have benefited from the experience of breeders. They have used this information to care for their clients that have rabbits as pets. Vet's don't often run into situations that a breederdoes and has had to overcome. My vet, who is very rabbit savvy, and I will talk about situations he has encountered and see if I have run into a similar situation and what I did to correct it. Most vets are well trained on cats and dogs but often lack knowledge about rabbits.
I love my rabbits very much. I make sure that every rabbit from a litter goes to a responsible individual and I make sure they understand that for any reason, no matter how long they may have the rabbit I will take it back if they no longer want it or are having trouble caring for it. I only breed my rabbits when I have the room and time to care for them. Breeding rabbits to strengthen a line is a good reason, it ensures healthier rabbits in the future.
Rabbits Online is the only website I have encountered that allows breeders a place to post. One of the things I like about RO is the focus on the health and care of rabbits. Raising rabbits for meat is discouraged, even though many don't like the subject, RO wants those rabbits to live a healthy life, in good sanitary conditions. People who only want to raise rabbits for meat are informed that this is not a site for that and are referred to other sites that focus on it.
RO mods, task force members, admin and others want all rabbits to be well cared for and make a good conscience effort to pass along information so the person can make a knowledgeable decision.
I don't' think it is reasonable to expect a website to agree with each members point of view. There has to be some give and take. If a topic is posted you don't like, you can post a polite comment or ignore it all together. I have encountered many posts that I don't agree with, but I also don't expect everyone to agree with my viewpoint either. The site would be rather boring if that happened.
As a member of this community, my membership in it, and what it stands for and what it is; that sayssomething about me tooâ¦and its something that makes me very uncomfortable.
If you don't participate in the process of exchanging ideas with people that have viewpoints you don't agree with it is hard to facilitate change.
In the sentence I have quoted I also like it for another reason. It is in a way how I view the US. I am a member of the US community, (citizen) and what it stands for and what it is, says a something about me too and the offices of President, House of Representatives and Senate do things that make me very uncomfortable.
However, I don't cancel my membership in the US because of that, I work within the system to voice my concerns as respectfully and politely as possible and continue onward.
Sorry for the long post.