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I'm surprised by how much more food and water a 3-some goes through than when I just had Bert & Petunia. Ah well.

Last night I put them all into their cage set up, no more neutral space or anything like that. They seem to do just fine! I don't think that Popeye has learned that he can go up into some of the higher areas, I think he just likes being on the floor.

I do have to work on his litter box habbits, he is a little messy at the moment. But other than that, he is a good bun.
Torchster wrote:
Wabbitdad - um NO WAY!!!

:)the good thing is I have a nice compost pile and my flowers love the bunny poo, which I have a generous supply of.

I am glad things are going well with the bunny's. Has to make you happy seeing them all enjoying each others company.
Things are kind of crazy in DC. Haven't left the house since last Friday. Kind of going crazy. Glad I got some hay last thrusday! Maybe I will do more of an update once the cabin fever wears off.
Finally made it out of the house, first time in a week. The trains in DC are still all messed up, but what can you do???

I come from the rescue side of things, so I don't have much good to say about breeders. I suppose if you are 'showing' buns...but I think that shows, be it dogs or cats or rabbits or pretty much anything is pretty dumb. I mean purebred dogs were bred that way to give you a dog that did something, like herd animals, or help go hunting or something like that. Do we still have that many working animals?? I suppose police dogs and rescue dogs. But I'm not sure if being a purebred animal is required for that. Even people shows, um "pagents", are a pretty dumb idea. Although watching them answer questions can be somewhat entertaining.

Anyway, I don't go posting negative stuff elsewhere, so I figure that I can respectfully post my view in my own blog.

Anyway - I did read about Cyrano. I was really pulling for the little guy. I was hopeing he would make it. I'm pretty sad now that I found out that he didn't make it. I hope that he is in a better place now.

Time to go hug the bunnies.
So how do u really feel about pure bred animals...LMAO what about the toy breds?? toy poodles were bread small so they could b hand warmers...too funny
Well, the three of them seem to be getting along well, but I need to work on Popeyes litter box habits. Looks like I will have to do some reading on that.
Well Popeye seems to be adjusting well to his new surroundings. I am always surprised by home much food and water the three some goes through. Its not breaking the bank or anything, but it is surprising.

Popeye is more of a lover than either Petunia or Bert. If it suits him, Bert may stick around for a minute for some petting - but usually he has other stuff to tend to. Petunia has never been much for human interaction, unless it involves food, and that is ok. But Popeye will pretty much stop anything that he is doing for a little affection. He will stick around for a while too. I try and make sure to spend some quality time with Bert, but Popeye will usually coming nosing around.

I gave them all a wiegh in last night and I was surprised to see that they all weigh about the same. Although it is close, Popeye is the lightest of the three. At least to my eye, he looks to be the biggest...hope my new scale isn't broke!

I am somewhat concerned about my buns weight. They seemed to have lost some weight since last December. Bert was at about 4.1 pounds and Petunia at 3.9. I forgot to write down what the vet had when I took them in January (darn it). Last night Bert came in at 3.6 and Petunia at 3.8. They both look healthy, but since they are a mix breed - it makes it difficult to tell what they 'should' weigh. They both did get a pretty dramatic change in diet, with me cutting their pellets by about half. They have always had all they hay they can stuff in their face. But Bert has lost a 1/2 a pound in two months - which is a pretty large number considering he only came in at 4 pounds to begin with. I think that I will weigh them every two weeks to make sure he doesn't get too low. They both seem very active, they eat plenty of hay, so I'm not sure if this is something to worry about or not.
I am happy to hear one of the 3 are cuddly I know u have wanted that. Why did u change their diet??? I bet u can call the vet and ask what the weight was in Jan. mine keeps that on file.
I changed their diet in hopes of taking better care of their teeth. There are stories about people who have had rabbits with teeth issues feeding their rabbits less pellets and more hay and then having less trips to the vet. While there is nothing scientific, perhaps eating more hay and less pellets will mean more teeth wear and less trips to the vet to have their teeth trimmed. At least that is the hope. It can't hurt.
Well, I guess its been a few weeks, so time for another problem. Ugh. I noticed some crusty spots underneath Popeye's chin. With three rabbits living together, its hard to tell, but it seems that hay consumption has gone down too. Popeye seems to be eating greens just fine, and goes after the pellets, but I am worried that Popeye is developing dental issues too. I have an appointment for him tomorrow at 9:00 am. Last time with Bert it cost me like 800 bucks once all was said and done. I'm glad my baby Bert is better, but I hope that this one isn't so expensive!!!

Last night, for the first time, I also noticed some aggressive behavor out of Petunia. She was mounting Bert. So was going after him pretty hard too. I had to work pretty hard to separate them. Normally I only have to move in Petunia's direction and she will move away from me, but not last night. I worry that some bonds may be breaking down.
Well, Petunia seems to have calmed down a bit. I hope it stays that way.

I don't know what I am going to do about Popeye's heart issue. I'm still doing some research. I probably have another vet visit in the near future with all kind of tests..ugh.

Speaking of Popeye, I was lying on the couch watching the Olympics. Popeye came out of the bunny room and I invited him to join me on the couch. He jumped up and kind of sat down next to me so I was petting him...until...I realized ....he just peed on me and the couch. Little turd!!! Let's just say that out time for the bunnies is over with and they are back in the bunny room.
Well, I have a vet visit for Thursday where the vet is going to throw every test that they have at him. I hope that there is something that they can do for him.
Ugh I hate it when I get accident pees. It most happens when were chillin on the bed, although now I think they both know not to do it!

Good luck with the vet visit!