Well Popeye seems to be adjusting well to his new surroundings. I am always surprised by home much food and water the three some goes through. Its not breaking the bank or anything, but it is surprising.
Popeye is more of a lover than either Petunia or Bert. If it suits him, Bert may stick around for a minute for some petting - but usually he has other stuff to tend to. Petunia has never been much for human interaction, unless it involves food, and that is ok. But Popeye will pretty much stop anything that he is doing for a little affection. He will stick around for a while too. I try and make sure to spend some quality time with Bert, but Popeye will usually coming nosing around.
I gave them all a wiegh in last night and I was surprised to see that they all weigh about the same. Although it is close, Popeye is the lightest of the three. At least to my eye, he looks to be the biggest...hope my new scale isn't broke!
I am somewhat concerned about my buns weight. They seemed to have lost some weight since last December. Bert was at about 4.1 pounds and Petunia at 3.9. I forgot to write down what the vet had when I took them in January (darn it). Last night Bert came in at 3.6 and Petunia at 3.8. They both look healthy, but since they are a mix breed - it makes it difficult to tell what they 'should' weigh. They both did get a pretty dramatic change in diet, with me cutting their pellets by about half. They have always had all they hay they can stuff in their face. But Bert has lost a 1/2 a pound in two months - which is a pretty large number considering he only came in at 4 pounds to begin with. I think that I will weigh them every two weeks to make sure he doesn't get too low. They both seem very active, they eat plenty of hay, so I'm not sure if this is something to worry about or not.