Bert was being a naughty boy last night! I have been changing the layout of my living room lately, because I am getting some new furniture. Anyway, I used to have a couple of long lamp boxes taped together behind a couch for my bunnies to use. The back of this couch was not straight up and down, but at an angle. So even if I put right up to the wall, there was still a space at floor level for them get behind that couch. Perhaps not a big deal, but I have a couch that is part recliner - because of that, they way it was made...the back of the couch isn't a solid piece of fabric. Actually, where it reclines on either end of the couch, there are gaps for when you have it in recliner mode. Because of that, the bunnies can actually get inside my couch. I really don't want bunnies inside my couch. The can get ON the couch, but inside is a no no. Not to mention that if I were to accidently recline the couch with them in there...god knows what could happen with all the mechanics in there! So with these boxes in place behind the couch, the can get back there, but they have to stay inside the boxes, where they are safe. Plus, inside the box, they can't chew at carpet or the couch itself. Win Win.
Anyway, the new couch has a straight back to i just put it up against a wall, and it is good to go. I moved the old couch to a temporary location until I get some new chairs that I ordered 237 years ago (another story). I still use the old couch, for now, so I had just moved it to a temporary location. Sure enough, Bert saw his chance. I'm sitting there minding my own business watching TV and I feel this funny vibration in the couch...Hmmm...then it dawns on me. I see Petunia eating hay in their box in the living looking at me, so innocently. But no Bert. Yep, he is in the couch. So I coax him out and thankfully I had kept their old tube, in case I needed it.
So Bert takes his bribe for getting out of the couch, and I go to work moving the couch so I could position this box tunnel behind the couch and while I am trying to get everything in place...Bert takes one look at look at the couch which isn't quite in place...makes a bee line for the inside of the couch. So I bribe him out again.
I got mad at Bert and tried to shoo him out of the way. But now that I think about, it was really probably Petunia who put him up to this. She was probably telling Bert, the trusting sole that he is, that there was cool stuff in the couch. In order to get Bert out of the couch, I had to bribe him with part of a Wheat Thin. They hear my hand rustling around inside a box, and they come running from where ever they are. Of course I can't give Bert a bribe, without giving Petunia some too. So she gets Bert in trouble, she looks like an angel and still get treats. She is a sneaky one that Petunia.
Anyway, finally got mad enough a Bert that he got locked in his cage until I could finish my little project and keep him out of the couch. Some left over card board...duct tape...and one tunnel for the bunnies, one couch they can't get into, for now. They can sit on it all they want to, just don't want him in it.