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Torchster wrote:
Well I spent about 1/2 hour at the vets today visiting my babies. Bert mostly showed me his backside and Petunia was too scared to even take her favorite treat (wheat thin) from me. I'm not sure she even recognized me.

Bert seemed ok, but he wasn't back his old self. He seemed to be doing ok. Saw him kind of pick at his hay. He seems ok.
You better load up on the bribes, I mean treats, to get back ontheir goodside.;)
Well my first attempt at giving Bert his medicine came...he went. I went to the bathroom to get a bandage. I scratched me up pretty darn good. The second I went to grab him, be began fighting, the second. I couldn't even pick up the little guy. This is going to be fun, ugh. Those back legs are pretty darn powerful.

I don't know how you guys do it, I really don't.

Right now he is eating some hay, but every time I move in his direction, he takes off.

Welcome to my nightmare.
SON OF A #$#@&. Not only did he get me again, but ripped the band-aid right off and got the same spot!

Bert 2, Torch ZERO.

I put his antibiotics suspended in some critical care and locked him in his carrier. I will see how this goes. Now off to do some wound care...on ME.
I'm glad that I am entertaining. So far, he hasn't touched his critical care...but for now is locked up in prison.

Any one in the greater DC area want to give me a clinic on working with bun who hates you? Maybe some rescue out there wants a donation for a little educational work?

Maybe WonderWoman can come around and use her rope thingie on Bert?
I've tried all that stuff. I can't get him in the bunny burrito. The second I get him in it, if I get that far, he starts fighting so hard. I mean he does everything he can to get out of it, he fights like its life or death. Its not he struggles for a second then stops. He keeps struggling and struggling until he gets free. He does not stop. He thrashes, shakes his head, kicks his hind legs...everything that you can think of. I am very scared that either I am going to hurt him, or that he is going to hurt himself.
OH ya I can see what u r saying. It sounds like you need a second pair of hands...but if I remember right u dont have that option. I would call the vet tomorrow and see how they gave him these meds...
One set of hands. But he has changed since he left. He was probably handled pretty hard at the vet (only doing what they had to do-but it makes people like me who aren't expert bunny handlers life very difficult). Before he went in, I could at least pick him up. Now he goes into fight mode the second I get a hand on him. He has become very defensive. He is very wary of me, never used to be, and does not want to handled AT ALL. He is thrashing so hard that I'm afraid of those stories you hear about a bunny breaking its back kicking so hard.

He took a nibble of critical care.
I locked him in his cage - with the critical care. Of course the first thing he goes for is the hay. Little #$#%. He has a pretty big cage, so its no big deal. Petunia is locked in the room (but not the cage) with him. They can see each other, but they are separated. Hopefully he will eat his critical care.
Well, the best that I can do is to put the antibiotic on a wheat thin. He doesn't get a full does, but better than anything else I can give him. I can't handle him anymore, but I can get close to reach my hand out to touch him, but he won't stick around.

He seems to be doing ok. I've have started giving them a lot less pellets. They have always had a ton of hay, and I am pushing that to keep them healthy.
I won't say that my babies are ok, I don't want to jinx them. Bert is running around when I let them have out time. He still isn't to keen on getting to close to me. He never has been one to take little head rubs. He used to come up to me and lick my shirt and my face. I'd use that time to pluck him a little bit. He grooms me and I groom him. But he isn't interested in that anymore. If I get in arms reach, he shows me his backside and usually heads in the other direction.

Petunia, is well Petunia. She never has been too keen in human interaction. But I love her just the same. Last night she came over to say hi. It seems enough for her to come over and put her nose against my leg to say hi. If I move my arms to pet her or anything, she is gone in a flash...so I usually just tell her what a beautiful girl she is and just interact with her by voice. I'm thinking about working with her more. Perhaps a little one on one bonding, just her and me, is in order.

I am concerned about Petunia though. With Bert having the tooth problem, I assume that she isn't far behind (since they had the exact same diet). She seems to be OK, but I am trying to watch her the best I can.
IMO I think if u give Bert ample time he will come around to the sweeties he once was. He might need more time than others do to bounce back. U r doing a great job and very keen to their body language.
You may not need to worry about Petunia having similar problems to Bert's....some bunnies are more sensitive or more hardy than others.

I hope Bert continues to do well and that Petunia opens up for you. It can be a struggle to get a bunny to warm up to you.
Well, I went out and spend a few dollars on my bunnies for christmas. Ok, they are spoiled rotten. I spent a lot of money for my bunnies, I got them lots of chew toys. I don't go to the internet to get them stuff too often, but when I do, I usually buy them lots of stuff. I got them some willow rings and willow balls and I also got them a basket to chew on.

I wonder if they know to open a christmas gift :)?

I think that my Bert is doing OK. He is eating good. They are adapting to their new diet well. I think that Petunia misses all the carrots they used to get. And they both miss the pellets they used to get. They used to get a lot more than they do now. Now they just get a little bit of pellets. They are eating a lot more hay than they used to, which I don't mind at all.

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