Anyway Kahlin, I think that Bert and Petunia have a pretty good bond going. I got Bert first, but gave him back to the rescue I got him from to do the bonding. My only orders were something smallish, and a different color. So after a number of bunnies, it seemed to work between well between Bert and Petunia.
I would describe Bert not as dominate, perhaps aggressive with bad manners. Petunia as shy and withdrawn.
When I first got both of them home, a few times when I was petting Bert in front of Petunia (to show her I was a good guy, and that Bert didn't seem to mind it) she would come over and try to scratch me with her front paws, kind of this 2 pawed punch, if you will. I didn't see it as aggressive behavour, actually, I think it was defensive behavour. She only ever did it when I was petting Bert and only went after the hand that was petting him with. I think that she thought I was hurting Bert. She stopped doing that on her own.
What little history I have with them is that they were both 'rescued' from the wild. If true, it wouldn't surprise me if Bert just wandered up to someone and said take me home, although how someone could just throw their bunny out, is beyond me. Someone at least took him to a shelter and the rescue I got him from got him from a shelter. He is pretty comfortable with people. Petunia has a similar history-but with her black and white coloring, I find it hard to imagine she would last long out doors. My gut feeling is that she has more bunny social skills, but far less people social skills than Bert.
After several months of work with Petunia, I am wondering if perhaps I need to 'handle' Petunia more. Currently, I only do this infrequently, only when needed. Petunia and I are to the point where I can sometimes pet her head, but only for a minute, and only in place where she feels safe. Perhaps if I were to handle her more (aka pick her up) she would become more comfortable. While I doubt she will ever become a lap bunny (which is fine), I do have to handle her from time to time, for her own good (like vet visits). Currently she becomes this little ball of nerves if I pick her up - her breathing becomes fast, she freezes up, she will not take treats...she clearly HATES it and seems very scared. I would just like her to get to the point where she just gives me a dirty look and life goes on, that is really all.