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Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Hey everyone. I posted recently about my mom andI finding 2 bunnies. Sorry I haven't posted since but I'm pregnant andI've been having some probs with my pregnancy but all is fine now.

Here is the update...Both buns are doing great, they are so sweet andmy husband and Iabsolutely adore them. They are living withmy husband and I, my mom has cats so we thought it was best if theywere here. Plus he grew up having buns so he is beyond excited to havethem. They are both boys and the vet says she thinks one is 5 years oldwho we named dee and the other is 2 years who we named Lee. I clippedthere nails and that went fine. The vet gave them a clean bill ofhealth and they are both Netherland Dwarfs.
Someone asked me to post a picture of them so here is one I took abouta week ago hope you enjoy. (Lee is on the left and Dee is on the right)
I'm so glad to hear the bunnies are doing well...they are both so cute -- just a little basket of sweetness.

I'm also glad to hear you are doing well and hope things continue to begood with your pregnancy. Congratulations on thebaby! Have you picked a name for her yet?

Good Luck on all fronts!

Thank you:Dso far they get along great.

Thank you so glad you like.

Thank you so much we are very excited this is my first baby though wehave full custody of my husbands 5 year old doughter from a previousrelationship. Her name is going to be Gwendolyn Nicholette, Gwenie forshort :D.


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