BunHut Estravaganza

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February 17th, 2010

So, I got a call from Rebecca(Lady from 3Bunnies)..It seems they have something to do on Saturday so they wont be coming here.... She is going to try to bring the two next week..We are still debating on the day.

She was happy to hear that I dont need ANYTHING at all for the fosters, only food..I have lots of hay, the cages are ready, water bottle, litter boxes, everything.. But I was even happier to hear that the fosters are already bonded.. I guess they put them down together for a minute or so and when they picked him up he got really mad and wanted to go back with her.. That means I can change the cages and make it into just 1 cage..

I cannot wait until they show up..

Soooooooo, lets play a game..
Can ya'll list the top 10 things you want to do before you get old?Pick one and explain why you want to do that one thing.
If you cant get 10, just list as many as you can..(they dont have to be in order)
Heres my list;
Get Married.
Have 3 kids.
Open an Animal Rescue.
Open a deli.
Go to Argentina.
Move to Guatemala.
Go to school for Law Enforcement.
Go to Costa Rica.
Live in my dream home.
Travel Along the tracks in Guatemala through Mexico to the border of USA.: Although illegal immigration is highly frowned upon, people struggle all the way to here..Last time I went to Mexico, I went to a home that provides shelter and beds and food for the travelers that ride an old freight train through the jungles and towns..While I was there, I met 2 young children, traveling alone..a boy and a girl, both were only 8 years old..They never made it to the USA..They died along the way..
So Peter and I are going to go to the home again, we are going to provide them with new mattresses, more food, and make the house more safe..The man that runs the house groups up the people and stands on a chair-he tells them all about how unsafe the trip is going to be, how many of hem wont make it, how alot of them will be caught and sent back home...
Although I dont approve of what they are doing, they are human beings, mostly young, teenage human beings...They deserve a cozy place to sleep..

Anyways-I cannot wait to hear about everyone elses goals and dreams..

Get a degree in veterinary nursing

Visit the US and do the Sex And The City tour in Manhattan, also see my grand aunt in Ohio

Becomea rabbit breeder

Get married

Have two kids

Be totally fluent in German

Buy a house with a few acres

Own a St. Bernard dog

Adopt a little girl from China

Not to die alone....lol

Oh and a eleventh lol! Build a huge enclosure for rabbits with behavioural problems which cause them to be dangerous pets

oh, i will play!

get a college degree in. . . something
buy a house in the country
travel to Italy
open a rescue for animals
have at least one kid (i would hope for more like 3)
learn to sail
get married
open a book store/coffee shop
learn a new language(thinking french or italian)
go on a new york shopping spree (and be able to afford it!)
yayyy more players!!
BUT, Ya'll both forgot to add an explanation of why you'd want to do one of those things..
You have to pick one off your list and pick why you'd do it..

But its alright :) glad you playeD!
real quick

.move out of my parents-they drive me nuts.
.pay off my debt to my parents-so i can move.
.be a teacher-my long term career goal.
.pay off my car-so i dont have to worry about the bill lol.
.start a rescue working with abused dogs-i have in the past worked with abused dogs and find it extremely rewarding to see them change, mind i realize some never can get better.
.get an english lop-dream bunny.
.make better friends!-mine are all losers mostly.
.become a kinder person to those people i dont like-uhm i have a bad reputation and tired of being known as a bad person when im not.
.take at least one rabbit to show-just for the experiance.
.have a son, name him aaron-after my best friend who died and i really wanna boy. Also another girl, who i want to name Andi, Dani, or Rian.
February 18th, 2010

So, I just got back from that indoor pool that I was all hyped up about..Guess what? ICE COLD..They just redid the whole inside of the pool so its all new water and it didnt heat up yet..Plus, the hot tub was minute and 5 of us squeezed in there and the water overflowed because of how little it is..We literally made it go from 3 feet deep to about 1 foot and a half..haha..It was fun though..No one went in the pool..Instead, we turned on the showers to realllllyyyyy hottttt, and all of us squeezed together-wearing our bathing suits of course :)
It was so much funnnn..

I brought him in the bathroom today while I was doing my makeup...I got 1 binky out of him..But it was funny-he just kicked up his back feet and did a quick spin..But hes already bunnyflopping in his hutch...He isnt really enjoying his new food too much..:?But I figured it out..Mandy gave me a sandwich sized bag full of pellets-which is still lasting me..Because he is still very young, its not as hard to change his food over..What I did was put 1 cup of the pellets I feed my boys, and then in the other dish I put almost half of his pellets, and then on top I put my pellets again abd mix them just a little.. He is eating a bit of both so thats good :)
He loves his hay though :)
It seems I am going to have to switch his litter box though-to something a bit bigger..He doesnt use the corner of the cage, he uses the side of it, right in the center of the side..But I dont mind getting him another box, it would make it easier actually, because it will have sides and stuff..I put the water bottle and hay in the box, so he can eat while he is inside. He's young and has plenty of time to learn..I am taking it real slow with him, because I know it will pay off..

He is using his LITTER BOX! WooHoo.:highfive:. I am so proud of my little munchkin butt boy.. He is still his lazy old self..Not much news on him.. He is getting a bit more playful I guess.. He is such a fat minded boy..He isnt fat, but he thinks fat..He thinks reallyy fat..lol..I put my hand in the cage to put his food bowl in and he starts licking my hand and nibbling on my knuckles.. The bowl hooks to the side so it takes a minute or two to get it on, and the whole time I feel him trying to move my hands. He is way too sweet..

Nothing to update on him at all..He is quiet, independent, but always mommys little boy..I love that he is only a bit bigger than my hand :) He seems so bored though-but when I leave him out, he doesnt go anywhere :( He just kind of bounces around in the same general area and doesnt like to move too much.. In his cage he sits in his hay bin and doesnt move around...But he is always the first to do tail spins when momma comes to the cages :hearts

I am still in my bathing suit..My eyes are on fire :|
I am probably not going to be on tomorrow.

We are running all over the place tomorrow and then by like 4:00 we have to be at the place..All the grandkids have to be at the Golf Club first to be able to meet all the guests and place them in their seats.. I cannot wait to see my grandparents reactions..They are like the complete opposite people two--but the cutest couple.
My grandpa is probably 6'1'' and my poor little grandma who is about 5'2''..But man oh man, I have never seen more sparkles in anyone elses eyes..When they look at each other, there is just this glow that no one else has... Every party we go to, they dance their butts off..They work SO hard to make everyone happy. They married at age 16, and had 3 kids by age 20...They are still young, 65 and 66...My grandpa works his butt off everyday-fixing things for my grandma, driving my grandma where she wants to go, shopping online for my grandma, doing the dishes, painting, EVERYTHING...He forced my grandma to stop working when she was about 30..He never wanted her to have to lift a finger. I have never seen a happier couple..

OH mannn, I just love them to pieces.. 50 years theyve spent together-->And we are throwing them a $16,000 surprise party..Balloons, flowers, centerpieces, 190 guests from Florida, Maine, and New York.. There are so many people coming, we had to reservehalf afloor at the Hilton.. Big family :)

Anyways--I need to go find my camera! I dont remember where I placed it..

Ten Things I Want To Do
-Have at least one child, ideally two
-Travel to Alaska
-Have a greenhouse and an awesome plant collection
-Learn to play guitar
-Travel to Europe
-Travel to Australia
-Have more bunnies
-Have more dogs
-Pay off all our debt
-Buy a second home/build our dream home

I'm already married and we bought our first house last year and we have a dog and a bunny. I have a BS and an MS. So a bunch of my stuff I wanted I've already accomplished. My big goal for the year is to get pregnant: I have some fertility problems though so that has been hard actually.

Fun game though, interesting to see what everyone's goals are.
February 22nd, 2010

This is the first time that I have found my blog on the second page of the Bunny Blogs part of the forum..

Sorry I have been gone.. I have been real busy the past few days.

We went to the party on Friday-which was amazing by the way.
But the after party was certainly a night to always remember.. Or forget depending on how intoxicated some friends got.

Saturday was a bit of a oh-my-god-why-is-the-sun-so-bright-i-need-sunglasses-motrin-and-a-comfy-pillow kind of day for us..But we made it to the hotel at 8 in the morning for breakfast with our gang from Maine..all of us quite hungover.

It was so much fun seeing everyone..
The DJ crowned me the Party Motivator because I got everyone out on the dance floor the whole night..Not leaving anyone behind.

Anyways--Vegas, is sick? I am not really sure..

I will be posting in the infirmary very shortly..
All my boys are good-everybody seems happy...

Gratie and Vegas keep trying to fight through the bars?! Gratie starts jumping all over the place, Vegas tries to jump over the fence piece that I put up to keep him away--its insane..Its a very scary situation...Both cages now get covered and a safe fence piece get put far enough back to keep them away from each other..

Poker is still my little baby--doesnt fight, bite, nothing..He is just wayyyyy toooo sweet..

I took alot of pictures today, but I probably wont get them up until tomorrow..I think we may have a 2 hour delay or even no school atleast 2 times this week--weather is looking bad..

I hope to chat with ya'll later.
Sebille and Fallow fight like that too through the bars...Sebi cause tested his luck a couple times and been bit
February 23rd, 2010

Vegas still seems a bit out of sorts-so I have been paying lots of attention to him..

Seems like I will be doing some RO news for a bit. :)

Gratie is acting a bit shy again, but deff warming up more and more.

I am getting my tattoo finished hopefully on Saturday..It is going in the wings of the tattoo I have on my lower neck on my back.. It is going to say:
Descansa en Paz Mija (Rest in Peace My daughter) and in the middle of the star(the tattoo I have is a star with a crown and wings) is going to be Roman Numerals for the date- 2.21.2009

I am going to call the vet RIGHT now..to see if I can get Vegas in..Even if he doesnt have any parasites or anything-I think he should be checked out..
Which means he is getting his bottom hair trimmed, nails cut, butt bath, and some good ol' lovin's from momma.

Thats it for now..Pictures are uploading.
I wish I could get my next tattoo..its of a chinchilla (I have a hamster and rabbit) but I have no money :(
It all goes to the darn animals! lol
Hahaa yeah Myia, most of my money goes to the pets and the baby--but luckily my mom knows how important my tattoo is for me and she is willing to pay for it. :)
February 23rd, 2010

Sorry, the pictures on not on here yet. My mom has had the computer fora bit now and Photobucket is not working for me.

Poor little chunky boy. I am worried about him..and the next available appointment is March 4th at 5:30--so off we go to the vet. It is only going to cost $95 for a wellness check-up as they call it..Which is no big deal, I want to make sure he is okay..
I have given him some simethicone as some told me to do-he didnt like it, he scratched and thumped and kicked and nipped..But its for him to get better, so its worth the scratches and bruises from him biting.. He is my little chunky boy and I dont want him to be sick-just like I dont want any of my bunnies to be sick. He is SO NOT lethargic..
At this very moment, his daddy is playing Call of Duty, and Vegas is happily sitting on his chest, getting in his face, and then trying to balance on the back of the couch(its against the wall so he isnt going to fall)..Everytime Peter moves-Vegas turns around and jumps on him...He really really likes being near Peter..He only likes me for the craisins I am sure of it.

So now his butt is in Peters face and he is exploring Peters PS3 remote..
and Now he jumps to the window sill and stares at me like-what are you typing about me ehh!? He just bunny flopped behind the couch on the window sill..He seems sooooo comfortable. He is too dang cute I cant stop loving him.
I just took a millionnn pictures!!!!!!!!!
February 24th, 2010

So, those long awaited photos--are uploaded to Photobucket..and NOW, you get to see them!!!!


Evan Playing Hide and Go Seek-Vegas was right around the corner.




Vegas didnt know how to get down after he got to where he was.


He looks like SUCH a baby bunny here.


I loveeee bunny feet!


I Play Too Daddy?


Momma, How Do I Get Down There?


Vegas stomped his front foot on the keyboard--DONT TELL THEM BAD THINGS ABOUT ME!!!


I need to get lots more of Poker and Gratie.

But Gratie is a trouble maker and bit me pretty hard, so he is in time out!
theres my favorite little boy! he is so cute!

. . . so um, when you putting him in the mail for me? i am ready for vegas to live with me now :p