BunHut Estravaganza

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March 9th, 2010

So..today was the first day since the 2nd month of school that I went to every class... Usually I dont go to something--and todayy I went to every class! EVERY CLASS!!!!!


Now I am all super excited and happy and I need to share;
For my birthday we are taking a Double Decker Hummer H2 Stretch limo--its only double decker because you can stand completely--its not 2 floors..

Anyways--we are taking it around the city--so a night on the town, well a night in the city sounds better...We are most likely booking about 24 people for12 hours.. We will stop at Dave and Busters for dinner, and maybe some other places..But the limo has a 6 seater outdoor VIP lounge, for Peter and I and his 4 friends--because his friends arent from the same school and town as me and my friends, I want them to be comfortable and not feel awkward with lots of new people around them--so they'll have a nice place to go and get away if they need to.. I made it quite clear to everyone that is going that if you mess up my party--you can figure out another way home because I will leave them there! Sounds rude, but I dont want any issues at my party..I said that there is strictly no alcohol and if anyone sneaks alcohol in and I find out about it, there will be problems.. It is going to be my night--and there is no way anything is going to go wrong... I know I sound harsh, but I am sure everyone understands :)|

And something else--I am now partners with Make Mine Chocolate :) :)
They will post my logo on their site and I will post theirs on mine..
Cool huh?

Soooo now it is off to make my lunch..I have some good bunny news but I will post tomorrow.
March 11th, 2010

Lots and lots going on.. From what I heard so far is that the fosters have someone interested in them---so cross your fingers that something good happens to them and that they get a really happy happy life...

Anyways--all my boys are great :) :) :) :) :) I really love them..

Vegas looks terrible-He is molting from the looks of it and his fur is very thin and very light...and it makes him look thinner which worries me...When he had all the fur I thought he looked a bit more chunky--but I think I will have to start getting some healthy weight put onto him..

Poker is still my cutie, but he is a bit weird about me being around him..a bit more skittish... Something scared him and I think that made him feel weird about me..Hmmph I dont know..
Going to the gym but I will be back to update here and do the news later.
March 14th, 2010

I went to Blue Seal Feeds and Needs yesterday...Wow.. I spend 13 dollars a bag for a small 10 pound bag of Oxbow..and yesterday I bought a 50 pound pag of Blue Seal Hutch 17 for only 12 dollars.. They had everything in that store!!!! Everything was amazingly priced and the service was great... Then I went to the tractor supply store and I was happy to see that they only sell 1 rabbit at a time.. Although I dont think they should sell any, I am glad they werent stocked full of rabbits in bad condition.. The rabbit had quite a nice cage actually..Big enough, got lots of ventilation, very clean, full water bottle, lots of food...It was nice that they actually took care of the rabbit..

Anyways--I havent been around as often because Evan had a bad cold..But he is over it now--getting better... But I am so bored today because Peter went pheasant hunting with my grandpa and some family friends--and I want to take the baby somewhere--but I cannot figure out where... I was thinking taking him on his first train ride to a little town where I can get a nice muffin and delicious coffee, and we can wander around--but we have had some bad winds and I dont want to be outside for too long, especially because he is just getting rid of the cold..

My bunsters are quite amazing!!!! :)
I am very proud of Gratie's new behavior.. am actually more surprised... He would be a perfect kids bunny now.. I think his attitude could have been when his hormones first kicked in or something--But no matter what, I am happy with his new behavior....

I am off for now--babyy is just waking up from an early nap..
March 17th, 2010


Today is my dad and my aunt's birthday! So I am leaving school early to go to lunch with them.. I havent spoken to my dad in a very very long time, and I hope that something clicks in his head that makes him see I am not as bad as he thinks..

So things have been hectic.. I have been in such a scramble. I finally talked to my guidance counselor about homeschooling and she was actually really willing to help me.

I have to update later and tell ya'll about the bunnies!!!!
March 17th, 2010

I had to cut it short earlier because the librarian needed to use the computer I was on..

Anyways--Vegas is doing really well---I am trying to plump him back up and with offering more food--it should work..

I am sorry if I seem not so excited in this post--its not everyday that you have to call a therapist and say that your mom needs help..
My mom is crazy.. She blames the fact my brother is in jail on me.. I mean she doesnt say 'Dillon wouldnt be in jail if it wasnt for you' or anything like that.. Its more like--"You stress me out so much and make everything worse on top of the fact your brother is in jail.." Her whole life revolves around Dillon.. Its all about him..

I cannot deal with this--I called this woman she meets with every other Tuesday and I told her that I really need her help..I need her to talk to my mom.. I have decided this is the last straw... Its like my whole life has been the game Jenga--she just pulled out the block that knocked everything over.. Everything just came tumbling down..

She yells at me every morning, screams at me for the smallest things, and complains that I stress her out because I hate school and that no one in her life is happy. and Blah Blah Blah..
What child doesnt hate school? and you know what--honestly--I LOVE SCHOOL! I just hate the getting up in the morning, dealing with terrible ADD and no medication--but does she try to understand where I am coming from when I say that I want to be homeschooled? NO! Its not just fun and games, I want to have a future, I want to make up all the credits that I missed so I dont have to graduate in 3050(three thousand fifty-not a typo).. I want to see myself having the life of my dreams, and I have no way to make up my missing credits in 2 months! Plus there is no summer school anymore. I cannot deal with this.. I have to meet with this Ada woman(the therapist) and she wants to ask questions and help my mom.. But the truth is, after today, I dont see any 'help' as the solution..

Poker is doing good--he is sooooo cute.. He is still shy, but we are working on it.

I dont get it--Gratie went from the worst little bunny to the best rabbit I have ever owned.. He is so sweet now and so calm, and very loving.. Those extra hours of playtime are paying off..

Fosters got a new cage... Its smaller.. Its 2 high 2 wide and 2 tall--the bottom paneled part is closed and they just have the top so I am not constantly bending over to get them out.. They seem to enjoy it.. it is very well supported and the cage floor is coroplast covered with this little area rug and they like that the sun shines in a bit during the day and they can get lots of fresh air (window is opened a bit)
They really love it..

Anyways--I am off and running.. See ya'll later.
Sorry huni I know this is hard on you. I wish I had so words of wisdom for you....umm, let me think :)...it will get better. I know that for sure.

I believe u need to experience the crud in life to really enjoy the good times, even if they r rare. U have my number and email if u need to talk
March 26th, 2010

Uff Sorry Ya'll I havent been around too much.. Just super busy with school and things like that.. All the bunnies are great and Gratie is HUGE! I do have pictures that I need to put on here but I am going out to dinner now, so I will try to get them up soon.. I also have all next week off so I will have plenty of time to get new pictures.
pOker wrote:
March 26th, 2010

Uff Sorry Ya'll I havent been around too much.. Just super busy with school and things like that.. All the bunnies are great and Gratie is HUGE! I do have pictures that I need to put on here but I am going out to dinner now, so I will try to get them up soon.. I also have all next week off so I will have plenty of time to get new pictures.
Thanks ya'll for keeping patient..

I keep promising pictures and not gtting them up here--soo i do apologize..I am very busy and I have so much on my plate--but ill be back soon I PROMISE
April 11th 2010

Resonding to Massie777---yes! He is ready and I would love to do it asap..Ill get to you when I am going to be heading over there.. Maybe in 2 weeks or so--so ill let you know.

Okay--So I havent been around.. I have spent 3 weeks in a pretty depressed state, and finally thought it was time to see a doctor.. He diagnosed me with a vitamin 'disorder'---and that caused my depression, widespread pains, and a bunch of other junk.... He gave me some vitamins to take and they havent done a thing, but the depression is slowly going away...

I got a car.. 2007 Dodge Nitro.. Its my baby :)
Speaking of babies--Evan is so big and talking more and more..
All my buns look great except Vegas' teeth are getting a bit long again, so we'll have to take him to the vet soon--they are not terrible and he is eating well..
Gratie is a monsterr!!!!!
April 12th, 2010

So I did not get to really give a great update so here goes:
Fosters--still need a home!!! They are truly in need of a new home and a family that can love them..
Gratie--he is a big boy..such a lovebun too.
Vegas-gaining weight slowly and steadily.. Looking better each day.
Poker--still shy, working with him.

The new car: Ohh jeez its beautiful :)
Evan:: as sweet as can be--NOT.. He is getting into that crazy terrible 2 time, andd I am dreading it..

I have really distanced myself from rabbits online, and I am not very happy about it.. I am in and out of the doctors office all the time because of my vitamin issues and lots more problems..

I do miss everyone, and I hope I havent missed anything too big..