BunBun dazed/confused - RIP BunBun :(

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My internet is going, my computer was being a butt :).

BunBun is the same, no change for the worse or the better. He is eating normally and toileting normally too. This lovely older man who lives across the road, Jim, came over and baby sat BunBun for me this morning while I wasn't feeling too good and adored him! He wants a rabbit companion of his own now. He's in his early 80's and feeling lonely.

Now I'm sick and I need a nice vet ;), I had a big headache this morning at 4am so took two nurofen plus on an empty stomach and I've been hanging around in the bathroom ever since :shock:. Starting to feel better now though after a nap. Those things are awefull! I was drowsy and dizzy and vommiting and felt like a train wreck.

Crappy 25th birthday to me :?.

Edited to add: Flashy, you made my day with that! You're so lovely and funny :D. What a cool person you are!
I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, sorry your tummy is sucky :( Stress won't be helping it either. Have mints and mint teas, they are great for stomachs.

I'm sorry Bunbuns is no better, but Its great he is no worse.

NZminilops wrote:
Edited to add: Flashy, you made my day with that! You're so lovely and funny :D. What a cool person you are!
People keep telling me I'm funny. I don't know if it's a good thing though, lol.
If anyone's still following this, BunBun passed away 10 minutes ago. He became lethargic and disinterested in eating or drinking very quickly, and seemed needy and wanted to sit on my lap and wouldn't sit anywhere else.

He passed quietly on my lap while I was sitting with him on the couch. I started to fall asleep and I assumed he was asleep too, but he was dying. He did not scream, or thrash about, and I'm glad for that. I dozed for a bit and when I woke, he was gone.

He'll be happy now with Lucky at the rainbow bridge.



Goodbye my sweetest, dearest little man. I will always love you. You held a special place in my heart that nothing or no one could or will ever touch. You were so wonderful. THE BEST bunny I could have ever hoped for. I remember the day when I first saw you for sale online and I knew you were going to be mine.

You're going to be so overjoyed to meet up with your Lucky my little man! I know how much you missed her. Go be with her - you have mummies blessing and love and you know that. You waited to pass till after my birthday, you knew I needed a day to feel cheerful again before I was hit with another blow. Thank you so much baby.

I had a lot of firsts with you. You were the first bunny I had neutered. I'd participated in other peoples rabbits being desexed, and my mother in law desexed a bunny for me when he stayed on at her place, but it wasn't the same. I was so proud of myself when I decided to spend that $90 getting you neutered rather than on some junk I didn't need.

You sprayed all over my face and danced around my legs, I hadn't ever had a bunny do that before either. I had my first

"I'm going to cry, I love rabbits so much!" moment with you.

I had my first true panic when I couldn't find you one day when you were little, and you'd run out the back door when it had blown open and went to the neighbours yard. Thank god you didn't stray too far and I found you very quickly.

You helped me learn what owning a rabbit was all about. I admit, I wasn't such a great rabbit owner before you came along. It was you and joining this forum that helped me so much. I know you'd say thanks to RO if you could.

I don't know what I'm going to do without you, my funny bunny. Right now it feels totally unreal. Your little body is wrapped in my favourite t-shirt and I just want to unwrap you and tell you to wake up, but I know you wont. I'm taking your little body to the vet to be examined, baby, I hope you don't mind. It's just your shell anyway and I know the bit that was 'you' is long gone. Still, I hope you don't mind.

I'm glad I took so many pictures of you. I wish I had talked about you more often to people though. They didn't really know you at all. I'm a bad mother in that regard. Oh, some friends on MSN liked to hear about you though and I would talk about you, that was always fun.

Sakura is gonna miss you too baby. She loved the little 'dates' you and she went on, even though she's not yet spayed and was a tad fiesty. But weren't you awesome!?! You didn't once even try to nip at her or anything. You treated her perfectly. I'm so proud of you!


[align=left]I have so much more to say about you and show everyone, but I will do it later when I'm not in so much shock.

It's not fair that you died, you were so young. Not even 2 yet!

I love you BunBun :hearts

Oh noooo.... This wasn't what I was expecting, I'm so very sorry Michelle. THis is so painful. I was just checking the thread again while working on a combo birthday/get well soon PM or post... and I see this...

I'm absolutely gutted, I can't imagine how you must feel.

So very very sorry... :sad:

:rip: BunBun...

sas :cry1:
Oh no :(

I was hoping that you would have good news today. I'm so sorry you lost him, but I am glad he was in the comfort of your arms when he crossed.

Oh, Michelle...I'm so so sad to hear that you lost your little boy. I've been continuing to follow the thread, and watching to see how he was doing...I'm so sad to hear that you lost him. :(

I hope you're doing okay. If you need someone to talk to, please try to contact me, ok? I know I'm really busy right now with moving, but I do care about how you're doing, so if I can respond, I will.

All my love to you,

Im so sorry Michelle.

I could tell just by his pictures, BunBun was a very special little man. His pictures just radiated. He looked like such a gentle soul.

I know how dearly you cared for him, and im so sorry you have to go through this pain.

I hope you take comfort in the fact that he was dearly loved, and now he will be with his soulmate.

Don't worry, they'll take care of eachother.

RIP Sweetie :rainbow:
Oh Chelle..

There's nothing to say when something like this happens, with someoneasspecialas BunBun, you're just left speechless. I am so hurt for you. BunBunis such a great little dude. BunBun issuch a happy and fun spirit, and I am so honoured to have gotten to know him. He was a true gem.

My love to you,

Binky free little guy, say hello to the bunnies up there for us, especially Lucky.

Oh no....I feel so numb reading this.

I'm so sorry. Words escape me right now - I think I'm going to go cry.

I am so sorry Michelle. You don't deserve this. :sad:

BunBun will be happy with Lucky. You gave him the best home any bunny could hope for.

RIP BunBun:bunnyangel:

I'm so sorry Michelle. There is nothing I can say because words are pretty hollow. Just know if you need me, you know where I am.

Thinking of you.

RIP Bunbun.

Im SO sorry Michelle I cant imagine how you are feeling right now. It sounds like he went peacfully and in the way we would like all our rabbits to pass over, in our arms and without pain, just falling asleep.

RIP little one
Oh No!. I was just reading Today on RO, and I saw Bo had posted about BunBun's passing.

I am so very sorry - we were all hoping he would make it. BunBun was such a special character, and he will be missed. I am pleased that he was snuggled with you when he passed - that must have comforted him a lot!

Thinking of you


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