Soooooo happy for you and Bucky!Vet just called - X-ray results came back clean as well!They're still waiting on the biopsy of the mass, but having the clean x-rays is a huge relief.
You are over the worst!

Soooooo happy for you and Bucky!Vet just called - X-ray results came back clean as well!They're still waiting on the biopsy of the mass, but having the clean x-rays is a huge relief.
Don't be in a hurry to get him a girlfriend, needs at least 4 weeks for hormones to adjust. Can the rabbit rescue do the bonding for you?Hey everyone! No pics today, was a busy weekend with my mom's birthday (and all of the family drama that comes with it!). Bucky's doing great, swelling has come way down and we just finished the meloxicam today. Only two more days of the enro!
Bucky is soooo sweet, I've always heard about how much stronger the bond gets when you take care of them through an illness but this is my first time really semi-intensively caring for one of my animals. Beeps had a crop infection once, but I was able to sneak his meds into his food so it wasn't as upsetting (mostly for ME, haha). Bucky's so forgiving it makes me tear up sometimes. Today, for example, I gave him his meds after a brief struggle, and right after he was pushing his head under my hand for pets and love.I love him so much. He'll be happy later to get his run time back!
Also... I'm in touch with a rabbit rescue nearby, calling later to make an appointment with some potential gfs. One of them is named Holly, she was a hutch bunny too so I think they'd have a lot in common, plus she's a rex and I just love rexes. The other is an agouti named Bella, who is SO FREAKIN' CUTE, and has been at the rescue for almost two years!!! She's only three pounds, too, she's just adorable. I'm totally torn over them, thankfully Bucky will make the decision and not me! Haha. Anyone have any rabbit speed dating experience? I keep going back and forth whether I should bring him in for a day and see who he likes best, or just fostering one at a time. He doesn't like car rides (can't blame him!), and with him being older I get worried about stressing him too much, but he does adapt pretty well and it would be much easier if he could pick his girl before we foster.
That’s just too precious!!!Good morning! Sorry for going MIA, it’s been one thing after another over here, haha. Bucky’s been amazing, demands pets now and if I don’t I get the thumps.He looooves having his cheeks rubbed!
For some reason his favorite spot to be pet is pancaked ON Priscilla.Last night he pancaked next to her for the first time, but by this morning he was back to using her as a massage chair.